The Fall.

Recording The Memories


I took the pregnancy kit into the bathroom. And I went out to wait. It needed a few minutes before the line will indicate whether I was pregnant.

It has been several days since the handkerchief incident happened.

Kyuhyun haven’t told me anything about his memory loss. In fact we haven’t talked in days. He would leave the house really early before I woke up and come back really late.

I haven’t even got a chance to have a real conversation with him. Being with a famous singer was really tiring. I missed him, my husband. Even when we are sleeping on the same bed, I feel like he isn’t there next to me at all.

I sat by the bedside, waiting for the timer to go off. My palms were getting sweaty from the waiting, I was so anxious. What if I’m not pregnant and it was just a false alarm for me? What if I got my hopes really high but I wasn’t pregnant?

The buzzer of the timer went off and I stood up immediately, walking to the bathroom.

I took the pregnancy kit, facing downwards as I took in a deep breath. Rae Ah, you can do this.

I flipped it over to the other side.

Two red lines.

I dropped the pregnancy kit on the floor in shock. There were two red lines in the indicator. That means… I’m p-pregnant?

Tears started rolling down my cheek as I picked up the pregnancy kit and compared it to the instruction booklet, stating how two red lines means pregnant.


I’m so happy! I’m finally starting a family with Kyuhyun! I wiped the tears away as I quickly took out my phone to message him but I decided not to. I’ll wait till he comes home tonight and I’ll tell it to him personally. I think that would be a better idea; seeing his reaction.

I couldn’t contain my happiness, this was truly a blessing! I quickly send a text to my mother.

I bet she will be so hyped up too, she has been nagging for a grandchild since the day we got married. Finally, her wish is granted! Yay!

I wanted to send a text to Kim Mi but what if Kim Mi tells Do Jin and he tells Kyuhyun? Nahh, I’ll let her know after I tell Kyuhyun.

Should I do a double check? I quickly changed and set off for the nearby clinic.


“Yes, it’s confirmed Mrs Cho. You are seven weeks pregnant. Congratulations!” The doctor said, looking at the document.

“Do you have very bad morning sickness?” She asked.

“I don’t think it’s as bad as other people. My morning sickness is quite tolerable.” I told the doctor, now this explains all the food cravings that I’ve been getting.

“Just rest well and I’ll see you in a month’s time.” The doctor said as she smiled.

“Alright. Thank you.”


I walked out of the clinic in such a happy mood. If only Kyuhyun was here to witness this. Oh wells, he’ll be home soon and we can celebrate.

As I walked down the pavement, my eyes landed on someone who looked very familiar to me. Was she the new girl in my yoga class? What is her name again? M-Mara! Yes, what was she doing around here? I didn’t know she lived nearby.

She seemed to be waiting for someone. I was about to approached her when a car stopped right in front of her.

I stared at the situation. The car. The car plate number. Isn’t that Kyuhyun’s car?

It was.

He was in the driver’s seat, chatting happily with her before asking her to get into his car.

What was going on? Was she the girl in the photograph that was send to me? I couldn’t comprehend the scene that was playing right in front of me.

I quickly took out my phone and gave Kyuhyun a call.


“O-Oh? Rae Ah?” He answered.

“Where are you now? What time are you coming home?” I asked him, while staring at the car.

“I’m out with a music producer right now. He is helping me with my album.” He said.

“He?” I exclaimed.

“Yeah. I got to go now, real busy. I’ll call you later.” And he hung up before I could even say anything.


Kyuhyun just lied to me. For another woman.

I stared at the car as they drove off.

Why would Kyuhyun do that? Why? And why was Mara in the car with him? How did they know each other? Did she purposely register in all my classes to get closer to Kyuhyun? Why did Kyuhyun pick her up? Where were they going? Why are they even together?

I leaned against the lamp post that was right beside me, having heavy breathing as I tried my best to not think too much of the situation.

Maybe they were friends? Maybe he didn’t want me to misunderstand? But the handkerchief? The photograph? Aren’t they evidence?

A lady came by next to me, “Miss? Are you alright? Do you feel unwell?”

I shook my head, “I’m fine. T-Thank you.” I said as I quickly turned around and walked home.

This isn’t happening. Kyuhyun have been hiding things from me. This wasn’t what I expected of him. What was with the sudden change in his attitude? It’s like I have never met him before? He was different now. Earlier on, I the phone call, he even called me by my name. He stopped calling me ‘love’.

The moment I reached home, I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to calm myself down.

What am I going to do? If Kyuhyun is really having an affair? For the baby’s sake, I have to hold on. I can’t break down now, I must be strong for the baby.

Maybe I’m just thinking too much.

I’m thinking too much, yes that’s right. Over thinking too much.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was a text message from Kyuhyun. I wiped my tears away as I clicked on the message.

“Rae Ah, let’s meet at the old café down the corner of the street. Around an hour from now? I’ll be waiting for you.”


I thought he asked me not to wait up for him? I feel a little apprehensive about this meeting. Why do I feel like this isn‘t Kyuhyun? Why is he such a changed person? Kyuhyun wasn’t like that before. He would tell me everything and even up till now, he hasn’t said anything about the packet of pills that I had found in the kitchen.

What is going to happen?

Maybe he was planning a surprise for me! Yes that’s right. He must have noticed that we haven’t been spending much time together. That’s why he wants to meet me. Anyway, I can tell him about the baby! Which will be good news! I shall go get ready now!


Cho Kyuhyun’s POV

“Are you sure this will work?” I said to Mara who sat in a very provocative manner.

“Of course. You want her to leave you right? This will definitely work.” She said with a wink.

I only met Mara for a few times. I get this feeling that she doesn’t actually know Rae Ah on a personal basis. She seemed to be ignoring my questions or changing the topic when I bring Rae Ah up and their past together.

It also seemed like she’s enjoying this act more than she should be. Was it because I was an idol or something?

We sat together on the sofa seat together while waiting for Rae Ah to come. Suddenly, she was all over me. Her hands tugging on my shirt, her lips on mine.

“What are you doing?” I pushed her away.

“You asked me to act like your mistress.” She said with a smirk.

“Only when Rae Ah is around.” I said as I sat up straight.

She was making me feel a little uncomfortable.

“Why can’t we have some fun together?” She said as she played with my tie. I brushed her hand off politely.

“I’m sorry. It seems like you have misunderstood my intention. Maybe we should stop this.” I said.

Just then Rae Ah walked into the private room that we were in.

“Baby! I’ve got something to tell y-..” She stopped immediately, seeing Mara and I sitting together in a rather intimate way.

“M-Mara?” She gasped.

“You two know each o-other?” I asked, standing up immediately.

“S-She is in my yoga class.” Rae Ah said as she looked at us back and forth.

Mara lied to me?

“Hello there, Mrs Cho. It seems like your husband has been feeling a little lonely these few days but don’t worry, I was there.” She suddenly said, slithering her arms around me, pressing her entire body against me.

I shifted uneasily in the spot but I had to put on a show for Rae Ah to see.

“Baby? What’s this all about? Why are you two together?” Rae Ah started.

“W-We-..” I started talking but Mara cut me off.

“We are together.” She announced.

“He says I’m more beautiful than you. I’m cuter and I’m better in bed.” Mara snared.

“Plus, he says he loves me more.”

I didn’t rehearse this with her. She was getting out of line, I squeezed her arm.

Rae Ah turned to look at me with tears b at her eyes.

“W-What? You said that to her?” She was on the verge of breaking down, I could see it. She was shaking so badly.

“He wants to divorce you.” Mara explained.

My heart ached seeing her having to listen to such cruel words.

Her hand rose and swung against my face hard. My cheek stung.

“Cho Kyuhyun.” She sobbed. “I will never sign the papers. Never.”

“How could you slap him?!” Mara shouted back.

“You!” She turned to look at Mara, anger was in her eyes.

Rae Ah was about to slap Mara but Mara was faster; she swung her hand against Rae Ah’s face so hard, Rae Ah fell; knocking into the wall before collapsing on the floor.

 “Rae Ah! Rae Ah!” I shouted, pushing Mara away. I didn’t plan for this to happen.

Mara gasped. “B—B-Blood!” She pointed as I shifted my attention to the pool of blood forming at Rae Ah’s upper thighs.

My eyes widened at the scene.








Hey readers *waves*

I'm kind of on another writing spree today. Just felt like writing so here's another chapter! I was really touched by the overwhelming responses for the two previous chapters. Please continue to support this story with that enthusiasm! They story is finally building up to the ! Yay.






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shinee3 #1
Chapter 20: You did such an awesome job!! The story was really lovely! I love the ending with the kids and how everything turned out! It was really cute and truly great!
Chapter 20: so sweet!! shin is adorable!
Chapter 20: Kkyyaaa.... So sweet. Good job author :) really love your story.
eirrehc18 #4
Chapter 21: Waaa... it's already finished! Shin is so cute! Just like his appa.
Chapter 20: Haha I really love this story. Most of your stories are my favorites^^
It has a very sweet ending and I love that.
Good job :D
Chapter 20: Shin is so cute! I couldn't help but smiling as I read this last chapter. It was a lovely ending and I really like it. Thankyou for making this great story! ^^
chocolat_hyuk #7
Chapter 20: Gosh I really, truly love this story :) seems like Kyu and Rae ah have a really nice and happy family eventually
pjulia95 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhh. It was amazing i was following you all the way from a stranger & a pocket of blood and i could not imagine any better ending for this sequel. IT WAS FREAKING AWSOME. I can not wait for yur next stories. :-) :-)