The Someone.

Recording The Memories


“Kyuhyun. Where were you at 3pm? I couldn’t get hold of you!” Do Jin shouted through the phone.

“I was out.” I replied.

“WHERE?” He was furious.

“I was at the radio station.”

“You were supposed to be at the recording studio! The producers waited for you for an hour! Get your here immediately!”

“I was supposed to be at the recording studio?” I asked, confused.

“Yes! Come down right now!” He shouted before handing up on me.

I didn’t remember having to go down to the recording studio today though. I just remembered the radio station. Hmmm.


“What were you doing at the radio station?” Do Jin asked me the moment I got to the recording studio.

“I thought I was supposed to be there for a radio session?” I said.

“You were there the day before!” He yelled.

I stared at Do Jin.

“What is the date today?”

He gave me a weird look before looking down at his scheduler, Today is Wednesday, the 16th.”

My eyes grew wide. “W-Wednesday, the 16th?”


“I thought today was the 15th? No?” I asked again, confident that today was the 15th.

“Look here, it’s the 16th!” Do Jin said as he smacked my back.

I stared at the date on his scheduler and check the date in my phone. Isn’t today the 15th? I don’t remember anything from the 15th. What is going on?

I sat down in the chair at the recording studio, trying to wrap my mind about what is happening, why can’t I remember anything?

Just then my mobile phone buzzed as a message was received. I opened the message and it was from Rae Ah. I broke into a smile.


“Hey baby. Thank you for dinner yesterday. I enjoyed myself a lot. Especially after star-gazing. See you later.”


My smile immediately changed to a frown after reading it. I don’t remember going out for dinner with Rae Ah yesterday. What dinner was she talking about?


Choi Rae Ah’s POV

I smiled as I send the message to Kyuhyun. He brought me out for dinner yesterday night to a secluded restaurant on a hill. The ambience was lovely and we drank wine and talked. After dinner, he brought us to another part of the restaurant where diners could stargaze. It was so romantic and I loved the atmosphere.


“The stars are out tonight.” I said as I leaned into Kyuhyun’s chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

“Love, are you cold?” He said as he noticed me shivering a bit.

“It’s alright, baby. I’m okay.” I replied.

Kyuhyun immediately peeled off his outer coat and placed it over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him for warmth.

I turned to him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, baby.” I whispered.

“Anything for my wife.” He said with a wink as he rubbed his thumb on my cheek while caressing my waist.

“This is very comfortable.” I said as we stared at the stars.

“Because you are by my side, love.” He whispered back.  


I think I should plan an outing for the both of us sometime too.

I placed my mobile phone in the drawer when Kim Mi came out of her session.

“Hey Rae Ah!” She squealed.

“Kim Mi!” I returned the enthusiasm.

“I missed you! How was your honeymoon?! Tell me everything!” She said as she dragged me to sit in the staff lounge area.

“I missed you too. I’ve got something for you and Do Jin! Will pass it to you guys during the weekends or something.” I said, smiling. Unaware that there was another person standing by the doorway, listening in to our conversation.

“Aww, you guys shouldn’t have! It was your honeymoon! You should be getting stuff for yourself!” She said.

“You will like it and then you will thank me.” I replied.

“Come on, I want details!” She said as she grabbed hold of my hand excitedly.

“Like what?” I asked innocently.

“You know! Ahem stuff.” She said with a sly smirk on her face.

“Kim Mi! This is not the right place to talk about. We can do it at my place.” I said laughing.

Just then.

“You must be Ms Choi Rae Ah?” A voice came from the corridor as I turned my head to the direction.

I stood up immediately as a lady walked in.

“It’s actually Cho Rae Ah!” Kim Mi corrected as she turned her head.

Kim Mi stood up too but her expression on her face wasn’t that friendly.

“Oh,Rae Ah, this is-..”

“Hello, the name is Mara. I’m a huge fan.” She said, cutting Kim Mi off while holding out her hand for a handshake.

I stared at Kim Mi as I changed my attention to this new lady, shaking her hand. “Mara? Nice to meet you, I’m Rae Ah.” I said with a smile. It’s always nice to have new students.

“You must be n-new?” I asked, turning my head to Kim Mi.

“She registered for all your classes.” Kim Mi said with a smile I knew wasn’t genuine.

“O-Oh, that’s great! I look forward in meeting you in my classes, Mara.” I said.

“Yes, I’m really looking forward in seeing you in your yoga classes too, Ms Rae Ah.” She said with a smug smile plastered on her face.

“Don’t call me Ms please. Just call me Rae Ah.” I corrected her nicely.

“Rae Ah. See you soon.” She said as she turned and walked away.

I was dumbfounded. This was my first time meeting such a person.

As soon as she was out of sight, Kim Mi turned to me. “I had the most awkward and uncomfortable interaction with her when she came down the first time.” She confessed.

“I-I think I know what you mean. She gives off a strange vibe.” I said, eyeing the doorway.

“Who is she anyway?” I continued.

“I don’t know. All she said was that she’s a huge fan.” Kim Mi replied, taking a gulp of water from her water bottle.

“Mara? Hmmm. The name sounds familiar.” I said softly to myself.

Where have I heard that name before?


Mara’s POV

After what you did to my brother, do you think I would let you off? After Mummy knew what happened to Marcus, she committed suicide and died. Daddy is now in a mental hospital after knowing that Marcus and Mummy died. Do you think I will let you off so easily for causing my family to end up like this? You are to be blame for everything, you troublemaker. You were the cause of every single thing. We advice Marcus not to be with you but he insisted and look what happened to him.

To think that Marcus loved you so much and you caused him to be in a car accident! It’s your entire fault. I will never forgive you. Never!

 Happy marriage you have there, isn’t it? You will never have a happy marriage. I will ensure that.

Your husband is always in the media, am I right?

I think it’s time for me to start some gossip.

I have finally met you today and now you know my existence. Cho or Choi Rae Ah. You are going down. 







Hey readers *waves*

BAM! The 'someone' has arrived! I played around with the name, you know Kyuhyun's older sister's name is Ara right? And since I used Marcus(Which is Kyuhyun's english name), I decided to just add an 'M' and made the name 'Mara'. Hahahahhah. Did you guys guessed correctly? Heheheheh. 

Commment! ^^





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shinee3 #1
Chapter 20: You did such an awesome job!! The story was really lovely! I love the ending with the kids and how everything turned out! It was really cute and truly great!
Chapter 20: so sweet!! shin is adorable!
Chapter 20: Kkyyaaa.... So sweet. Good job author :) really love your story.
eirrehc18 #4
Chapter 21: Waaa... it's already finished! Shin is so cute! Just like his appa.
Chapter 20: Haha I really love this story. Most of your stories are my favorites^^
It has a very sweet ending and I love that.
Good job :D
Chapter 20: Shin is so cute! I couldn't help but smiling as I read this last chapter. It was a lovely ending and I really like it. Thankyou for making this great story! ^^
chocolat_hyuk #7
Chapter 20: Gosh I really, truly love this story :) seems like Kyu and Rae ah have a really nice and happy family eventually
pjulia95 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhh. It was amazing i was following you all the way from a stranger & a pocket of blood and i could not imagine any better ending for this sequel. IT WAS FREAKING AWSOME. I can not wait for yur next stories. :-) :-)