Winter in Winter.

Long time no see, Remember me?

I walked down the garden which already covered by snow, maybe because of last night.

Well, there was a snow storm last night. It was terrible and I didn't even dare to open the curtains in my room. I locked the door and turn off the lights. My phone, television, radio and air-con... everything's off-ah no, there's one thing I still switched on. It's a light sleeper which is snow patterned. everytime I scared in the dark, this lamp always calm me down. I don't know how but... somehow, I feel that this was given by someone.... But I don't know who...

I hugged the pillow on my bed, cuddling under my tick-snow patterned-blanket. The wind sounds massive, I try not to sleep. Because everytime I sleep during this weather or even in every winter... I always dreamed about the same person in many moments repeatedly.

There was me and ... a guy, a white-tall-cold face guy. We were watching a movie - I don't know what movie it is - and we sat side to side. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rest his head on my head. We're holding hands and we enjoyed our moment than the film. There are sooo many moments I dreamed with him - the unknown guy - but there's only one... bad dream I ever had... with him...

We were on our way to somewhere with a car when the snow storm happens. That time... he's holding my hands and keep on saying, "It's alright... everything's gonna be okay", "don't worry... I'm here" and some words that try to calm me down. I don't know why but somehow I feel that... this is why I lose my memories 2 years ago. And everytime he said, "Just hold my hand tight... cause if there anything bad happen, I'll always beside--"  

BAAM! everytime he said that line... everything seems blur and I'm awaken from my sleep. 


That's why... I try not to sleep. Until I suddenly fall asleep...



Today, I decided to walk around the garden near my house. I see bunch of kids attack on each other with snowballs. not only kids, but also some teenagers and adults. 

Somehow, I love winter. Not because of my name - Noon - means winter, but because... The first thing I see after I awake from my sleep at 2 years ago is the snow. I open my eyes and I saw a tiny small thing fall down from the sky slowly. And.... maybe... one of my memories... with him. 


DAGG! I feel something hit my shoulder, it hurts. not really bad but... it hurt. I my right shoulder and winced in pain. 


"I'm sorry! I'm actually want to-", as soon as I turn my body back, he freezed.


Wait.. no way... this guy... he's ... 




He's... that guy in my dream...



Until I hear he mumblered something, "Noon..." 



Noon? he knows me? 

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Chapter 3: awww what a sweet story <3
forgotten the memories but everything is in her dream >< awww beautiful!!!
oh this is nice~its starts with the guy's pov ;)