05 March

Anything Random


Today is the day, the day when Jonghyun was visiting me for the first time. Last time we met, in real life.

I was going to visit Seoul where my hyung lived and the train was full to say the least. I pushed passed the people that were hanging on to the racks. Squinting my eyes i searched for a place to stand or sit, the only room was the seat next to man who was reading a romantic book (that I read just two week ago) and sipping his steaming coffee with his cuitcase claiming the room next to him. It was kind of nerve racking because he was really good looking and he my type at first glance.

I huffed and walked up him "Umm if you don't mind, can I sit here?" I asked politely, using as much respect as I can to get the sit.

"Ah yeah sure, go ahead!" he smiled moving his suitcase closer to himself.

He was really interesting, talking to me when he gave up on his book because it gave him a headache. Asking me what music, songs and colours I liked which of course I gladly and truthfll answered. When the train stopped he gave me his email address telling me to contact him and that he as looking foreward for us being friends. Yes, we did become friends on Skype and online chats but it wasn enough because clearly we wanted more. So it turned into a long-distance relationship, i asked him to move and he asked me to move but somehow it didnt work. 

"Mum! Why won't you let me move to Seoul?" I asked, clearly not denying the conversation.

"Because you still have school at Daegu and you need to live under my supervision" my mum replied.

"But I can live with Jinki Hyung!" i spoke as a matter of fact. "and I can just move schools" I continued.

"Well your hyung isn't going to cook you all the nutrients you need and he's busy with his lawyer work" 

"I can cook for myself"

"Kibum, end of conversation. Im not letting you go, Im sorry darling" 

Jonghyun couldn't move here to Daegu either, he had better opportunities being a singer at Seoul and he hasn't quite finished his degree.We even had a fight on the phone and trust me, it wasn't nice because I was cursing most of the time and Jonghyun's anger explodes when it comes to Kibum being a naggy about his life.

"Can't you just give up on your stupid dream and live here?I pleaded, not completely aware of Jonghyun's feelings at the moment.

"Kibum it's not a stupid dream" Jonghyun spoke, quite offensed.

"Well, it's not like you're going to make it anyways, so why waste your time trying to fit in the music industry when you can just live with me?"

"Well, it's not as easy at it seems and thank you for your unpleasant words."

"Jonghyun, just give-"

"Shut the up, Kibum! You of all people, should understand me!"

It wasn't nice after that, the week consist of me calling Jonghyun countless times and on the last day of the week my voicemail included me sobbing and apologizing numerous times. He did forgive me, not fully though.

"Kibum!" a voice shouted over the crowd, I looked around and I saw him, waving his arms around.

"Jongie!" I shouted, running to him and then jumping on him, my legs and arms wrapped around him.

"Hey" he breathed, catching me in reflex, totally expecting it from a hyperactive boyfriend like me.

"How was your trip?" I asked.

He didn't answer me instead he kissed me and my first kiss couldn't be any better on this day of March because it was just absolutely beautiful.





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porkypanda48 #1
Chapter 8: Chapieee 8 is just asdfghjkl. Neomu jowahae~~~ I can imagine Ones being adorkable! >>.<< BTW, I love how you write, author-nim Hwaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! ;))
Chapter 8: I love fluffy stories! Thank u author-nim for writing cute stories! I love all the chapters!!! Your good at writing stories!! :D <3... I'll sub!! :)
You're my favourite writer, so anything you write seems to be amazing :))
eunhaeshipper15 #4
Chapter 8: And to think I was prepared for all the angst and stuff .___. Well I'm glad it wasn't real /whew/ :)
Chapter 8: Oh god, Dubu is the best here. seriously xD
Chapter 7: Oh my seriously these fluffy stories are giving me so many feels. I love them ^^
Sunny_Afternoon #7
Chapter 5: Omg that was too fluffy! I wish it had been longer XD
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 5: this chapter should be a full fanfic... I loved it!!
Sunny_Afternoon #9
Chapter 4: omg write one where they ____ in the car, or the kitchen counter lol :P