Mission Part 2

Beyond What You See

"Hyung.. Are you sure it's here?" Seungri asked as the 5 of them walked in to the empty safe house.

"No worries Ri, your hyung hardly gets anything wrong." Leon appeared behind the 5 boys holding GD's informer at gunpoint.

With a swift action, the 5 boys withdraw their guns and targeted at Leon.

"You should put those down if you wanna see another day boys. Think about your family, your VIP fans."

GD looked around, searching for any opening for his brothers to escape. It's okay if he stays, just let his brothers out. But the only escape route was behind Leon. The only way to get out was to get pass him.

"Let them go Leon. This fight is between us."

"Fight G?" There is no fight. I only want to safe the South from the attack. Either you give me the damn necklace and save us all or just let me kill you."

"Come on. You can lie to the world but you can't lie to me. Not anymore."

Leon realise now that his plans have been uncovered. It's true, he can lie to everyone else but he can never lie to his Jiyong.

"Well then, since you already know what it is all about, don't risk any more lives and give me the damn necklace."

TOP walked forward and stood right in front of GD. "You want the necklace, you get through me first Leon."

There was no way TOP would let GD be standing right in front when he was the target. He rather lose his own life than to let his younger ones be in great danger. They are his life too.

Leon smirked, "Aww.. Feeling sentimental now are we TOP? Just where do you think you're going Daesung, Seungri?" Leon noticed the two trying to sneak across the room and quickly shifted his gun in their direction.

"But before I even kill the two of you, I should say thank you. If it weren't for the two of you, Mike would have killed me."

The 3 hyungs glanced towards their two younger ones. They knew something was wrong when Seungri happily approached them and recalled how he had a lot of 'fun' with Daesung overseas, together.

"Those evidences you two found, were all from me." Leon said proudly. It was simple for him to secretly pass false details about Mike to Daesung and Seungri. They were new agents who hardly know anyone in the industry. All Leon had to do was hire his own people and have them arranged a meeting with the two, disguised as trustable informers.

"You.. Hyung we're.." Daesung stuttered. He took the shot. He killed someone innocent.

"How dare you deceive my dongsaengs!" TOP bellowed and fired a shot at Leon only to have it hit the wall right behind Leon when he dodged the bullet.

Leon grinned, "You shouldn't do that. You have no idea how many bombs you could have triggered to explode."

TOP shifted his eyes across the entire room, not able to find any bombs. While he was trying to figure where Leon could have hidden them, he heard two shots being fired. TOP turned to find Daesung bleeding profusely on the ground.

"WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING?" Taeyang roared as his aimed his Sig towards Leon.

"Oh Taeyang.. No matter how many times you train, you can never kill anyone. Look at your hands trembling so bad while holding that out in front of me."

The door suddenly creaked open and two men with bulky muscles came in with a S&W handgun each. Taeyang know he will be risking his brothers' life if any of them took another shot at Leon. Without him realising it, Youngbae brought down his hands to the side and sighed as he returned to Daesung's side. The 4 brothers desperately try to stop the bleeding with any clothes that they could took off.

"Now.. Where is the necklace GD?"

"You'll never find it even if you kill us."

"Then I'll just kill your members and let you live alone to suffer the guilt."

Jiyong called feel his eyes starting to wet. He knew that Leon would do what he says he would and GD knew, he can never survive the guilt of having all s killed right in front of him while he live. How would he answer to their fans? How would he answer to their families? How would I even live a day without them?

"Look.. You don't have much time. Give me the damn necklace, I'll be gone. You can lead your life as 5 singers up on stage, normally."

"What are you going to do with the necklace?"

"Well, I bet you know where I originate from and all that. Look.." Leon pointed in the direction of a small table with his eyes where a laptop was switched on. GD walked towards the laptop and could not contain his shock. Leon's entire family were strapped tight on a chair, blindfolded. The two kids were suffering, GD could see their wet cheeks and hear Leon's wife speaking soothingly, "Calm down kids. Daddy gonna get us out of here."

"I need to save them Jiyong. Help me, to help them. Please."

"How do I know you're not lying again?"

"I can lie about everything but not my family's safety. They are everything that I have. I can never live to see another day without them. Please, help me."


- S&W: Smith & Wesson (type of handgun)

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baoling90 #1
Chapter 2: wow! very interesting fic!!
Chapter 13: Omg!!!!! Good job writing author nim! I enjoyed it very very much!
Chapter 11: my babies~ -sobs-sobs-
Chapter 11: Oh! So this whole time Leon was the made guy! Good luck Big Bang! Annilated Leon!
Chapter 10: Hmm What's the necklace about? I mean, the story behind it that makes it so 'burdening'?
Chapter 10: Uh oh!!! What's going on!?! Please update authornim!!!