The Promise.

Recording The Memories


Tears were streaming down my cheek unknowingly.

“Okay, now.” Kyuhyun said into the microphone and immediately the lights came out but the stage lights went off.

The entire concert hall lights were switched on, making everyone squeezed their eyes.

“Choi Rae Ah!” Kyuhyun shouted into the microphone.

“I know you’re out there, love. You said you will be at my concert.” He was frantically looking around the audience.

“Choi Rae Ah!” He shouted, scanning the concert hall.

I wiped my tears off my face.  

His eyes squinted down the row until he spotted me. His eyes widened with glee the moment I had eye contact with him.

“Love?” He called.

All I could do was to look back at him with tears. Everyone was whispering, some even got a shock.


“Isn’t that his wife?” “What happened between those two?””Did they break up?”


He held out his left hand, wiggling his fingers, “Love, I still have our wedding ring on. I have never taken it off even since you wore it for me on our wedding day.” He said.

More tears came streaming down.

“I know you still have yours.” He said. “You’re hanging it around your neck as a necklace, am I right?”

Slowly, my shaky hands rose to my collar and pulled out the necklace that was tugged behind my shirt and true enough like what Kyuhyun said, our wedding ring hung by the thin metal chain around my neck.

“We are still married. Do you know that?” He said with a smile.

I tilted my head, puzzled by his comment.

“You signed the divorce papers, right?” He asked. “Were you happy when you signed it?”

I stared at him.

“Because I wasn’t. I was furious. I was so angry that I tore the divorce papers.” He said with a smug grin on his face.

It took a while for me to comprehend the situation. Kyuhyun tore the divorce papers? So that means he didn’t sign it which means that…..

“That means we’re not divorced.” He emphasized every single word slowly into the microphone while gazing back at me.

I stared back at him in silence.

I blinked.

“I love you, Choi Rae Ah. These three month were tortuous to me. I don’t know how I made it through without you. But I did. With our wedding ring. I promise to protect you, I promise you for eternity.” He said.

“I love you. I want you back and I want you to want me back. Love? Please want me back. Please love me again.” Tears were streaming down his face as well.

Maybe I had underestimated Kyuhyun’s love for me all these while. With that thought in mind, I left my seat and ran to the barricade just before the stage. Kyuhyun pulled me up to the stage at the crowds cheered.

“I lied when I said I hate you. I never stopped loving you so it’s stupid to ask me to love you again.” I said as I stood right in front of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun placed his hand on my cheek as he thumbed the tears away gently. “Your mascara is running down your face.” Kyuhyun joked.

Which made me cried even more, “Hush, love. I’m here and I love you.” Kyuhyun said as he pulled me against him in a tight embrace.

The fans were hollering and screaming. I didn’t know whether it was good thing or a bad thing as I tried to pull away. “Your fans.” I said.

“They’ll understand.” He said as he refused to let go of me.

“I’ll never let you go again. Ever.” He whispered into my ear as it echoed through the wireless microphone.

The screams got louder. It was as if the fans were watching a romantic movie on stage. My arms wrapped around Kyuhyun tightly immediately as I gripped his shoulders, I brought my crying face to the crook of his neck and sobbed.

He pulled away suddenly to look at my face, I looked up at Kyuhyun’s face. “I love you.” I said before stepping on my tiptoe to kiss him on the lips hard, slithering my arms around his neck.

Kyuhyun smiled as he kissed me back. “I’m so happy that you’re in my arms again.”


“I didn’t know your condition was that serious.” I said, placing my palm on Kyuhyun’s cheek as we stood in his dressing room, backstage.

Kyuhyun trapped me between the dressing table and himself, placing both hands on either side of me. “I was so afraid that I will forget everything about you.” He said as he closed his eyes, leaning against the palm of my hand.

“But you recorded everything down.” I said, rubbing his cheek. He had lost so much weight as well; his chin was so much sharper than before, his cheeks becoming hollower.

“I had to. Remember our dinner date on the 15th? The one where I brought you to see the stars? I couldn’t remember a thing about it the day after.” He said, opening his eyes to look at me lovingly.

“So you forgot about everything that happened on the 15th?” He nodded.

“Isn’t that what my dream meant? Forgotten memory. The 15th cassette tape.” I said slowly.

“Yeah. I was taken aback when I saw the content in that library book you borrowed.” He said as he rested his forehead on mine, I could hear his breathing.

“How could you divorce me so easily, love?” He whispered.

“I really believed you! I thought you really slept with her.” I pouted.

“I’m sorry I hurt you in a way that was unforgivable.” He said, my sides.

“It’s alright. You tore the divorce papers. I forgive you.” I teased, hugging him.

 “So you’re going to come back to me, love?” He asked.

“Where else do you want me to go?”I asked, pulling away.

“Home with me.” He said as he leaned in for kiss.

I kissed him back with all my might. It took the both of us such a roller coaster to be back together, I wasn’t going to let Kyuhyun go ever.

“I love you.”I breathed in between the kisses.

It was only when Kyuhyun’s finger grazed my bare skin that my eyes widened. I quickly pulled away from him even though I was still in his arms. “Not here!” I said as I smacked his hand away.

“Oh? So you don’t mind the action but the environment?” He said, looking around.

“Control yourself, Cho Kyuhyun!” I said.

Just then, the door burst opened.

“RAE AH!” Kim Mi’s voice echoed through the dressing room.

“Kim Mi?” Actually I wasn’t that surprise to see her here in Japan. I mean, if Do Jin was going to be here for Kyuhyun’s promotions, I guess Kim Mi would tag along….

We hugged each other tightly as I saw Yi Soo standing around. “Yi Soo!”

“Come, everyone, let me introduce to you the owner of the florist that I’m working at now. This is Yi Soo.” I said as I brought Yi Soo forward.

“Hello.” She bowed.

“Y-You’re the owner of the florist with the transparent glass windows and doors down the street at 4th avenue, am I right?” Kyuhyun asked, stepping forward, next to me, slipping his hand around my waist.

“That’s right. How do you know?” Yi Soo asked.

“The day I met Rae Ah at the traffic junction, I passed by your shop and thought of her.” He said, turning towards me.

“You were lucky. If Yi Soo didn’t let me off early that day, you wouldn’t have met me.” I replied.

“There is a massive crowd out there, waiting for you guys to come out.” Do Jin said after getting an alert by the security.

“Massive crowd?” I repeated as I turned to Kyuhyun.

“Don’t worry, love. Your husband will protect you.” He said with a smug grin.


I returned to Kyuhyun’s apartment in Japan. I never knew he had one in Japan but that made sense since he frequently travelled to Japan for promotions.

“So now can we continue what we were doing just now?” He said as he hugged me from behind, his hand slipping lower.

Honestly, after the two miscarriages, it’s been quite difficult for me. Difficult in a way that wasn’t easy for anyone to comprehend. I pulled away from Kyuhyun’s grip.

“No. Not tonight.” I said, smirking as I turned around to have a tour of the house.

“Why not tonight? I gave such an excellent performance.” It was his turn to pout.

“You did. And I enjoyed myself.” I said as I pulled him into the bedroom.

I gasped as I went in. “what is this doing here?’ I said as I pointed to our wedding photo.

“You brought it to Japan?” I asked Kyuhyun.

“Nope. I went to order another set to be placed here since I come here quite often for work.”

“Baby?” I called. “It’s been such a long time since I heard that.” He replied, pulling me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Baby.” As I buried my face in the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck.

“I missed this so much when you left.” He said softly as we rocked from right to left.

“Mhmm” I hummed in his chest.

Kyuhyun quickly carried me and plopped me down on the huge king size bed. “Woah! Where did all the hype come from?” I asked.

He lay next to me, pulling me over to snuggle against him.

“I want to live in an apartment with you and just cuddle every day, but I’d miss you while I work. And when we come home, we can make each other laugh, and make food, and make love. A lot.” He said.

I looked up at him. “That was nice except the last part.”

“What’s wrong with the last part? We are a married couple, Mrs Cho!” He eyed me.

"You love me when I don't deserve it and that's when I needed it most." Kyuhyun speaking softly.

I placed one hand on his chest as I lay there, trapped in his arms. “Are you going to continue your job at the florist?” He asked out of the blue.

I thought for a moment. “I do admit, I enjoy the job and I wish to stay here for a while more.”

“Oh? Hmmmm.”


“Just making future plans in my head, that’s all.” He replied before placing a peck on my head.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” I asked Kyuhyun. “Or what do you want to do tomorrow?”

“Can I stay in bed with you the whole day?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow and placing his leg over my hip.

“Baby.” I frowned. “But I don’t want to stay in bed with you the whole day. We’re in Japan! It’s such a scenic place! We should go out and explore!” I reprimanded him.

“I really don’t mind staying in bed with you the whole day you know, love. But what you say is true too. We’re like on our second honeymoon.” He laughed.

“That was what I thought.” I said as I giggled.

“Baby?” I called.


“Sing me your newly release Japanese single.” I said as I closed my eyes, squeezing Kyuhyun.

“Promise You?” He asked.

“Mhmm. I like the song. I like the tune. I like the lyrics. And I like the singer.” I said as I tilted my head to kiss his jawbone.

Kyuhyun looked down quickly and pressed his lips against mine as he smiled into the kiss.

“I like the person who motivated me to write this song too.” He said before pressing his lips to mine once again. 






Hey readers *waves*


Hahahahahha. It took them quite a while isn't it? Heh. I'm so happy to finally write this chapter. Be gone, you emo sad weepy chapters! Let's welcome fluffy and happy dancing chapters. HAHAHA. 




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shinee3 #1
Chapter 20: You did such an awesome job!! The story was really lovely! I love the ending with the kids and how everything turned out! It was really cute and truly great!
Chapter 20: so sweet!! shin is adorable!
Chapter 20: Kkyyaaa.... So sweet. Good job author :) really love your story.
eirrehc18 #4
Chapter 21: Waaa... it's already finished! Shin is so cute! Just like his appa.
Chapter 20: Haha I really love this story. Most of your stories are my favorites^^
It has a very sweet ending and I love that.
Good job :D
Chapter 20: Shin is so cute! I couldn't help but smiling as I read this last chapter. It was a lovely ending and I really like it. Thankyou for making this great story! ^^
chocolat_hyuk #7
Chapter 20: Gosh I really, truly love this story :) seems like Kyu and Rae ah have a really nice and happy family eventually
pjulia95 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhhh. It was amazing i was following you all the way from a stranger & a pocket of blood and i could not imagine any better ending for this sequel. IT WAS FREAKING AWSOME. I can not wait for yur next stories. :-) :-)