Chapter 3

A Change At Heart{SEMI-HIATUS}

~~ a month later ~~

*beep beep beep*

L.joes alarm clock went off. "L.JOE HYUNG~~~~~ WAKE UP~~~~" Niel screemed as he and C.A.P entered L.Joe's room. L.Joe was still in his deep sleep.

"wow.....he is kinda like you hyung..." Niel told C.A.P.

"Mwoh?! What do you mean?!" C.A.P was confused.

" Nothing~ Nothing...."

"So how should we wake him up....."

"ohhh....i dont know.....maybe i should just try this- WAHHH!!!! CHANGHYUN-AH!!!!" Niel shouted. L.Joe sprung up on his feet and ran to the door.

"WHERE IS HE?!" L.Joe asked with wide eyes. He was in a wife beater and pink heart boxers.

"yah! L.Joe! put some pants on or something. Its kinda of hard to see you wear hearts on your boxers..." C.A.P said as he used his hand to block L.Joes bottom half from his vision. L.Joe finally realized what he was wearing and hurried back to his bed, took his blanket, turned into a ball and hid himself underneath it.

" for a guy with a 4Dimensional personality.... He is such a kid....." Niel laughed. L.Joe peeked through a little opening and shot death glares at Niel.

" I am not a kid...." L.Joe said in his denfense.

"yeah yeah whatever..... hurry up! we are going to be late for classes...." C.A.P said as he left. Niel stood up and walked behind him. *aish!!! why are these guys always like this!* L.Joe stood up and walked to his washroom. He looked himself in the mirror and smirked brightly. *at least tomorrow i can find Ricky..... right?*

~~In class~~

*ding dong ding dong*

the school bells chimed. L.Joe was sitting in the corner of the room near the window just blankly staring outside.

"YA! Byunghun....... Your in our spot...." a black haired boy said.

"Oh....hi L....." L.Joe replied emotionlessly.

"ya! didn' you hear me-" l said, but before he could finish C.A.P and Niel entered.

"ya~~~~ L! stop bugging him...." C.A.P said as he walked in with a er in his mouth. Niel just tried to look intimidating.

" C.A.P shut up! I dont need to waste my breath with you again." L shouted. Before the two boys could start with eachother, the principal walked in the room and slapped the desks with a meter stick. All the kids turned their attention to him and sat still in their seats.

"kids..... We have a new kid here. So please treat him well....L......Minwoo....." the principal introduced while eyeing two of the boys he mentioned. Minwoo rolled his eyes and L smirked.

"anyways...... Changhyun-ah~ come in~" the principal called the new student in.

*MWOH?! CHANGHYUN?! MWOH?!* L.Joe's head stared at the door and as the boys walked in L.Joe imediately stood up.

"changhyun.... please introduce yourself....." the principal told the boy.

"a-annyeonghaseyo...... I'm Yoo Changhyun....but I would rather you call me Ricky." He smiled brightly.

"ricky?" L.Joe said out loud. Everyone turned his attention towards L.Joe.

"Mr. Lee... do you have a question?" the principal raised a brow.

"u-uh....anniyo.....I just thought that....its a nice name....." L.Joe said shyly.

" so, changhyun-ah, please take a seat. I see there is an open one by mr. lee." the principal pointed towards the seat by L.Joe. Ricky slowly walked to his seat and smiled to all the girls who were in awe after seeing him. It was the same reaction L.Joe got when he first started the classes. As ricky approached his seat he looked over to the smiling L.Joe and his smiled disapeared. L.Joe was so confused. Ricky put his stuff down and took his seat.

"ah....R-ricky, right?" L.Joe said nervousley.

" hi byunghun...." Ricky said emotionlessly and stared at the board.

"You remember me?!" L.Joe asked. L.Joe had turned into a puppy at that moment. He didn't have his cool 4D personaltiy but he was just very happy.

"Changhyun~ I missed you so much!" L.Joe said as he attempted to hold Ricky's hand. Ricky quickly pulled his hand away and glared at L.Joe.

"stop bugging me......" Ricky said cooly and ignored L.Joe for the whole class. *W-what? why is he like this.....* L.Joe sat there staring blankly at Ricky through all his classes.

~~ lunch ~~

"YA! L.JOE!" Niel yelled across the room. L.Joe waved at Niel to have him come sit by him.

"dude! is the new kid that guy?" Niel leaned in and stared at L.Joe in curiosity.

"yeah....." he smiled a little bit. Niel stared at L.Joe and was confused from his expression.

"why are you like this then?.....I thought you would be more happy?" Niel asked.

"a-ah....its nothing......" L.Joe replied as he started to eat.

"ah ricky-ah~" "wow he is so cute" " wah~ i can just bite him~" a bunch of girls whispered as Ricky sat in the corner of the room eating by himself. L.Joe wanted to eat with him. As he stood up he saw two boys walk up to him.

"annyeong." one boy with blonde hair said. Ricky looked up from his lunch and smiled at the two boys who had took a seat infront of him.

"uhhh...Hi" Ricky replied awkwardly.

" are you alone?" the other boy asked ricky. Ricky simply nodded and looked down at the ground shyly.

"Well we are already here~ so why don't we introduce our selves!" the blonde one said.

"well i'm-" ricky was cut off before continuing.

" We know~ you introduced yourself before~ Ricky. anyways~ I'm Chunji. its nice to meet you."the blonde boy introduced himself.

"I am Changjo~ I hope we get along well~" the other boy said and also did a weird dance for Ricky. The three boys laughed a little at his little gag dance. L.Joe was watching from afar and was quite envious. *why is he being like this to me?..........*



Well here is the THIRD chapter!!!!! yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY RICKY HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!but what has happened?! lol

so this i guess you can say i had to rush it....cause i was in the middle of studying so.....yea............anyways~~~ hope you guys liked it~~~~~~~~~~~ this was quite short.........sadly.....

anyways you know what to do~ leave your comments, and subscribe and share this story please~ *^*


heres some teen top gifs~~~


yay~~~ anyways thank you guys~~~~ 

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Chapter 6: aw cuute ^^ ricky dont hate ljoe please? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 7: please update???
Chapter 6: Indigestion XD Hahaha!!
Chapter 6: AWWW SO CUTE >_<
Chapter 6: aw aw aw awwwww RickJoe is so sweet. So lovely T^T
Chapter 5: Ricky is so cold ;(
Chapter 5: god RickJoe is so cute :D Update soon