oo9: I Guess We're Together?

Sweet Little Kisses.

Kim Park & Kang Daesung
Ft. Kwon Ji Yong

Make Love - Big Bang

Written by Sunny_Yunny/Miko



Kim looked at him talking to his friends' from her seat.

She sighed; Kang Daesung.

"Hey, you look cute today," her frind Ji Yong told her as he sat next to hers.

"Gomawau," she told him in monotone.

"What's with you?" he asked her.

"I'm in love with a densed babo," she told him as she dropped her head on the desk.

"Oh geez, for how long?" he asked as he begined tapping his fingers against the desk.

"For a long time," she told him.

"Gosh, if you did you should've told me sooner." Ji Yong smiled.

"Dream on," Kim laughed at him. "Not you.

"Oh," Ji Yong frowned.

"Daesung," Kim sighed.

"Oh, him."

"Yeah, and I don't even know if he feels the same way." Kim told him as Daesung glanced at her with a smile.

Kim smiled back as another girl passed him, giving Daesung a smile that Daesung replied with his.

"Well I can help you," Ji Yong offered.


"I can help you to see if Daesung likes you." Ji Yong told her.

"Seriously?" Kim asked.

"Yeah," he smiled.

"Gomawau!" Kim hugged Ji Yong, Ji Yong hugged back.

"Well, I should start now." Ji Yong kissed her cheek.

"Hey!" she slapped him on the arm.

"Hey, I'm just checking to see if his jealous or not. If he is he likes you." he told her as he pulled Kim onto his lap.

"Woah, his not even looking." Kim told him as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Yes he is, look." Ji Yong told her.

Kim turned a little and saw that Daesung was looking at them with a blank expression.

"Pretend to kiss me." he told her.

"You wish," Kim pushed him but he pulled her closer.

"Fine, than I'll do it." he lightly cupped her face pulled his lips down onto hers when someone slammed their hand on the desk.

Ji Yong and Kim turned to see Daesung smiling at them.

"What's up?" Daesung smiled.

"Nuthing much, you?" Ji Yong asked.

Kim was paralyized by Daesung's appearance next to them.

"Going to a club, wanna come?" Daesung looked straight at Kim.

Kim nodded.

"Cool," Daesung grinned.

"So, we're ditching the study session here?" Ji Yong asked.

"Yup," Daesung nodded. "Come on," he grabbed Kim's hand.

Kim followed, her heart sped as she looked down at the hand in Daesung's hand.

She screamed inside. Kim turned to see Ji Yong looking up at the ceiling as he followed. When she caught his eyes she smiled, but he looked away.

What's his problem?


"Wow, this place is loud!" Kim screamed over the music.

"Yeah! But it's fun!" Daesung screamed back as his friends dragged him to the dance floor.

Kim watched him go laughing.

"Yah," Ji Yong tapped her shoulder.

"Hm?" Kim asked.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.


"Yeah...you know in front of him."

Kim thought about it.

"Just to test right?" Kim asked.

"Er, yeah." Ji Yong nodded as he took Kim's hand and led her toward the dance floor.

Ji Yong pressed his body against Kim and started grinding against her.

Her face flushed as Ji Yong made his way behind her, he settled one hand on her waist and the other by his side. He brethed down on the back of her neck as he and Kim swayed together by the music.

Daesung watched them while dancing with his friends. HE wanted to wiped that smile off of Ji Yong's face. Since when did those two started dating?

Daesung frowned as he watched Ji Yong grinding against Kim, sliding his hands down on her waist and hips as he danced around her.

He finally decided to interfere. Daesung danced his way toward Kim and Ji Yong.

Kim smiled when she saw Daesung dancing in front of her. He offered his hand and she took it.

Daesung spinned Kim away from Ji Yong and pressed his body against hers as he danced with her.

Ji Yong glared. He made his way in behind Kim as Daesung and Kim were chest to chest.

Kim was suprised when she felt Ji Yong's hands on her shoulder.

She was the meat in a sandwich or what do people say? ?!

Kim's face flushed crimson red as the three danced, she felt embrassed and nervous.

When the music ended the three parted.

Daesung and Ji Yong glared at each other as Kim excused herself to go tothe bathroom but just sat on the hall.

"What the heck!?" Kim shouted.

"You okay?"

Kim quickly got up.

"I'm fine," she told Daesung.

"Sooo, since when did you started dating Ji Yong?" Daesung asked her as he leaned against the wall.

"I'm not," she told him.

"Well he seems to think you two are." he told her as he walked toward her.

Kim took a step back whenever he took a step foreward. They kept on going like that until Kim was pressed against the wall. Daesung putted his hands against the wall like a cage and lowered his face toward Kim.

"Do you like him?"

"N-no." she told him.

"Do you like me?"


"Do you like me? Because," he locked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "I like you."

"Really?" she asked.

"If I didn't, would I do this?" Daesung kissed her lips.

Kim was paralyzied.

"Do you like me?" he asked again between the kisses.

"Y-yes." she stuttered.

Daesung smiled as he kissed down her neck.

Kim felted as if it was 116 degrees in here.

Daesung made his lips back to Kim's as she parted hers. His tongue explored inside hungryly as he pressed his body against hers.

Kim locked her arms around Daesung's neck as Daesung slided one hand into her back pocket as the other slided inside her shirt.

He played around with the clip of her bra as he nibbled on her neck.

"Ah," Kim giggled.

Daesung smiled as Kim locked her legs with his as he grinded against her.

Ji Yong wondered around looking for Kim, he wanted to tell her that his not helping her anymore.

That he couldn't when he was in love with her.

He walked toward the bathroom when he heard a moan.

Ji Yong took one step back thinking it was the floor, but it wasn't wood so it couldn't be.

He kept on walking when he saw them grinding against each other against the wall.

Kim slowly opened her eyes and saw Ji Yong watching them.

"Ji Yong-ah,"

Daesung stopped as turned.

"Mianh," Ji Yong grinned. "I was just coming to tell you that my mom called. I need to head home now." he lied.


Guess he was too late.


Kim and Daesung walked home together.



"So...I guess we're together?" Daesung grinned at Kim.

Kim smiled back, "Yeah."

Daesung grinned wider as they stopped at the door of Kim's house.

"I'll see you tomarrow." she told him as she reached for the door.

"Kim?" he called her.

"Hm?" she turned around.

Daesung lightly kissed her on the lips. "Good night."

"Good night," Kim smiled.


I don't know if that was good >.< I at rated stories xD


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Sarapyon #1
I just applied in your other oneshot collection ^~^ And aw I hope you'll continue to write your oneshots here *O*<br />
<br />
I'm still here to support you ^^ FIGHTING~~~
im just applied<br />
rainibab0 #3
aw. it was getting cuter then it end T_T<br />
but i imagine key looking funny :/
NerdyJae #4
Hello, I was going through my request forms and noticed that you don't have the poster up due to a mishap that was going through in tinypic. If possible could you please relink. Thank you. And sorry for the inconvenience.<br />
Poster: <br />
cute Christmas magic :) (ch 23)
rawkabette #6
hyunseung! lol they are oddly cute <br />
at first i was thinkin poor hyunseung but then i remembered hes jus as 4d as she is
LOLOLOL.<br />
That oneshot is kind of ironic...<br />
I have a character with the exact same name in my story...<br />
and she's also paired up with Hyunseung.<br />
Applied too!! Hopefully you got it.<br />
Looking forward to the updates. :D ♥
Mochilla #9
:DD I love it ;DD Thank you for writing the oneshot! <3
ChemicalLuvs #10
I've applied ^^