
More Than This

I think I like him, Jonguppie. I like him a lot.

Weeks passed just like that. Daehyun was with Yongguk closer than ever. Yongguk always picked him up at the mornings and went to work together. They had coffee dates on weekends and dinners at nights. Much to Jongup's dismay, Daehyun was no longer shy about his relationship with Yongguk. He talked about him all days and nights. He told Jongup about almost everything. He told him about their first kiss. When he told him about the couple rings Yongguk had bought for them, Jongup swallowed thickly and blinked back the tears, "Thats great", he managed out unable to control the oozing jealousy in his voice. Thankfully Daehyun was so busy blushing that he didn't notice. He brushed off every opportunity Daehyun offered him to meet up with Yongguk though. He didn't want to see him, the person who stole his beloved hyung away.

"Come onnnnnnnn, Guppie. When was the last time you go out and have fun?", Daehyun snatched the book he was reading and put it behind him, "Pay attention to me while I am talking!".

He sighed, I stopped going out since you started dating with him, "I don't know, Hyung". "Look hyung? Its not like I am depressed or something" LIES "I'm just not in the mood anymore. I don't like to see heaps of people getting drunk and groping each other" I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AND YONGGUK GROPING EACH OTHER. Daehyun huffed out in annoyance. "I just want you two to meet up and get close". "well....I have met him, occasionally when he picked you up", he pointed out. Daehyun rolled his eyes, "You do know that I don't mean like that. I want you two to become friends, duh". THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

He smiled apologetically at his hyung, "I am sorry hyung. But I'm sure that we'll still have lots of opportunities to get close", he inwardly grimaced at his words. He DID'T want to get close with him. "OH right! Yeah. You are right. and I am going to create those opportunities", Daehyun chipped excitedly.




Jongup walked half-asleep into the kitchen, to see Daehyun making breakfast as usual. He yawned, "Morning, Hyung!".

Daehyun looked at him from frying the bacons, "Oh you are awake. Good. I was going to wake you up". His voice sounded so cheery and giddy that Jongup wondered why. Maybe because he was going out with him tonight. He thought bitterly. "I invited Yongguk over for breakfast" OH "I hope you don't mind" THATS WHY. He stood there awkwardly, thinking of a away to sneak out before Yongguk arrived but soon his thoughts were disrupted by the sound of door bell. Oh No. He groaned inwardly.

"I think its him", Daehyun quickly turned off the electric stove and rushed to the door.

He glanced at the door to see the very own Bang Yong Guk with a handful of roses, grinning nervously, "Morning, Beautiful", Daehyun smiled at the greet and soon his eyes fell to the bouquet and let out a quiet gasp. "Morning! Oh don't have to bring this. Which floral shop even open this early?"

Yongguk scratched the back of his head, "ah! I bought that yesterday night and put it in the bathroom. I was kinda worried that it might writher. Hopefully it didn't". Daehyun bit his lips and breathed in the fragrance of roses, "Come in. I'm going to put this in a vase", he gestured him to come in and padded into the living room to get a vase and filled it with water and put the bouquet in it, "There".

The whole breakfast time was awkward, well at least for Jongup, he answered the questions Yongguk asked with, curt nods, stiff smiles and 'Yeah's, 'Of course's. The couple seemed to be in a very good conversation though. Daehyun giggled at everything Yongguk said with a pretty pretty blush. When Yongguk cheesily held up a piece of bacon to his mouth with "Arrhh", he smacked his arms and glanced at the direction of Jongup who looked away quickly. "stop it. Jongup is here". "So what? He already knew about us". Daehyun rolled his eyes halfheartedly and opened up his mouth while Yongguk fed him with satisfied smile. Finally couldn't withstand the painful tugging of his heart, he stood abruptly caused the loud screeching sound of the chair against the floor which made the couple to look at him with curious eyes. "umm... I am going to prepare for work. Enjoy your breakfast!", he left with a forced smile. 

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing. Jongup is just  a little bit awkward with strangers. Don't worry! He'll warm up to you soon." Yongguk's nod was stiff as daehyun smiled re-assuringly at him.


"GOD! Why are you drunk again Jongup? Didn't I tell you to not drink too much again? You weren't listening to me, huh? I am gonna kill Himchan. He promised me that he will carry you to the bed if he get you drunk next time." Daehyun kept blubbing and nagging as he carried a deadweight drunk Jongup to their couch. Jongup giggled loudly, "But it wasn't Himchan hyung this time. I got myself drunk. I drank at the bar all alone by... me myself." Daehyun pursed his lips, "And why would you do that?"

Jongup sighed loudly as he sat up, "Because hmmm because my heart hurts. It's hurting like crazily in every beats in my chest that I can't even breathe. I am suffocating in my own feelings. My heart hurts and I am suffocating because I love you". Daehyun gasped loudly at the drunken confession, he let out a shaky chuckle, "You are drunk, uppie. Just go to sleep". Before he knew, he was on his back on their couch with Jongup hovering above him and soon a pair of lips crashing down upon his own big, plump ones. 


A/N - I am late /bricked. 

Pic not mine.

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Authornim update soon please because it's been so long already and i want this story end with daejong pretty please :(
Chapter 2: i was're gonna smash Jongup's heart into itty-bitty little pieces. :(
Chapter 1: Argh! Author why you make me choose! I love both of these couples. >u<; But it's really good so far though. :3 (But I love BangDae more muahahhahahaha- /bricked to Neverland/
Chapter 1: Oh my daejong heart;;;;;;;;
teejlo23 #5
Chapter 1: Oh please update soon :D
oh're going to break Jongup's heart. :(