March, 2011

Epithelial Tissue


“I don’t think Tom Robinson is the only ‘Mockingbird’.”

My opinion was hesitant, not sure whether it was formed from facts or assumptions. Mr Humphries, my English Literature lecturer, nodded his head, urging me to go on.

“I think that Lee was trying to put forward the idea that Mayella was a ‘Mockingbird’ too. You can’t help the family you’re born into. Society labels you from the start and restricts you; she couldn’t be a respected citizen of Maycomb if she wanted to.” I paused for a dramatic effect. “Maybe we’re all victims – to prejudice. It’s even worse because we’re all judges ourselves. We are society, right? That’s almost... Hypocritical.”

He broke into a huge grin, and Jongup turned to look at me, silently mouthing ‘Who are you sometimes?’ Mr Humphries wrote ‘who is right, Mayella or Tom? To what extent?’ in huge letters on the chalkboard. “I want to see that in your essay. Along with contextual evidence. There’s more examples of this in the chapter with Miss Gates, talking about democracies.” He nodded. “I think you’re getting the hang of this. Observe everybody. Original ideas! Well done Junhong.”

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There's only one chapter left to post~


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I feel so confused .--.
bornbigbang1 #2
Chapter 18: Update this please!!
gwisoon #3
Chapter 18: I LOVED YOUR WRITING and the story is such a perfect one!
I'd like to know what happened to Junhong but if you write a sequel then we'll know he chose the one to go back to his life and there's no joke on it >.<
I loved it.
Chapter 18: I think Junhong died :D If not now, then some other time.
sorry guys, but my logic says that every person alive will go to hell, cuz there is no door to heaven.. ._.
Live as many lives you want.. Heck you'll end up in hell.
Good luck there, Zelo.
Fusspott #5
Chapter 18: I loved this toooooo <3 Such creative writing style~
ShimEunKae #6
Chapter 18: Sequel!???????????? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase I beg you :( we need more. What happen to Junhong!? And bang?
Chapter 18: Sequel pls! +.+
ShimEunKae #8
Chapter 17: waitttttttt i am so confused now, is this one before the first December 2012?( we have 2 DECEMBER2012s here, if u get what i mean) i don't want them to break up nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo poor yongguk :( if junhong still feels like he needs to take care of him and be there for him, that means you still love him you dumbas/s! the last sentence scares me, i don't like it when pple say things like that TT
Chapter 17: Oh god! Junhong is kinda selfish! when he needs him he must be there but when he doesn't he throws him away!