Implied Confessions

I'm a Loner

Chapter 7 – Implied Confessions



“Why haven’t you gone home yet? I told you to leave a few days ago. You cried about how I didn’t take care of myself, but you’re doing the same thing,” Yonghwa pointed out.

“Why can’t you ever be nice to me? I’ve came here every day after school because I’m worried about you. Who else will take care of a grouch like you if I’m not here?” Seohyun asked in defiance. As always, Yonghwa was being his regular angry self. At least that showed that he was getting better. It had been a week since he was admitted to the hospital and he was going to be released that night. Seohyun couldn’t have him leaving home alone since she knew he was just going to get sick again.

“I didn’t ask you to be nice to me or watch out for me. If this is repayment for me saving you, you don’t have to do it. I did it because I was obligated to do that at the moment. It didn’t mean anything else,” he confessed. Seohyun’s face dropped when she heard him say those words. Even though she knew that he hadn’t saved her because he wanted to, she had the smallest hope buried deep inside her that it meant something else. Yonghwa probably caught onto her feelings and almost wanted to hit himself for being so insensitive. “Besides, there are some really hot nurses here that can take care of me. I’m very well taken care of here,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh, okay,” she responded sadly. “So, are you going home tonight?” Yonghwa wanted to take her by the hair and tell her to stop being such a baby. Then again, he guessed all girls were as moody as Seohyun. She was too much of a happy person to stay sad for long so he would let it slide for now.

“Yeah, the doctor said he would swing by in a few minutes to set me free,” Yonghwa explained to the still sad girl. “He said I could go home, but it’s not like I can go to school or anything. He’s forcing me to stay in bed for another week.”

“Serves you right!” she exclaimed out of nowhere. “This wouldn’t be happening if you actually ate, slept, and rested appropriately. Don’t complain about things you brought onto yourself.” Yonghwa wanted to roll his eyes at her childish outburst. He couldn’t understand why men were attracted to such moody beings known as women. If everyone was as whiny as that girl, he sure as hell never wanted to get married in his life.

“It seems like you are coming along well Yonghwa-shi,” the doctor commented. “All your paperwork has been set up properly so you’re free to go whenever you wish. I strongly recommend that you stay in bed and eat three meals a day for at least a week. If you don’t follow these directions, you’ll relapse and it won’t be a pretty sight.”

“Oh, the paperwork is done? How about the hospital bill? I still haven’t paid that,” Yonghwa pointed out in a confused voice.

“Don’t worry about that, she took care of it. Miss Seohyun has already set everything for you to go. Now, I’ll leave you to get ready to leave. I hope that I won’t have to see you two lovebirds around again,” he teased. With those words, the lab coat wearing man exited the room, leaving the two teenagers alone in the room.

“Do that again and you’ll hope that I don’t pick you up and throw you out of a window,” Yonghwa threatened in a menacing voice.

“What do you mean...?”

“I’ll be nice and accept your help since it’s something you want to do. I’ll take favors like that since I can repay them easily. Never, and I repeat, never give me a single cent in your life. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, its people giving me any sort of money. I don’t care if you gave it to me to be nice or if you pitied me, but don’t do it again for any reason.” The strength of Yonghwa’s glare was enough to get Seohyun to back off and give a slight nod. He was definitely not kidding around when it came to that and she could tell.

“I…I brought your clothes for you to change in…into…” Seohyun muttered. “They’re in the bathroom so hurry up and get changed so we can get out of here.” Yonghwa silently stood up and headed towards the small bathroom found in the hospital room. She let a large sigh of relief escape once he was gone. That glare was possibly the most acid filled stare she had received in her life. Even at times when Uee was ready to cut her head off, Uee had never been able to instill so much fear in her with just a glare. She just hoped that the journey home would be more comfortable than the moment she just experienced.


“Is there a reason you followed me home?” Yonghwa asked before letting himself fall forcefully on his couch. “It’s bad enough that you kept me awake and annoyed every day last week. Now come to my house so you can cause me more trouble?”

“I followed you home because you didn’t want to take a taxi here. How can someone be so stingy? You’re just barely able to walk and you think taking a two hour walk home is going to be easy? You almost fainted a few times out there. If I hadn’t followed you home, you probably wouldn’t have made it back alive,” Seohyun argued. Her arguing skills had certainly improved in the past few weeks. She had probably argued with Yonghwa as much as she had in her entire life before meeting him. At first it was hard on her, but now she had gotten used to his cranky attitude. Even if he wouldn’t admit it, she could tell he was a little thankful for her help.

“So, how’s the biology project going? Isn’t it due next Friday?” Yonghwa asked with his face buried in the couch.

“It’s going pretty well. I’ve pretty much gotten all the parts of it done. Since we don’t have to actually do the experiment yet, there’s no need for any hardcore analysis or anything,” she replied. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to you about it, but the doctor didn’t think it was a good idea to do that. I hope you don’t mind that I already finished the experimental design and conclusions along with the preliminary research. All that’s left for me to do is to organize it in a presentation format.” She dug through the bag that was slung over her arm, pulling out a thick notebook that flew across the room towards the tired boy.

“Yah! Warn me when you throw things at me,” he complained. Yonghwa took a glance at the notes and doodles that Seohyun had worked on while he was sleeping every night. It looked like she had put in a rather large amount of effort for something as small as a preliminary presentation. All they were required to do was come up with a short presentation for Kim seonsaeng to approve. Seohyun had gone above and beyond and basically had done everything for the steps afterwards too. “So, what the hell am I supposed to do? I can’t even improve the experiment since you basically wrote a whole freaking textbook here.”

“You know… you complain about everything. Just worry about presenting the project next week when you go back to school. I’ll worry about this. Besides, you’ve done all the work in class that we get assigned together and you never let me do anything. It’s my turn to be the show off,” she pouted. “Go take a shower and get to bed mister. I’ll finish this up tonight so we don’t have to worry about it.”

“Eh? You’re gonna order me around in my own house now? How bout you get the heck out of here and leave me alone. I’ll finish the presentation since I didn’t do anything else,” Yonghwa replied. Seohyun rolled her eyes at his usual stubbornness. This time it wasn’t going to work. Even though he was stronger than her, he was still relatively weak from being sick. If anyone was going to be the boss in that house, it was going to be her.

“You’re not going to listen? Fine.” Yonghwa watched as she walked over to his limp body on the couch and picked up his hand. He tried to pull away but he barely had enough energy to move the muscles in his mouth. “You still aren’t going to listen?” Yonghwa let out a loud yell as she took his arm and bent it in a way that it should definitely not be bending in.

“Arasso, arasso, I’ll listen. Let me go you crazy woman!” He somehow found enough energy to give a good tug which caught her off guard. She tumbled forward and landed on his body that still lay on the couch. He had wasted all his energy on the last ditch effort to pull his arm away so he didn’t even have enough energy to push her off of him. She opened her eyes and realized what had just happened. Seohyun looked at the sight in front of her and hoped that the blood in her face would begin to go down. Her face was dangerously close to his, too close for her comfort. If she wanted to, she would just have to move a few centimeters to make contact with his lips. Yonghwa on the other hand continued displaying his stoic expression, hoping that her crushing weight would get off of him soon.

“Ah! Mian…mianhe I didn’t mean to… I mean…. What I wanted to do… um… AAHHHH!” she rambled in an incoherent way. Yonghwa raised an eyebrow at her while she stood up and fixed her skirt. “I’m just going to… go… um… work in your room?” Her last statement almost sounded like a question, but Yonghwa wasn’t going to bother trying to figure it out.

“What are you going on about now? I swear I don’t think I’ll ever understand anything you do. Anyways, I’m going to go take a shower so don’t do anything stupid. Then again, knowing you, you’re stupid enough to get hit by a parked car…” he insulted unemotionally. Seohyun was too preoccupied with fighting the blush on her face to respond to his usual insults.

Ten minutes had gone by with the sound of the shower running, but Seohyun couldn’t get into the work in front of her. The first few words made sense to her, but within thirty seconds of reading, her mind went off in a different direction. Unfortunately for her, her mind kept wandering in a direction she didn’t want it to. A strange part in her brain kept remembering the way her heart almost flew out of her chest, how her stomach almost fell out of her , how her lungs forgot how to breathe in and breathe out once she landed on top of Yonghwa. She had landed on top of Seung Ri like that before, but never once had she felt like dying of embarrassment from it.

“What are the effects of heavy metals  on the growth of hyperaccumulators such as Helianthus annuus, the common sunflower, and how can these effects on its growth be countered in order to ensure normal growth along with the removal of pollutants through the process of phytoremediation…” a voice from behind her spoke up.

“AHHHH!” Seohyun squealed. “Oh, Yonghwa… what are you doing?”

“Well I was reading the title of the poster you have going there. It seems like in the entire fifteen minutes I was in the shower that’s all you managed to write. Although… it seems like it’s pretty long. Do you think we could shorten it? Then again, I think if we shorten it we would be omitting important information,” Yonghwa pointed out. Seohyun was about to argue with him on how he shouldn’t be worrying about the project but was stopped by the view in front of her that assaulted her eyes.

Yonghwa stood there with a white towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand slowly rubbing the water out of his hair. His wet hair clung to his head in an alluring manner. She found it impossible to not notice the drops of water running down his perfectly sculpted chest and disappearing once they reached his lower regions. Since he was always wearing his jacket, she couldn’t really tell what his build was. She would have never thought that he would be so flawlessly built from how much of a nerd he seemed. Then again, Jin Man had told her that he worked out often, so she assumed those were the fruits of his labor.

“Man I would REALLY like to eat those fruits…” the naughty side of her mind thought. “Ah! What the hell was that?! Why did I think that?!? Arrrrrgh!!! Why isn’t he putting some clothes on?”

“Are you alright? You look like you’re the one getting a fever now,” Yonghwa pointed out. Before he reached his hand over to feel her face, Seohyun swatted his hand out of the way and ran out of the room. “What the hell is her deal..?” Yonghwa asked himself.

“I’m… thirsty! Yeah! Thirsty… hehe. I’ll let you get dressed in peace. Just tell me when it’s okay to come back in.” Yonghwa found it strange for her to run out like that, but he paid no attention to it since she was always a complete nutcase in his eyes. Seohyun on the other hand gulped down gallon after gallon of water. Even though she continued to chug glasses of water, the heat in her body was not dying down.

“Seo Joohyun… what are you doing?” she questioned to herself. “Aish! Jung Yonghwa you are such a pabo! Ugh I hate you!” she quietly screamed to herself. Finally after what seemed like drinking half of the Han River, the fire in her chest was brought down and she brought herself to walk back towards the room where Yonghwa was changing in.

“You can come in now,” he called out through the door. Seohyun walked in to see his exposed chest once again.

“Yah! Byuntae! Why did you tell me to come in if you’re not dressed yet?” It was very difficult for her to reprimand him without having any shakiness in her voice while she looked at him like that. All the energy she could gather in her body was being used to keep the heat in her face down. “You better not be trying to pull any funny business.”

“Hey, you’re the one that’s staring. Besides, last time I checked, you’re the one that tried to feel me up when I was asleep in my own bed. If anyone’s the ert in here, it’s you. This is my house anyways and I can do whatever I want in it. I usually sleep without a shirt off, so if you don’t like it you can leave,” he responded firmly. Luckily the dim light coming from the lone lamp in the corner in the room prevented the crimson blush covering her face from being seen by the dense boy. “I’m going to sleep. I assume since you’re here at 11:00pm that you’ll be staying here tonight. Go to sleep on the couch bed when you want to. I hope this doesn’t get to be a habit of yours. I don’t want to get the police called on me for kidnapping you.”

Seohyun turned her attention to the poster she was supposed to be working in to avoid eye contact with Yonghwa. Lately it was getting more and more awkward to be in the same room with him. She didn’t like him since as far as she knew she still liked Seung Ri. She attributed her awkwardness with him to her usual screw ups that happened in his presence. She tended to do stupid things that usually led to her being humiliated. Seohyun assumed the awkwardness was due to her constantly causing embarrassing situations.

The red numbers in front of her began to show 2:00am when she finally decided to call it a night. A quick run through the poster indicated that all that was missing was a few pictures here and there, but it was done overall. There was no way Kim seonsaeng could reject their proposition for the science fair. After a ruffle of papers and art supplies, she was ready to head out into the living room and catch a few hours of sleep before school.

“Omma… appa… help me…” a voice murmured in the room. “Don’t leave me alone. It’s dark… it’s scary… it’s cold… I’m lonely… help me…” The sad voice continued to whine lightly in a language that sounded to Seohyun like gibberish. “Yu Jin… Yu Jin…”

“Yu Jin? Where have I heard that name before?” Seohyun asked herself before tip toeing to Yonghwa’s side. His face was twisted into a slight frown with sweat glistening on his forehead. If she had ever seen someone have a nightmare before, she was sure that Yonghwa was having one right at that moment. After pulling out a small white handkerchief from her pocket and wiping the sweat from his face, she sat on the floor next to the bed and watched him sleep. It would look creepy to anyone else watching, but to her she was just observing.

“Omma… don’t leave me,” he continued mumbling. “It’s so dark. The eyes… I can’t stand their eyes…” Seohyun continued to worriedly watch him go through his nightmare. It seemed like he was going through something from his childhood that he kept repressed. He sounded like a child calling for his parents when he got lost in a big store or something of the sort. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound like he was having fun. It was really strange to see him in such a state, so helpless and vulnerable. Had he been conscious, he would never act like that. She supposed he felt rather useless letting her do all the work on the project.

“Yu… Jin…” he continued to murmur. Then it hit her. There was one other person named Yu Jin that she knew, Uee, her mortal enemy. Seohyun had nothing against Uee from the beginning, but Uee sure did seem to have something against her. Seohyun had tried to be her friend when they had first met, but Uee rejected her offer of friendship bitterly. Why was Yonghwa calling for a person like that? Did he know her from before? If he did, then surely he must’ve known how much of a witch she really was.

“Yonghwa…” she whispered gently. “I’m here, you don’t have to be lonely. It doesn’t have to be dark anymore. I’ll keep you warm too…” she comforted him. “Uee is a mean person, but I’m not. I’ll help you whenever you need help.” Seohyun stood up and brushed the hair that stuck to his forehead from his sweat to the side and placed a chaste kiss onto it. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here…” She took his hand and gave it a firm squeeze. Surprisingly, Yonghwa returned the squeeze, but refused to let go. “Even if you curse at me, even if you pick me up and throw me out the window, even if you tell me to screw off… I’ll never let you go.” Soon enough, Seohyun found herself asleep beside Yonghwa’s bed, firmly gripping his large hand.

“It’s warm…” Yonghwa mumbled as his last word of the night.


“In conclusion we believe that the absorption of the heavy metals will be accomplished by using a variety of plants, with the sunflower as the main hyperaccumulator in the system. As a phytoremediator, the common sunflower can deposit large amounts of heavy metals in its tissues, but there are some ions that it cannot absorb. In order to get rid of these in the soil, complimentary plants must be added,” Yonghwa explained to the class. As expected from the top two students of the school, the students and teacher alike were left with their mouths wide open. It seemed like nobody had understood any of the large words that they had just used except for Kim seonsaeng.

“Well done you two. I believe you will do very well at the regional science fair. It’ll be in a few months, so you can just continue to plan your experiment until then. I’ll be sure to inform you when to start your experimentation. I can’t wait to see the results,” the teacher squealed. To them it was a little strange for someone to be so excited about a science fair project, but they guessed she was a science teacher for that very reason. “Alright, class is dismissed for today. Study for the quiz on Monday. I won’t accept any excuses for bad grades.”

Soon enough, the halls were filled with the murmur of students rushing to get to the cafeteria and enjoy almost an hour of not being in class. Seohyun fell into step alongside Yonghwa as she was now used to from spending almost the past three weeks with him. The week he spent resting in bed was definitely a boring one for him, but at least he caught up on his sleep. She spent the night four of the eight nights he was at home after being discharged in order to keep him in check. Luckily her parents were in London or something to discuss plans for a joint project between some British investors.

“Well don’t you two seem a little chummy lately…” Hara pointed out from behind them. “You sitting with us at lunch today after almost two weeks grouchy dude or are you going to go sit with the Queen Bee?”

“Queen Bee?” he asked stupidly. “Who’s that?”

“She means that wonderful goddess with those honey thighs,” Taecyeon cut in before getting his ears pulled by Yoona.

“Yah! I told you not to be such a ert. Don’t talk about women’s body parts so casually. What if we all started talking about your body like that?” Yoona scolded.

“I would love that! Comon, Yoona don’t be so jealous. I know you want a piece of me, but you can wait until after I had a little trip around the block,” he teased the now fuming girl.

“What was that?! Ew, I’m sorry, I’m not into losers like you. Why don’t you go try your cheesy pickup lines with some girl stupid enough to fall for them?”

“Yonghwa-shi~” a voice flirtatiously chimed. “You’ve left me quite lonely these past few weeks. Am I supposed to take that as a rejection of my offer? If you’re going to be that way, I don’t know if I can forgive you.” The woman ran her hand across her pouting lips sensually, as if trying to seduce Yonghwa with her actons.

“Uee… what are you doing now?” Seohyun angrily asked the immoral woman in front of her. “Yonghwa doesn’t want anything to do with a witch like you. Get out of here and leave us alone. It’s bad enough your little helpers always treat us like crap.”

“Yonghwa-shi~~ tell Seohyun to stop being mean to me. I haven’t even done anything wrong to her. She always attacks me without any warning. I can’t believe you have to deal with her in all of your classes,” Uee whined cutely. Yoona, Hara, and Seohyun felt a little bit of vomit rise up in their mouths. On the other hand, Yonghwa and Taecyeon were staring at her like dogs that hadn’t been fed meat in months.

“Ugh, cut it out Uee!” Yoona yelled. “You’re such a that uses her body to get her what she wants. Yonghwa is part of our group, so he won’t join a like you.”

“Let’s get going Yu Jin-shi, we wouldn’t want to miss eating lunch,” Yonghwa pointed out to the teasing girl in front of them. The three girls and even Taecyeon were left speechless from Yonghwa’s words. They assumed they heard wrong, but when he started to walk into the lunch room with Uee, they knew they had heard right.

“Yah! Uee, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Yonghwa expected those words to come out of one of the females behind him, but instead it was an infuriating male voice that made him want to throw something at a wall. “What are you doing with this guy?”

“Seung Ri, shut up and come to the table. Yonghwa-shi is eating with us today.” With her explanation to Seung Ri, she stepped closer to Yonghwa and locked her arm with his. Seohyun and Hara noticed how he visibly stiffened when Uee made physical contact with him. Hara, being the amateur psychologist she was, also noticed the way Seohyun’s veins tensed slightly in her neck and forehead.

“Oh, Seohyun baby! It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve seen you. How come you haven’t called me!” Seung Ri exclaimed in a phony voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t warn you about going on a business trip with my old man, but it was kind of unexpected.” Yonghwa noticed how the cast on Seung Ri’s arm was gone already. Yonghwa wasn’t stupid, he could tell from a mile away that Seung Ri lied about going on a business trip. He assumed that Seung Ri had skipped school for a few weeks to avoid the embarrassment of having to tell people that Yonghwa broke his arm. It was almost laughable how pathetic Seung Ri seemed to Yonghwa’s eyes.

“Oh, hi Seung Ri.” Seung Ri leaned in for a quick peck on the lips, leaving Yonghwa slightly curious about the relationship between the two. Uee’s slight pull in the direction of their table woke him up from his thoughts and told him to continue walking forward.

“Do you want to come sit with us baby? I want to spend every moment I can with you to make up for the lost time.” Hara and Yoona threw up in their mouths a little once again at Seung Ri’s cheesy remarks. They expected Seohyun to reject the offer as she usually did, but a small nod left them with their mouths open. The world was definitely ending that day. Seohyun had accepted to go sit with Uee? Something was clearly up.

“Alright, let’s go.” Seung Ri pulled Seohyun in the same manner Uee dragged Yonghwa and headed towards their table of snobby kids. Seohyun didn’t really know why she had just agreed to sit at the table of people she despised, but she couldn’t back out of it now. She would have to suffer 45 minutes of their annoying bragging and gossip, but at least she could watch what Uee was planning. There was just no way that she would ask Yonghwa to sit with her unless she had something up her sleeve.

Seung Ri and Uee spent the entire lunch period fakely interacting with their new guests. Seohyun couldn’t bring herself to stop glaring at Uee, while Yonghwa did the same with Seung Ri while he wasn’t mesmerized by Uee’s charms. Luckily, the leaders of the ‘cool kids’ were too busy being popular to notice the glares. Seohyun toned her glare down when she observed how Yonghwa hung off of every word that came out of Uee’s mouth. Every now and then a girl would ask Yonghwa a question, but he would just brush it off and continue staring that Seohyun’s rival.


“Remind me again why you’re following me,” Yonghwa suggested to the skinny girl known as Goo Hara.

“I noticed how you looked curious when Seung Ri kissed Seohyun. I can tell you want to know about it. You don’t have to deny it, it’s written all over your face,” she stated. Yonghwa could tell Hara was not someone he could lie to, so he didn’t even bother responding. “Seohyun is the smartest girl in our school, yet she’s also the stupidest. Seung Ri doesn’t really like her and she doesn’t really like him. She likes the thought of him, but she doesn’t really like him.”

“Um, if she doesn’t really like him, why is she with him?” he asked, deciding to humor her. Even though he was fine for the most part, it was a little hard to adjust to going to school again so he had no energy to argue as he usually would.

“Before she was popular amongst the people that hate Uee, she was a complete and utter nerd. Seung Ri was the only one that paid attention to her like that and he asked her out. I don’t buy it though. After two years of dating, Seung Ri hasn’t stopped seeing other girls, but Seohyun is too stupid to see that. Their relationship was set up by their parents no doubt,” she continued to explain.

“Maybe it’s some company thing? I hear they do that a lot with their kids.”

“Yeah, I think it’s that too. Seung Ri’s dad owns the most important hotel industry in the world. They even own majority shares in tons of the foreign hotel companies like that famous American one with the stupid blond heiress. Anyways, Seohyun’s family runs a construction company that even built the Blue House for the president. If they were to get married, their combined companies would completely dominate the industry. I’m sure Seung Ri is just getting to Seohyun for his own selfish gain. Also Uee is involved in this, I’m sure of it. This is like one of those royal weddings from European history. You know the ones where the king of one country marries his daughter to the king of another to make an alliance. Since Seohyun and Uee are enemies, having Seung Ri date Seohyun and be Uee’s friend keeps some sort of alliance between them. I’m sure Uee is using this to keep Seohyun in check.”

“And that girl hasn’t caught on?”

“Seohyun is too nice,” Hara stated simply. “There’s no way she’ll leave him. She’s too grateful for him paying attention to her when nobody else would.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?” Yonghwa asked straightforwardly. As much as Yonghwa didn’t like Seung Ri, this was none of his business. If anyone was supposed to explain this to him, it was Seohyun herself. Even then, Seohyun didn’t have to answer to him anyways.

“I’m just saying…” she lied. “It seemed like you didn’t really like Seung Ri interacting with Seohyun like that. Could it be that you…?”

“So that’s where it was going… Look, I don’t want anything to do with Seohyun like that. If she wants to get her heart broken by that , that’s her problem, not mine. I don’t want to get involved with problems that I don’t need to be in. Now, I gotta get home so I’ll be leaving now.” Hara scoffed at the arrogant attitude that Yonghwa continued to use with everyone at school. Once he was down the hall and exiting the main lobby of the school, she noticed Seohyun speeding through the corridors to reach the harsh boy. It worried her that Seohyun wanted to get to close to Yonghwa. From the analysis she had just conducted on Yonghwa, it didn’t seem like he wanted anything to do with her. It was bad enough Seung Ri was treating Seohyun crappy, she didn’t need Yonghwa doing the same.

“Ugh, why are you following me now?” Yonghwa asked the person behind him. He thought it was Hara again, since he didn’t even bother to turn around.

“I…uh… left at book? Yeah, a book at your house,” Seohyun lied.

“Oh, it’s you,” Yonghwa noticed. “If you want to live at my house I should force you to pay rent. I’m going to head to work today, so I can’t let you stay at my house. I won’t be back until late, but don’t worry, I won’t overdo it.”

“Okay…” she responded. An awkward silence ensued, which Seohyun took as a cue to ask a few questions she had since the cafeteria. “So… when did you become friends with Uee?”

“I don’t have friends, I’ve already told you that. Friendships are an unnecessary waste of time and energy,” he responded in a Yonghwa-like manner. Seohyun knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but her curiosity wouldn’t let her back down.

“I saw the way that you looked at her. I’m not stupid Yonghwa, you obviously have a thing for her. Comon, you can tell me, I promise I won’t tell. Then again, how could you ever have any feelings for someone like her?” Seohyun teased.

“Why couldn’t I have feelings for someone like her?” Yonghwa answered, catching Seohyun off guard. “What makes you so sure I can’t like someone like Uee?” Seohyun stopped her happy skipping and slowed down to a stop. It couldn’t be any clearer that Yonghwa was confessing to liking Uee. Even though it was a strange way to do confess, Seohyun had been around him enough to understand the meaning of his words.

“So you do…?” she asked hesitantly. She knew the answer to that question, but she needed to hear it from Yonghwa directly.

“It’s none of your business if I do or not,” he replied. The tone of his voice made it as clear as day what his true feelings were, there was no need for him to explicitly admit them. Her heart seemed like it was going to pop out of her chest and her lungs forgot how to breathe once more. However, it wasn’t the same feeling from when she had landed on him. This time the beating of her heart was painful and the lack of air began to suffocate her.

“Um, actually I just remembered that I brought the book with me this morning. I’ll… I’ll see you around Yonghwa. Bye.” Out of nowhere Seohyun legs burst into a flurry of movement and carried her all the way back to the building they had just been at. Yonghwa, dense as ever, paid no attention to her and continued to walk with his hands in his pockets towards his house.

Seohyun reached the school building and continued to use her feet wildly. This time, her feet were used to throw a barrage of kicks at the first wall she reached. The thought of Uee infuriated her to no end. Seohyun felt like tearing out her hair and setting it on fire. Yonghwa’s confession made her want to go up to Uee and bash her skull in. She decided that it was unhealthy to have such violent thoughts and began to calm down. Seohyun assumed she was angry at the thought because she couldn’t stand Uee taking a friend away from her as she had done in the past. Even though Yonghwa didn’t consider her a friend, she considered him one. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t realize the other reason why she was currently furious.



Author’s Note: I just couldn’t help myself and I had to update. Luckily I finished a little early today and decided to start writing a good ol’ update for the story. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Just three more days and I will be freeeeeeeeeeee. Saturday at 3 will be the end of my stupid history exam and I’ll be done and able to update a lot more often. Thanks for reading. I’ll try to update if really soon.

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Chapter 43: I am done reread this story ❤️
iBelieveYSIR #2
Chapter 43: January 7th 2019, I just finished re-reading this fic. :) ❤️
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 43: Finished reading this again
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 38: This chapter always makes me want to cry
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 43: The ending, so beautiful
Wilhemina #6
Chapter 42: Awwwwwww
Wilhemina #7
Chapter 40: Wow, what have you done to Seohyun?
P.s I mean that in the best possible way
Wilhemina #8
Chapter 39: Good job author-nim. Keep on writing. Hwaiting
Wilhemina #9
Chapter 38: For the third time, mood:
Wilhemina #10
Chapter 32: Mood once again: