The Aftermath.

Recording The Memories


Rae Ah left me. But it’s not over. We are still a married couple. 

“Have you heard the new song?”

“Yeah, it’s in Japanese.” I replied, looking over the lyrics.

“Kyuhyun? There’s a letter and document from a lawyer.” Do Jin said as he came into the recording studio.

“Lawyer?” I asked, puzzled.

“Yeah.” He said passing me the envelope.

“You didn’t create any trouble right?” He continued.

“No, I didn’t.” I said as I tore open the seal.

My eyes scanned the document as I dropped it on the floor.

“Why? You created a huge trouble?” Do Jin said, picking up the documents scattered on the floor.

“S-She signed it.” I stammered.

“What?” Do Jin said before taking a look at the document himself.

“She signed the divorce papers. She wasn’t kidding. She left me for good.”

“Can’t you find a way to talk to her or something?” Do Jin asked.

I turned to look at him, “Even your girlfriend has no clue where she is, how you expect me to know where she is? This was my entire fault right from the very beginning.” My voice became louder.

“Actually, I have no idea what happened. Mine telling me?” Do Jin said as he said down.

“Since our honeymoon, I had faint moments when I lost part of my memory of an event or a whole day. I went for a check-up and the doctor said it was due to the food poisoning chemicals the previous time. It’s affecting my brain’s system in processing and storing memory. He gave me medication but he said the medication was only for a short period of time.”

“Why didn’t you discuss this with me? I am your manager!” Do Jin flared.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want people to take pity on me or be worried about me.”

“Kyuhyun, you have to change this thinking of yours, this is being selfish! This is why Rae Ah left you! You did this whole act with that other woman so she could leave you? Because you thought it would be for her own good? Have you ever thought that you could just tell her the truth? You are a couple, for god’s sake! How can you be this selfish? Did you for once consider her true feelings?” Do Jin reprimanded me.

“I messed everything up. She doesn’t want to talk to me anymore; she doesn’t want to see me. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. It’s over. I broke her trust and made her angry and upset. I’ve lost her.” 

“Be a man and go look for her!” Do Jin stated as he left the studio.

Where could Rae Ah be? Where should I start searching for her?


Three Months Later.


It has been about three months now. Rae Ah was still somewhere out there, away from me. I missed her like crazy. Every night, I curled up in my bed, hugging my bolster thinking it’s her. Her scent had faded away from the bed-sheets. Her clothes were still in our wardrobe, her plants had withered away. I never once taken off our wedding ring, it was still securely on the fourth finger on my left hand.

It was all over the news in the past one month, talking about our separation, only Do Jin and I knew that I didn’t sign the papers but the media tried to make a big deal out of it. In fact, I tore the divorce papers into pieces. 

Where are you Rae Ah? I have searched all the nearby areas away from the country. Whenever I had a schedule that was overseas, I made it a point to walk around the city just to see if I might bump into you.

Whenever I see a pregnant mother, I would take a double look. Whenever I see infant care products, I would get all teary on the inside.

Time passes, even when it seemed impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passed unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls but pass it does. Even for me.


Do Jin’s POV

Rae Ah’s leaving didn’t do Kyuhyun any good at all. After Rae Ah left, Kyuhyun lost all the effort of his image. He looked like hell but it goes deeper than that; he was a mess. It hadn’t been easy for him, I knew it. I could see it being reflected in his work.

His standard of singing dropped. He was trying his best but I guessed it was because he isn’t complete.


Choi Rae Ah’s POV

Agony ripped through me with the memory of his face when I saw the headline of a gossip magazine by the news stand.

I read the headline. His name send another wave of torture through me. I shook my head, frantic, desperate to escape the pain. His name has been appearing very often in the last one month.

Since I came to Japan, I cut my hair to my shoulder, wanting a new fresh change so people didn’t recognized me. Mother said I looked younger with my new haircut. I gave her a small smile before tugging my hair behind my ear.

My behaviour went back right to the very beginning.

“Come, Rae Ah. The light has turned green.” My mother said as she pulled me along, noticing my attention on the gossip magazine.

I rarely spoke nowadays. Only using monosyllabic answers and gestures instead of using my mouth to speak.

It was like I was a little girl once again, under the protective wings of my mother.

I worked at a nearby florist just round the corner of the rented apartment that we were staying in. The lady who owned the shop was from the same hometown as us and she was delighted to have an employee with similar backgrounds.

She didn’t probe about anything which was what I liked about her.


Mrs Choi’s POV

I’ve never felt so helpless. I didn’t know what to do. The first week when we got to Japan, Rae Ah wouldn’t eat or drink, she wouldn’t leave the apartment. The first time we saw Kyuhyun came onto the television because of the media, she threw a fit, and then she cried.

She answered me when I asked her a direct question but she was so empty. Her eyes were blank. She stopped listening to music; we have to do a detour every time we walked home as there was an album store nearby and she hated seeing the albums. She was avoiding everything that might remind her of him.

I was so worried about saying something that would upset her, the littlest things that would make her flinch and she never volunteered anything until we saw the poster at the florist that they needed help.

Kim Mi checks in now and then with me but there was nothing I could update her about because there was no improvement other than getting a job. She really wanted to know where we were. So I decided to pacify her by telling her the country instead of a specific location.

Sometimes, Rae Ah screamed in her sleep. Whenever we pass by some infant care boutique or when we are at the supermarket, near the infant food section, I would see her just standing there, her watery eyes fixed on the items before taking a deep breath to walk away.

Whenever she sees a pregnant lady, she feels so uncomfortable. Jus the other day, I found some small shopping bags at the back of the closet. She bought baby clothing.

I wonder if I have ever grasped how much pain she’s really in, it’s not normal at all. It frightens me, as her mother. It was not like someone left her, but like someone died. At least, the job at the florist was keeping her busy and occupied. 







Hey readers *waves*

I had this entire scene from chapter 11 to this chapter all acted out in my head. And I'm so happy I finally wrote them all down. You readers didn't think that I would make them divorce right? How can I do that? Rae Ah and Kyuhyun are so adorable together. 

I think Kyuhyun will be a really caring father. Look at the GIF. Like omg, precious moments. 





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shinee3 #1
Chapter 20: You did such an awesome job!! The story was really lovely! I love the ending with the kids and how everything turned out! It was really cute and truly great!
Chapter 20: so sweet!! shin is adorable!
Chapter 20: Kkyyaaa.... So sweet. Good job author :) really love your story.
eirrehc18 #4
Chapter 21: Waaa... it's already finished! Shin is so cute! Just like his appa.
Chapter 20: Haha I really love this story. Most of your stories are my favorites^^
It has a very sweet ending and I love that.
Good job :D
Chapter 20: Shin is so cute! I couldn't help but smiling as I read this last chapter. It was a lovely ending and I really like it. Thankyou for making this great story! ^^
chocolat_hyuk #7
Chapter 20: Gosh I really, truly love this story :) seems like Kyu and Rae ah have a really nice and happy family eventually
pjulia95 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhh. It was amazing i was following you all the way from a stranger & a pocket of blood and i could not imagine any better ending for this sequel. IT WAS FREAKING AWSOME. I can not wait for yur next stories. :-) :-)