Foolish Love


“Who is that tall guy?”

“How come he is so close with Baekhyun-sshi?”

“I’m jealous!”

Baekhyun felt himself smaller as he felt many confused pairs of eyes on him and his new friends. Chanyeol placed his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. He heard people whispering, both good and bad things, yet Chanyeol’s smile stood high on his lips.

Baekhyun stared at his lunch that Kyungsoo had brought him. Kyungsoo, himself, was occupied with stealing glances at Jongin with pink blush covering his cheeks. Baekhyun smirked when he saw his best friend’s not-so-secret attempts to get closer to the boy.

Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun, just in time to see his lips curve upwards. Heat rushed up to his cheeks, an unknown feeling of wanting to be closer to the older craving up into his mind. He followed Baekhyun’s eyes to see what he was looking at, only to smirk at realization. He leaned closer to whisper into the boy’s ear. “You think there’s something going on between them?”

Baekhyun froze when he felt Chanyeol’s hot breath hit his neck. He nodded, eyes still locked onto Kyungsoo. The said boy turned to look at his hyung. Baekhyun winked and smirked, not-so-innocently. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, if possible, as a dark red shade found its way onto his face.

Chanyeol’s heart skipped a beat when Baekhyun winked; his body tickled, he felt like he was flying. He placed his hand on his forehead, feeling his temperature. Am I getting sick?


Baekhyun limped forward in the hallway. He opened his blue-painted, metallic locker and placed his books in it, making sure that they were in order, and looked around him. If he had counted the time right, Minseok should pass by soon. It hardly took ten seconds before Minseok, or Xiumin as everyone called him, scooted trough the hallway with a book in his hands. Baekhyun smirked and shut his locker.

“Xiumin-hyung!” he called and started limping after the said boy. Xiumin lifted his gaze up from his book, which Baekhyun noted to be 50 Shades of Grey. He waited for Baekhyun with a smile on his lips.

“What happened to you, Baekkie?” he asked, concerned. Baekhyun waved it off, saying that he just fell.

“Hey hyung,” he begun as they walked next to each other in a slow pace. “What do you think about Jongdae?”

Xiumin looked into the deep blue sky. “He’s a really close friend to me.” he stated and adjusted his pink beanie on his mullet.

“Would you maybe want to be some more with him?” Baekhyun questioned casually, as if it was something that he asked every day. Minseok froze as a light shade of pink made its way onto his chubby cheeks. “W-what?” he stuttered.

Baekhyun stopped and turned to look at Xiumin. “You heard me.” he stated. Xiumin stared at his sneakers, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

He stayed quiet a few minutes before nodding his head. “I-I think I like him…” he whispered, eyes fixed onto Baekhyun. The younger smiled.

“I knew it.” he stated and continued to limp to the front door.

“Promise you don’t tell anyone!” Xiumin shouted after him, earning a chuckle from the younger one. Baekhyun chuckled and waved his hand before pushing the door open and got greeted by fresh air.


Baekhyun stared into the dark sky and inhaled some of the sour air. It was one of those evenings when he just wanted to stare at the stars and get his mind cleared. He let out a sigh, his breath turning into steam. A lot happened today, he thought as he shifted his leg. It didn’t hurt anymore, but the bandage itched once in a while. He felt an urge to take it off and make Chanyeol to wrap it again. He shook his head with a smile on his features. So Minseok-hyung and Jongdae have something going on? Kyungsoo and Jongin also.

He sighed again and shivered. He shifted his coat and let his arms rest on his chest. He leaned against the wall of their bakery. Not many people passed by, only showing that it was already late in the evening. An aunt rushed home with her hands filled with groceries.

A figure stepped outside of the bakery, his hands filled with two cups of steaming chocolate. Kyungsoo sat down on the bicycle stand next to Baekhyun. He handed one of the cups to the older one and brought his own to his lips. He sipped carefully and smiled as the warm liquid filled his insides.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Kyungsoo asked. Baekhyun hummed in response and sipped from his own drink. Sweetness overwhelmed his taste buds, just like he liked it. A sigh escaped his lips again, this time in satisfaction.

Kyungsoo shifted his gaze onto the older one. “How come you know Chanyeol?” he asked and brought the cup to his lips again. Baekhyun’s smile became brighter at an instant as he recalled to their moment at the nursery. He told Kyungsoo the whole story, leaving out the part how the other one had called him cute.

Kyungsoo nodded in response. “So that’s why he was stuck onto your side.” he mumbled. Baekhyun sipped again as he remembered something.

“Oh yeah Kyungie. What’s going on between you and Jongin?” Kyungsoo spit in surprise. He shifted on his seat uncomfortably.

“W-what do you m-mean?” he stuttered, only to reserve a suspicious look from Baekhyun.

“Oh come on! I saw how you stared at him!” the older one stated. Kyungsoo’s face grew a few shades redder in an instant.

He sighed and fixed his gaze onto the sky. “I’ve liked him for a while now.” he admitted. Baekhyun looked at him and motioned him to continue.

“We met already in junior high. At that time, he was already popular. He acted like a total douche to everyone – even girls. He didn’t know where the line went, so he just continued until it was too late to go back.”

Baekhyun stared at him, eyes big with surprise, as he mumbled something that sounded like ‘Jerk’.

“Then one day, I had to bring some supplies to our biology teacher. My hands were filled with books, maps and other things. Somehow I slipped and hit something. That something turned out to be Jongin – or Kai as he went at that time. He asked if I was alright and for once, he actually was kind. I don’t know if it was because we were alone or if it was something else. He helped me carry the supplies to our teacher and made sure that I got safely back home. I think I fell for him then.” Kyungsoo finished and sighed. He took a long sip from his cocoa.

Baekhyun nodded. “I think I understand you.”

They stayed like that for a while, in a comfortable silence. 

Sorry, I've been buzy with school :) seriously, how can a person do three projects in one week?

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Chapter 5: Update please ^~^
920506 #2
Chapter 5: Oh cute story keke

I want more o(≧o≦)o
Chapter 4: ahh I will wait for the next! :>
Chapter 3: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ urwlcome ^^
awwwww channie already feel it!
Chapter 2: dear..you got half of the chapter re-copying T.T
aaaah i hope when the ball hit baekhyun,his story will begun!!!