
More Than This

                                     He groaned as the shrilling noise of alarm clock made its way into his ear, waking him up from his peaceful sleep. Profanities thrown into the pillow as he blindly scanned the bedside table to shut the alarm and let himself to dip into the sheets again, hoping for a short nap. He was about to have it when, "Jonguppie!!! Wake up! You have work. wake up! wake up! I am making breakfast, don't want you to miss it" , no matter how annoying it sounded, he smiled slightly, still not getting up, waiting for his hyung to come into his room to drag him out of the bed.

He yelped softly as his body made contact with the cool air since the blankete were peeled away from him.

"Yah! Moon Jongup, didn't i tell you to wake up? Come on!! Come on! Get up! You are gonna miss the breakfast. I don't want you to go to work with an emptly stomach"

He turned around to take a look at his hyung, Daehyun as usual, wearing loose shirt and sweat pants with a red apron tied round his waist, at which Jongup found him ridiculously cute in it. He grinned sleepily, "Morning, hyung!"

Daehyun sighed dramatically with hands around his hips, "Morning! Now get up. Quick!. He sighed even louder when Jongup rolled off the bed only to land on the floor with a loud thud. "Gosh! you are such a kid, uppie" then crouching down to help him up.

After cleaning up himself and be ready for work, Jongup padded his way into the kitchen. Then he tiptoed quietly to stand behind his hyung who was buzy frying bacons and s his hands around Daehyun's waist. The said boy jumped slightly on his spot, "Oh God!! Jongup, how many times did i tell you to not do that? You scared the hell outta me. What if I smacked you with the pan?". Jongup held back the urge to shut that chattering mouth with a kiss. But instead he tightend his hold on his waist, "Sorry hyung! You just look so cute". Daehyun just hummed at his compliment and shooed him away to the dining room.

Jongup hummed in appreciation as the older boy set the plates on the table. "Alright. Lets eat!"

As he was about to eat, a muffled ring from the room caught his attention. "Hyung! Your ph-". The said boy was already half-way to the room. He shrugged it off and digged into his plate. Daehyun came out of the room when he placed his plate into the sink, a small smile tugging on his lips as he sat down on the chair. "Took you long enough. Who was it, hyung?", Daehyun didn't answer his question, he continued poking the bacon while smiling even wider. "Hyung!!!" the boy seemed to get out of his dreamy state only when he raised his voice. "Hn? What is it? What did you just say?", Jongup made a face, "I asked who was it on the phone. You seem happy". He didn't miss the faint blush on his cheeks, "Someone, uppie. Someone"


"Jonguppie! Come here for a minute", he put down the megazine on the table and walked into the room where the voice was coming from, to find his hyung sitting in a pile of clothes, holding up one red flannel shirt on the left hand and the yellow one in his right, looking quite conflicted.

"What is it hyung?" he sat down on the bed with hands in his lap.

"Huh? Jonguppie.......which one do you think I might look better in?" he said while holding up the shirts higher.

You look good in everything. Jongup scratched his neck, "ehmm... don't know. Both maybe?" well, thats what he thinks. Daehyun sighed dramatically, "Come on...Jonguppie. I am asking you becasue I can't choose. You can't just say both", he shaked his occupied hands in the air and pouted. And Jongup's heart fluttered a little too fast for his liking. He gulped and looked down quickly to hide his blush. Finally he chose red because Daehyun looked like an apple in his eyes.

"But hyung, Why are you choosing outfits? Going somewhere?", Daehyun scratched the back of his neck as beautiful shade of red danced aross his cheeks. lovely apple.

"Erm... yeah. I am going out tonight. You know, dinner", he didn't look up and a small shy smile on his lips made Jongup's stomach churned.

"Are you-- are you going out for a date?", he asked hoping for a 'no' or maybe a little shake of head. But instead he got a small nod, "Yeah. A guy from my work. His name is Yongguk. He seems nice and kind. He is asking me out for a while. And ...and I think I like him too, a little. So I decieded that maybe I should give him a try,, so....", he quickly smiled to cover up his disappointed face when daehyun looked up.

"Oh..haha. Nice. Yeah! Nice. So when will you two meet? will you go by yourself or he pick u up"

"He said he will pick me up at 7"

"Oh. You should be getting ready now"

"Yeah! Yeah"


"Oh God!! Jongup, why are you drunk?" Daehyun hissed as he supported the barely unconscious Jongup into his room.

He plopped him down on the bed, "Jesus! You are heavy." He moved down to remove his jeans and socks and then tucked him in the sheets. He felt a grip at his wrist when he turned around to leave, "Hn...what? What do you want?", Jongup was barely near sober when he gazed up at him somewhat sadly and pulled him onto the bed, made him stumble into his arms. Daehyun felt the grip tightened when he tried to get out of the hold. He stayed still for a while until he felt a steady rhythm of breathe hit the back of his neck, he again tested the hold, but the grip was still tight, he sighed and relaxed into his dongsaeng's arms. Guess I'll be spending the night here.

Jongup squinted his eyes when a ray of sunlight hit his eyelids, he felt a dull ache inside his head. He stretched out the aching limbs and this is when he felt something warm and solid in his arms. He opened his eyes to met with a handful locks of messy brown hair, "H-hyung?" he croaked out. Daehyun shifted in his arms and turned around to face him. Jongup felt warm inside him when he met with the sleepy features of his hyung, eyes half-opened, cheeks puffy and full lips forming into a pout. "You awake now?" his voice husky with sleep. Jongup smiled down at him, "How did you end up in my bed, hyun?". Daehyun pouted even more, damn those lips, "So what? You don't remember?" "Remember what?" Jongup felt his heart thumped loudly at his ribcage, what did I do last night? Did I say stupid things to him? Oh God. what to do.

Daehyun sit up, "You were dead drunk last night. Why did you drink that much? Who made you drink? Anyway, you gripped my hand and enveloped me in bear hug. Damn...I can't get out. So I had to sleep in your bed."

Jongup sighed in relief, Thank GOD! I didn't say anything stupid.

"Alright now, go clean up. You stink, pabo", Daehyun playfully slapped the back of his head before getting out of the bed. How great it would be if I always have to wake up next to him. Then something hit him, "Oh Hyung!!'


"How was your date?"

He didn't like it.  He didn't like how daehyun's cheeks got reddened. He didn't like how a wide grin spreaded across his face.

"It went well. So Much better than I expected, you know. He is really nice and gentle and caring. Also very handsome." his cheeks got even redder at this.

"I think I like him, Jonguppie. I like him, A lot."



A/N - I decided to make this oneshot, but seems like i can't finish all in one chapter -_-

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Authornim update soon please because it's been so long already and i want this story end with daejong pretty please :(
Chapter 2: i was wrong....you're gonna smash Jongup's heart into itty-bitty little pieces. :(
Chapter 1: Argh! Author why you make me choose! I love both of these couples. >u<; But it's really good so far though. :3 (But I love BangDae more muahahhahahaha- /bricked to Neverland/
Chapter 1: Oh my daejong heart;;;;;;;;
teejlo23 #5
Chapter 1: Oh please update soon :D
oh gorm....you're going to break Jongup's heart. :(