Kim Jongin

Spectrum: The Art of Dance

Kim JongIn



“To dream together with your dream, it’s perfect.”


Dance – when I hadn’t known where else I could hang on, it was dance that kept me alive on my tracks, it kept a hold of me when the heavens had given me obstacles.


It gave me sanctuary, a Haven, must I call it, when I had no longer known the right path, and it kept me going. Straight or not, I must say, to where I am now was my destined course.


Barrier – it was dance that had gotten me out of this world to express and not to impress. It had me tear my façade down, because of it; I had gotten to know myself better, and best.


“The only thing I had going for me at the time was dancing. “


Dance had the power that made me find myself amidst the shadows I had been hid and trampled in, yet it had made me lose myself rather unexpected in the midst of paradise. It was a powerful string that bounded between mirage and happiness.


And because of dance I had known the existence of love; I had known the fact that it wasn’t just merely a word, but finally, a bona fide emotion that not only I had felt with my relationship in dancing. It had so much more to it. It was love that had made me realize what I wanted in life, and though through the train of sorrows, love, it was the sacrifice I had been given just for my dreams to come true.


I had then received the sacrifice of love, and now, it was then my turn to return, again.




“Dance is like dreaming with your feet,” was one among the train of thoughts the boy, Kim Jongin had always been ensconced in. From the looks of it, he had been successful, now known as Kai of EXO, and being able to debut was much more than what his feet, when swayed, had dreamed of.


He had always looked like he had a facade chained to him, that whenever you heard ‘Kai’, the adept one who was an utmost jazz dancer, no one would have thought he would be Kim Jongin, the one who loved, too. He had different personas; he was a rather reserved man. But every midnight, at that specific practice room where he fulfilled dreams with her, he was far different from the Kai people had gotten to know.


He had the feet of a virtuoso, yet had a heart of naivety and unfathomable treasures. Right, he had been successful, but after gaining something, he had lost something, or rather someone, who had staked her own dream just so he could pursue and continue on his own light. Wasn’t life a give and take routine, after all?


It was after nightfall had he gone to his secret haven, to reminisce what had been lost, and even just for short while, maybe he could relive the past he mostly missed. It was dimly-lit, the wooden sprung floor seemingly untouched, and by the looks of it, it had been unused since he had known the reason, the truth. He thought it would be better to leave the practice room for awhile after her departure, so he did. But that day, it was special.


So he began that night, the art of dance



SHINeesJuliette: I'm totally going all bufallo-rolling with Kai, or Kim Jongin should I say. His eyes depict a more serious life he had back then and I just want to put into words what those eyes of him tell.

IDK sorry if this is rushed and short! I didn't know it'd be hard having 4 on-going oneshots at the same time shot. 

I hoped you enjoy it nevertheless! And oh, Happy Birthday to my baby sister KisseuKrease!

Please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! I'll update within this week! ~


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Chapter 1: Hello! I stumbled upon your story very late (I don't comment much on my account), but I'm the editor that created the jongin video! I just wanted to thank you for writing such a beautiful piece about him! It's so lovely omg ;;

Please continue to write more! :3
lots of love ♥
Chapter 1: OMG ..>< ..<3
Chapter 1: Fahkin feels. I can't omg ;uuu;
Chapter 1: that video made me cry!! oh god, do you know which 3 quotes he said actually?? I love this!! Never regret reading this!! your words are amazing, the way you describe things is amazing!! you're amazing!! XD
excited already! i do think that jong in and kai are two different person.
i can tell by those little moments.