Meeting the Deadliest

The Beast Inside {HIATUS}

Jihyun was walking into the back alley behind the cafe. It was dark, cold and icy. As Jihyun walked up to the doors of a cafe she felt an icy wind behind her. She turned around to see who it was, but no one was there. She curiously walked deeper into the back alley. Trying to find the mysterious being. Once she reached a dead end, some one grabbed her shoulder. Jihyun turned around and slapped the person in the face. The person let out a growl. Jihyun's eyes widened as his face was revealed under the street light. His face was white, but his hair was a bloody red. His red eyes were sharp, icy and were like lasers staring through your soul. "Your going to regret that..."

Jihyun backed up against the wall and closed her eyes tightly. He suddenly pinned her against the wall preventing her to move anywhere. The man leaned near your ear and whispered "Do you believe in monsters?” You stared at him with wide eyes. "What?! Do I scare you?” With a smirk on his face he immediately dug his fangs into her neck and drank her blood until the very last drop.

Jihyun immediately woke up from her dreadful dream. It was 5 am. She wasn't able to get any sleep from still thinking about what happened that night. *God... How am I going to sleep now... Uh.... Maybe I’ll call Guk oppa... But... I don't think fire foxes are like vampires though... Do they sleep at this time?* Jihyun shook her head, trying to get rid of her curiosity.

"Maybe I'll just go for a coffee or something..." Jihyun told herself. She got up from her bed and quietly slipped on a pair of sweats and her hoodie. She quietly snuck out of her house and headed towards the nearest cafe. "I wonder if their open at this time..." She mumbled. Luckily it was open. She entered the cafe and made her way to the counter.

"What can I get you?" The waitress asked.

"Uhh... One mocha late please~? Oh with lots of whip cream too!" Jihyun said. She reached into her pocket, but realized that she forgot her wallet. Her face palmed herself and she cursed herself under her breathe.

"I'll pay for her." She heard a voice tell the waitress. Jihyun looked up to find a cute boy smiling at her. She awkwardly gave him a smile back.

"Would you like to sit with me? Well... If you don't mind me asking, right?" The boy asked as he retrieved the two drinks. Jihyun hesitated a little before she said yes. She awkwardly followed the boy to one of the tables. The boy pulled out one of the seats and sat in one of the other chairs.

"Uhh... Thank you... " Jihyun said as she took her seat.

"It's nothing~" the boy said as he took a sip of his drink. Jihyun slouched in her seat and sipped on her drink. The two didn’t say anything for a while.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"Ummm... Kim Jihyun..." She said.

"My names Xiah Junsu. It's nice to meet you." Junsu said as he held his hand out. Jihyun leaned forward and shook his hand, but shivered a little at how cold his hands were.

"Are you okay?" Junsu asked.

"Uhh...y-yeah... It's j-just cold in here..." Jihyun stuttered. Junsu stood up from his seat and took his jacket off and put it on her.

"Thank you..." She said.

"You thank me too much. You owe me later you know?" Junsu smirked.

"I owe you?! No wait…What do I owe you? That's what I should ask." Jihyun asked. Junsu his a little and eyed her up and down. Jihyun quickly covered herself.

"YA! ARE YOU A ERT?!" She shrieked and stood up from her seat.

"I'm not a ert-" Junsu said but cut off.

"Don't act as if your innocent Junsu." Another guy said.

"Oh Micky hyung, Jaejoong hyung. Hi!" Junsu greeted them. Jihyun looked over her shoulder to find herself stating at two handsome guys. One had long black wavy hair and was very tall. The other one had short hair that was a dark bloody red. Jihyun sprung from her seat and pointed to the one with short hair.

"You! I saw you in my dream!" She exclaimed.

"Nice to know you were dreaming about me." He said plainly.

"Anyways~ Junsu introduce us to this fine piece of flesh." The long haired one said. Jihyun stared at him with disgust.

"So Jihyun. The one with long hair is Micky hyung. And the pretty looking girl-" he said but was cut off when the other one glared at him.

"As I was saying. The pretty BOY is Jaejoong, the one you dreamed of. He’s the leader of JYJ." Junsu finished.

"JYJ? That means you guys are vampires?!" Jihyun whispered. Jaejoong stared at her with a surprised expression.

"How do you know that?" Micky asked.

"Well~ this guy over here~ crashed my best friends car... In that back alley behind a café." Jihyun pointed at Jaejoong.

"Oh~ your friends with that fire fox right?" Junsu asked.

"Yeah..." She confirmed.

"Wait! Shouldn't we have killed her back there?" Micky asked s. Jihyun immediately hid herself under the jacket.

"I would... But she wasn't what I caught..." Jaejoong said.

"Well... Why does that stop you from wanting to not drink my blood?" Jihyun asked.

"I didn't catch you myself. You aren't my fresh catch. I like my humans fresh. And why? You want me to take your blood?" Jaejoong scoffed ad rolled his eyes. Jihyun shook her head.

"Well... Who's catch is she?" Micky asked.

"I don't know..." Jaejoong said.

"Well I don't care! I call dibs!" Junsu yelled as he wrapped his arms around Jihyun's neck. Jaejoong quickly grabbed you out of Junsu's grip and blocked you.

"We can't kill this one..." Jaejoong said.

"Why?!" Micky and Junsu yelled in unison.

"I-I just have a feeling about her..." Jaejoong said with a irritated face. Jihyun’s face flushed a little from Jaejoong’s touch. Junsu sat back down in his seat, and Micky pulled one up beside him.

"You didn't tell anyone right?" Micky asked.

"Sadly I couldn't... " Jihyun said in irritation.

“Good…But now since you know we are…what we are… and since you are the first human to know real monsters…We will let you live…But I guess you can say…You’re our prisoner…” Jaejoong said as he the gem on his Rosario.

((This is how JYJ's rosario looks like.))

“I’m your prisoner? So what are you going to do. Lock me up in a dungeon?” Jihyun questioned.

“More like… haunt you…But hyung I think we should consider a-” Junsu said, but once Jaejoong slammed the table he shut up.

“You’ll see…” Jaejoong got up from his seat and headed towards the doors. Junsu and Micky followed him. Jihyun was still hiding behind Junsu’s jacket. She was so frightened from the thought of what they would do to her, she ended up zoning out.

“Umm… Excuse me miss, would you like a refill?” a waitress asked her.




“Excuse me~ mam!”

“W-what?…Oh sorry… I’m fine…” Jihyun finally replied.

“Are you okay mam?” The waitress questioned as she examined her pale face.

“Uhh…yeah…I’ll just get going…” Jihyun got up and bowed. She walked out of the café and back to her place.

~~ At Home ~~

“JIHYUN!!!!” Hyuna said as she ran to her sister.

“I was so worried!” Hyuna continued. She pat her sister down, examining her if she was attacked.

“I’m fine… where’s Guk oppa?” Jihyun asked.

“He’s eating breakfast.” Hyuna said as she hugged her sister.

“Anyways~ I have something I want to tell you too~” Hyuna said as she dragged Jihyun into the kitchen.

“Hey Jihyun.” In Guk said with his mouth full.

“Hey oppa.” Jihyun replied.

“Okay! So guys I got a huge surprise for you two~” Hyuna announced. The two eyed each other and then looked back at Hyuna.

“You guys…………Are going………”Hyuna said.

“JUST SAY IT WOMAN!!!!” Jihyun bursted out.

“OKAY! GOSH! You guys are going to attend Seoul college!” Hyuna said. In Guk and Jihyun’s jaws dropped.

“WHY!?” the two said in sync.

“Because I know you guys didn’t attend yet~ So I enrolled you guys~” Hyuna joyfully said. In Guk put on a poker face while Jihyun was fuming. Hyuna happily skipped passed the two and up stairs.

“Guk oppa…What the ……” Jihyun mumbled. In Guk nodded. As In Guk looked back at Jihyun, his jaw dropped again.

“Who’s jacket’s that?” He asked.

“Huh? What jacket-” Jihyun said as she realized that she still had Junsu’s jacket. She started to become more irritated.

“AH ! I ran into those JYJ vampire guys… One of them was being a flirt and he gave me his jacket……” She explained. She began searching through his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper. ‘Keep the jacket. Next time we see you I expect you to be wearing it…or else wish you perfect life good bye ;)’

The note read. Jihyun crumbled it up and chucked it. She dropped the jacket and lazily made her way upstairs.

“Oppa… I’ll be upstairs if you need me. Okay?” Jihyun said. In Guk grew curious about the note so he picked it up and read it. In Guk smirked a little. *So its like that now. Don’t worry Jihyun…I’ll protect you*


Hello~~~ So this is the meeting between The deadliest group JYJ!!!! KEKEKE sorry it took me a while to post this but my stupid brother was hogging my laptop. I hope I'll be able to post all my stories soon but my new semister is I hope i can still update. Anyways remember to comment, subscribe and vote XD

oh and read my other fanfic if you like ~ and rickjoe~XD

Thanks for reading~

(click the pic~ :3)


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Chapter 4: awesome update soon~
Chapter 3: ~update soon ^^
nobody likes hyuna :"( i want someone to like hyuna please like the story i like it put please put someone to like hyuna lol