Start it all over again.

Long time no see, Remember me?

Everything seems stop moving and feels warm. I don't know... during this winter season, I should be freezing. But not now... this moment. That sudden view cracked me up, I surprised with her presence. It's been awhile, huh? 

She's the only one who melt my cold heart. She's the only one who caught up my attention. She's the only one who can make my heart fliches everytime I'm with her. She's the only one... only one. Until one day I brought her to an accident. That night... that midnight after our date... I didn't mean to... I mean... who knows that a truck will crash our car in the midnight? 

Days later, I found her laying on her bed with her head bandaged. Her skin isn't as white as mine but at that time... she looked pale. pale as the snow... I swear she looked cold than ever and If I ever found her inside a white castle in winter, I would believe her as the Snow Princess, like her name... Noon, Winter. 

I feel bad at myself, I'm judging myself hard until I make a decision to leave her. Stay away from her because I thought that... If only we waited util the weather gets better then get home later, she wouldn't lost her memories. This is because of me... because of me....


And after 2 years, now.... I'm still looking at her, disbelieve. My eyes is softened and start tearing, I can't hold it up. I walk towards her slowly. She looked scared and stepped back slowly. She bite her bottom lip. I though she would run but no... she suddenly stop her step and softened her face, "Don't tell me who you are..." she murmured. I make a confused face, really confused about what she meant.

"I know... I know...." she murmured and look at me, giving a small smile to me. She turn back and walk straight to a sit near us, she take my hand and pull me with her. This hand... her tiny and soft hand... I touch them again. I hold her hand tight and rub it as we walk toward that sit. We sit down and still... our hands clutched. 

As we sitted, we still remain silent. Don't know how to start the conversation but our hands still clutched. 

"Know what?.... I was born 2 years ago." She suddenly break the ice between us. I turn my head facing her, our eyes met and we awkwardly laugh. "I don't know who you are... but you're always in my dream..." her voice softened.


After a few words spoken out from , everything's revealed. So we decided to walk around the park. Our hands clutched tighter than before. "Do you remember our first kiss under that three?", she suddenly blurted out. I surprised, she lost her memories 2 years ago but she remember that time. "How do you remember?" I ask her disbelieve. In seconds she smiled like an idiot and chuckles, " I saw them in my dreams" 


And then, everything taste sweet as candy. Her cold lips taste as sweet as strawberry. Under this mistletoe, we kissed.








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Chapter 3: awww what a sweet story <3
forgotten the memories but everything is in her dream >< awww beautiful!!!
oh this is nice~its starts with the guy's pov ;)