You were in the funeral of Donghae, you were upstairs crying.

YOU: Donghae, why did you leave me? I thought that you don’t want to leave me! You are the one who promise me that you’ll make me happy.

                Meanwhile, at the hospital, Yesung was there. Yesung was the first one to be rescued and it took hours to rescue Donghae. Yesung was not yet awaken.

SIWON: Yesung, wake up. Father is worried.

                After 3 days, Donghae’s body was buried. Back the hospital, Yesung is slowly moving his fingers.

SIWON: Doctor!

                Kangin Came.

KANGIN: it’s a miracle! He lived!

                Yesung open his eyes.

YESUNG: mwo!? Who are you!?

SIWON: yesung, I’m Siwon, Your father.

YESUNG: father!? Me!? Yesung!?

SIWON: what happened, Doc?

KANGIN: maybe he hit his head to something that’s why he had an amnesia.

SIWON: you are Yesung.

YESUNG: anio! I’m Donghae. You must be mistaken, Ajussi.

                Donghae  turn around and saw that his face was not his.

YESUNG: ahh!!!!! *falls asleep*

KANGIN: don’t worry, he is just shock from what happened

SIWON: who is Donghae?

                Siwon search it but couldn’t find. He contact Saehyun.

SIWON: Saehyun!


SIWON: do you know Donghae?

SAEHYUN: *gulp* Dong….hae..??

SIWON: yes?

SAEHYUN: ne… he was my sister’s girlfriend, wae?

SIWON: well, nothing. Just asking. Yesung just called Donghae’s name.

SAEHYUN: he was dead.

SIWON: dead!?

SAEHYUN: ne, I must go Mr. Siwon. *turns off phone*

                Saehyun was shaking.

SAEHYUN: how could he know Donghae!?

YOO-IH: is that you future father-in-law before?

SAEHYUN: ne, he just asked who is Donghae.

YOO-IH: why worried? He doesn’t know why Donghae was dead. By the way, you have to prepare yourself to be on jail.

YOU: Saehyun-unnie….

                Yoo-Ih and Saehyun turn.

YOU: why? *crying*

SAEHYUN: what is it!?

YOU: why did you killed him!?

SAEHYUN: I don’t want to kill him, he was not my target, it was you! I planned to kill you but Yoo-Ih is stopping me that time that’s why the car drove backwards!!!

YOU: why do you always hate me!?

SAEHYUN: because all of the attention comes to you. All the handsome boys are courting you!

YOU: but, you have them as your boyfriend.

SAEHYUN: ne, but they are the ones who broke up with me after 1 week! They always say that you are better than me! I don’t like that! comparing to someone! I want to be better than you! I want you gone in my life!!

                Minna heard it and slap Saehyun.

MINNA: how dare you to do that to my daughter!? Remember, that I only adopt you! You should respect me!

YOO-IH: adopted!?

MINNA: ne, I adopted her I saw her in front of the door while _____ is not yet born. I took care of you. I show love to you! You didn’t appreciate them all! You always slacking off, go to nonsense parties and taking _____’s admirers. You always ruining her life!

                You were shocked by what your mother said. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Donghae can’t still believe that he is another’s body.

DONGHAE: God, is this the body I asked for? Thank you. I’ll try to make it up for ___________.

SIWON: son, are you okay?

YESUNG: yes, father. Can you tell me my past life?

SIWON: sure, Your girlfriend broke up with you...then..

YESUNG: who is it?

SIWON: Saehyun… you were crying all the way home that day. Then, you let yourself drown because you can’t take it. I thought that you were going to Saehyun and talk to her.

YESUNG: ah… 

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