Chapter 5

A Change At Heart{SEMI-HIATUS}

"L.JOE!!!!!" C.A.P screamed from the other room. L.Joe sprung up on his feet and ran into Niel's and C.A.P's room.

"Yeah! what happened?" L.Joe said worryingly.

"Why didn't you tell us Ricky was your new room mate?" Niel said.

"Well nobody saw us yesterday.....and how do you know it was Ricky?"

"ummm so you see~ there's an article-" Niel was cut off once Ricky stormed into their room.

"YA! LEE BYUNGHUN!" Ricky yelled.

"y-yes?....." L.Joe stuttered

" YOU'RE SUCH A FOOL!!!! DID YOU SEE THIS?!!?!?!?!" Ricky held his phone up to L.Joe`s face . L.Joe`s eyes widen once he saw the main image of him and L.Joe kissing.


"Minwoo hyung~" Rockhyun complained as he followed his hyung around.

"what is it?!" Minwoo shouted. Rockhyun was frightened as he noticed that his hyung was pissed.

"uhhhh.....what was the plan again?" Rockhyun hesitated. Minwoo rolled his eyes and stopped walking.

"Ok! For the last time! The plan is that we find that Ricky kid and a little ok? Its that easy-" Minwoo spotted Ricky and L.Joe arguing. Minwoo smirked as a thought entered his mind. He quickly took his phone out and snapped a picture of the two Kingka's having a "first day kiss" in other words. Rockhyun tapped Minwoo's shoulder and blinked at him innocently.

"Hyung what you take a picture of? FEMALE S?!" Rockhyun asked. Minwoo smirked and showed his prized picture to him.

"A first day kiss....this will ruin them completely." Minwoo chuckled lowly and Rockhyun gapped at the picture. The boys turned around and headed back to their dorm room, but while they were walking they spotted the school's head writer. Minwoo immediately stopped her.

"Hey....want something interesting to write about the Kingka's?" he pulled his phone out. She shyly nodded.

"Give me your number... I'll send you the picture." He added. Her face flushed as she wrote her number on a sticky note. She passed the sticky note to him and walked away. Minwoo immediately sent her the picture and laughed mischievously.

"Oh I am a GENIUS!" he cheered. Rockhyun was still surprised by the picture.

"Ya! laugh with me Rockhyun!" Minwoo slapped him in the head. Rockhyun stopped gapping and laughed sheepishly.

end of flashback

"WHO TOOK THIS?!" L.Joe said in shock. He read the whole article.

"oh my god! its sooooo cute~~~"

"AWE :( I was wanting L.Joe to myself~"

"OMG!!!! RICKJOE!!!!"

" they're gay?!?!?!?!?! oh no!!!! my oppa!!!!!"

L.Joe`s eyes were burning reading the comments.

".....what are we going to do?!" he mumbled.

"I KNOW WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO!!!! YOU'RE GOING TO STAY THE AWAY FROM ME!!!" Ricky screamed as he walked back in his room.

"OH PLUS!!! PUT SOME PANTS ON MISTER BYUNGARI!!!!" Ricky added. L.Joe looked down to notice he was in boxers with chicks on the.

"Why does this always happen to me?" L.Joe said in frustration as he went back into his room.

~~ In English Class ~~

Most of the kids in the class were whispering about the new "gay kingka" couple. Ricky was quite pissed while L.Joe didn't really mind.

"oppa!" a girl ran up to him and asked.

"neh?" L.Joe said.

" is it true?"

"is what true?"

"that your gay?!" L.Joe shook his head and smiled.

"I'm as straight as a pencil. so don't worry." He replied with a killer smile. The girls face flushed red. She quickly ran back to her friends and told them. L.Joe, C.A.P and Niel were fooling around, singing and rapping. Ricky couldn't stand watching them when they were in this kind of situation. As Ricky closed his eyes, he heard a slam. He sprung up on his feet and saw 7 boys surrounding him. Hoya roughly pushed him back in the chair.

"So I hear that we were replaced by a gay~ is that so?" Sungjong scoffed. Ricky was taken aback from those words.

"what?! me?! gay?! HELL NO!!!! IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT GAY TALK TO BYUNGARI!" Ricky yelled.

"who the is byungari?" Sungyeol asked.

"Ya! Pabo! It's L.Joe you stupid chodding..." Sunggyu scolded.

"Anyways.... if you want to be alive in this school...I suggest that you stay out of our way." L said plainly. the 7 walked away but Dongwoon re-appeared.

" I don't really care if you gay by the way~ honestly....I kinda like-" Dongwoon whispered and got cut off as Woohyun hit his head.

"Stop talking to the enemy!" He scolded.

Ricky was quite surprised. * What the * As Ricky stood up again, another 7 guys blocked his way.

"oh my god.... again...." He mumbled.

"Ya! Gay kingka!-" Sanghoon was cut off.

"let me guess~ I should stay out of your way if I want to stay alive in this school? or there will be consequences. Am I right?" Ricky ignorantly said.

"How do know that!? I barely even said anything!" Sanghoon asked.

" I was just told that a few seconds before you came here and started bugging me..." Ricky plainly said. They all made an 'o' shape with there mouths and nodded.

"WELL~~~ WE ARE 100% !!! So don't get in out way!" They shouted in unison. Ricky blankly started at them and left. *Wow..... People these days want attention that badly? so irritating...* As Ricky walked towards Changjo and Chunji, L.Joe stopped him and pulled him to the side.

"Ricky~ don't worry about this,ok? It's fine~" L.Joe tried to comfort him.

"YA! I told you! don't talk to me!" Ricky took his hand out of his grip and walked towards his friends. *Not as annoying as him ==*

"Hey guys..." Ricky said. Chunji waved at him and Changjo just avoided having eye contact with him.

"So I here my friend that there is a little "" action going on with our kingka~~~" Chunji joked.

"Don't you dare talk about that." Ricky demanded.

"Ricky. I was just joking. Calm down." Chunji tried to calm him. The three, or just the two were just talking. Changjo just tried to avoid having contact.

"Ya! Changjo. you haven't said a word. What's wrong? It's not like you took the picture." Ricky smiled. Changjo blushed a little.

"Ya... Changjo are you getting a fever?" Chunji touched his forehead. Changjo hesitated a little then swatted his hand away.

"A-aniyo....I-I will j-just get going~" Changjo quickly walked away. *Oh god.....Why do I keep getting embarrassed around him.....* Changjo walked up to a locker and started banging his head against it. L.Joe walked out of the room with his friends and saw him.

"Ya... uhhhh Changjo is it?" Niel shouted out. Changjo quickly stood up straight and fixed his uniform.

"uhhhh...n-neh?" Changjo stuttered.

" You ok buddy? You look like you just embarrassed yourself quite badly." C.A.P chuckled.

"Uhhhh...N-No... I-I......" Changjo kept stuttering. L.Joe walked up to him and poked his face.

" Is it because of yesterday?" L.Joe smirked. Changjo started to blush even more.

"Ya~ Changjo-gun... Don't be embarrassed ok?" He tried to persuade him.

"a-arrasso..." he stuttered.

"wah~~~~ you stutter a lot man!" Niel wrapped an arm around his neck. C.A.P quickly pulled Niel back into his grip.

"Niel. You're having way to much skin ship. People will think you gay too!" C.A.P joked.

"what about you hyung~ you should stop touching me~" Niel stuck out his tongue. C.A.P a little flustered took his hand off him. The bell rang for class and the 4 walked back into the classroom. The teacher walked into the classroom and started his lecture. L.Joe pulled out his earphones and stuck it in his ears. He started to doze off. No one noticed him except Ricky. *YA! THIS KID!!!* Ricky looked around to see if anyone was watching him and trying to avoid the teacher from seeing him. He quickly poked L.Joe with his pencil. L.Joe stirred a little. He tried again. L.Joe didn't budge at all. Ricky with a sigh leaned over and whispered "Ya~~~~ byungari! wake up!" L.Joe didn't wake up. He rolled his eyes and tried again."Byungari!-" The teacher slapped his desk.

"Changhyun! What do you think you're doing?" the teacher scolded.

"I-I'm sorry..." Ricky hung his head down. The teacher then slapped L.Joe`s desk. L.Joe quickly took his earphones out and stood up.

"I'm sorry..." L.Joe apologized. The teacher rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Ya! You two! You have detention after school! ok?" the teacher said. L.Joe and Ricky hung there heads down and nodded. Ricky looked over at L.Joe who smiled awkwardly. "I'm really sorry~" L.Joe mouthed. Ricky shot death glares at him. The two sat down in their seats and the teacher continued with his lesson. Woohyun kicked Ricky's chair and smirked.

"Ya~ you going to kiss him again today?" He said.

"If you didn't see the picture clearly...he kissed shut up or else I’m bringing you with me and I will make the real gay kiss you!" Ricky threatened. Woohyun leaned back in his seat and ignored Ricky's threat. A few seconds later Sanghoon turned around and smirked.

"Ya! gay you going to kiss-" He whispered as Ricky cut him off.

"wahhh~~ I'm not going to kiss know what? you need to ask me earlier or just don't talk at all. I was just told the same thing you idiot." Ricky scoffed.

"Ok class! So we are going to have a group project!" The teacher announced.

"so can you please get into a group of 6 or 7." the teacher continued. As the teacher walked out of the room, everyone started to group up. A few girls ran up to Ricky and L.Joe`s groups asking to join, but they turned them down. Once everyone got into groups Ricky, L.Joe, C.A.P, Niel, Changjo, and Chunji were left.

"I guess we have to group up?" Changjo said nervously. Ricky turned away and sat back in his desk.

"Sure let's work together." L.Joe said. The 5 started planning what to make for their project. Ricky ignored all of them.

"Ya! Ricky~ come help~" Niel whined. Ricky got up from his seat and joined them.

" hmmm what should we make?" L.Joe thought to himself.

"what about a song?" C.A.P suggested. Everyone nodded.

"not bad~" Niel said. As they discussed on what to make Changjo, and Ricky didn't pay attention. Changjo was staring at Ricky and thought to himself, *Why does he look so upset....*

"uhhhh guys I'm going to the washroom.... Ricky want to come along?" Changjo said as he fixed his uniform. Ricky smiled a little and nodded. The two walked out of the class and started to roam the halls.

"So....Ricky....You look upset.... How come?" Changjo asked worryingly.

"Huh? oh.....its nothing...." Ricky replied.

"C'mon~ you can tell me anything you know that....."

"W-well.... we used to be best friends....."


"L.Joe...than he moved to America.... I didn't see him for 10 years” Ricky started to tear up.

"oh..... Well lets not talk about this..... sorry..." Changjo held Ricky's hand.

"it's ok...." Ricky said. Changjo didn't let go of his hand. The two walked back into the class. Ricky finally realised that people were staring at them.

"uhhhh...Changjo-gun....can you let go of my hand please?" Ricky whispered.

"oh...m-mian..." Changjo said as he released his hand. Chunji gritted his teeth a little.

"What happened? That took you forever?" Chunji asked.

"uhhhh.... Ricky got scared....So uh...yeah....." Changjo fibbed.

"oh...okay?" Niel said in suspicion. Ricky blushed a little.

"thanks....." he whispered. Changjo winked at him.

~~ After school ~~

As the students cleared up the class room, Ricky and L.Joe started to clean up the class room. It was an awkward atmosphere between the two of them. They didn't say a word to each other. The two just cleaned. Suddenly, They heard a knock on the door. Ricky ran up and saw both Niel and Changjo at the door.

“Ya! What are you two doing here?” Ricky asked.

“Well you guys have been here for a while… So we thought of bringing you guys food?” Changjo said. Niel nodded and ran up to L.Joe.

“L.Joe hyung~ You must be so tired~” Niel hugged L.Joe. L.Joe chuckled.

“We should take a break. I’m hungry too~” L.Joe said. The four pulled up a few desks and started to dig into their food.

“Wow! Its good~” Ricky said. Changjo ruffled his hair and laughed.

“So~ I’m guessing you to kissed again right?” Niel said. The atmosphere became darker after.

“uhhhh I-I was kidding~ I am not like all those annoying people…..”Niel tried to cover up his mistake. The three just stayed quiet.

“I TOLD YOU GUYS I WAS KIDDING! NOW STOP MAKING ME FEEL AWKWARD!” Niel whined. Changjo agreed, so he decided to switch the subject.

“Oh my god~ I feel so bad for C.A.P~ I heard he got beat by one of the teachers for swearing!” he joked. L.Joe cracked up a little. Ricky started to play with his food.

“Ummm… Ricky you can leave….I will take your place ok?” Changjo offered. Ricky nodded and left the room.

“Niel why don’t you go with him.” L.Joe suggested. Niel also left.

Changjo and L.Joe got up and started to clean.

“So…. L.Joe… I heard that you used to be good friends with Ricky….is it true?” Changjo asked as he stalked the book shelf.

“Yes? Oh uh… yeah we did… how did you know?” L.Joe asked.

“Ricky told me…” Changjo turned to him. L.Joe smiled a little.

“He didn’t say anything else?”

“No… So why do you two seem so…Awkward around each other?”

“I actually don’t know about that…”


The two finally finished cleaning up. L.Joe wiped off the sweat off his brows. The two gathered their stuff and locked up the class. They walked off towards their dorm.

“ so hyung… I hope you guys will be friends again…” Changjo said.

“thanks… I hope so too…” L.Joe replied.

“Oh this is my room…thanks hyung.” Changjo smiled and entered his room. L.Joe continued walking towards his room. *he’s a good kid… I think Ricky likes him…* L.Joe smiled to himself. As L.Joe entered his room he bumped in Ricky.

“Oh mian-” L.Joe noticed the half Ricky. Ricky's hair was wet. Drops fell onto his shoulders, rolled down his colloar bone and down his bare chest. 

“YA!” Ricky ran into the washroom. L.Joe snapped out of his admiration once he heard Ricky scream.

“Mianhae…I didn’t mean to startle you….” L.Joe said. *Ehehehe the same Ricky….* he smirked.

“Oh Ricky~ by the way~ You have a nice body~” L.Joe said.

”YA!!!!!” Shouted from the washroom.




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Chapter 6: aw cuute ^^ ricky dont hate ljoe please? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 7: please update???
Chapter 6: Indigestion XD Hahaha!!
Chapter 6: AWWW SO CUTE >_<
Chapter 6: aw aw aw awwwww RickJoe is so sweet. So lovely T^T
Chapter 5: Ricky is so cold ;(
Chapter 5: god RickJoe is so cute :D Update soon