Chapter 2

A Change At Heart{SEMI-HIATUS}


~~10 Years Later~~

*beep beep* L.Joe’s alarm clock went off. “Mmmmm…” he let out a groan.

“What time is it?” he mumbled into his pillow. He turned his head and looked at the time and closed his eyes again.

“Oh….its 10:30…..” he sleepily said.

“WAIT! 10:30!?! !” he jumped out of bed and sprinted to his washroom. He quickly pulled off his shirt (*^* just imagine that *////*) and did the usual. After he slid into a white shirt, a red devil hoodie and a pair of grey pants. He grabbed his suite case and ran down the stairs of his home. His mom was in the kitchen cooking and his dad was reading his newspaper like he did every morning.

“OMMA! APPA! Why didn’t you wake me up!?” L.Joe screamed. They turned their heads towards him and stared at him in confusion.

“Waeyo? What’s happening today?” L.Joe’s mom questioned.

“Yes! My flight is today!” L.Joe said in frustration. His mom was still staring at him in confusion.

“You had a flight?” She said sarcastically. L.Joe rolled his eyes, “forget it!” he went to his parents and said his good byes and walked towards the door. As he opened the door L.Joe’s mom held him back.

“Aniyo! Why do you have to leave!?” his mom cried.

“Omma…..  I want to go back home…..just be more independent…and plus I want to see my friends again….” L.Joe said *especially Changhyun…* he smiled at the thought running through his head. He kissed his mother’s head and held her in a tight embrace.

“Bye mom… I love you…remember that.” He smiled and walked out the door. He called a taxi over and as he entered he waved a last goodbye. As he took his seat in the taxi he put in his earphones.

“Take me to the airport please.” As the music played through his earphones he dozed off.  


~~few minutes later~~

[note: the words in red are the translations~ thank you}

L.Joe got out of the car and took his luggage and paid the driver.

“Thanks…” L.Joe said as he gave the money to the driver. He turned around and walked into the airport. He reached the gates and took a seat in the waiting area. He looked around the room and smirked a little. *wow….  I can’t wait to go home….* He pulled out his phone and held it up as he took a selca of himself.  He looked at the picture he just took and smiled a little.

“Wah…… I wish I still had his number…” he mumbled to himself.

“야! C.A.P 형! 무슨 짓을하는거야! [YA!!!! C.A.P HYUNG!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!]” L.Joe turned around to see a boy with thick lips yelling at another boy who was wearing a hat. The boy with thick lips was flailing his arms as the boy with the hat was dragging him to the gate. L.Joe automatically stood up and stared at them. He didn’t know what to do so he randomly stopped them.

“Ummmmm…..e-excuseu me….uhhhh….mobeu……” the boy with the hat tried to say.

“What do you think you’re doing to this boy?” L.Joe asked coolly.

“그는 무슨 말을 했지? {What did he say?}” the thick boy asked.

((note: he speaks in Korean from now on~))

“I said ‘what are you doing to him?” L.Joe said as he picked up the thick lipped boy.

“Ah….we was going to be late for our flight to Seoul….and THIS guy was flirting with one of the flight attendants.” The boy with the hat replied and took the other boy back in his grip.

“Ah! Hyung that hurts!” the boy whimpered as his friend tightened his grip.

“Oh…you’re going to Seoul too?” L.Joe asked.

“Yeah….we just ended our little trip today.” The older boy smiled.

“Oh….so I guess…it’s nice to meet you guys. I’m L.Joe anyways.” He held his hand out and smiled awkwardly.

“Yo! I’m minsoo! But I would rather you call me C.A.P” he pulled L.Joe into a man hug then laughed a little.

“aH! My naMe is NiEl.” The thick lipped boy said as his voice started to crack. He cleared his throat a little and then retried his introduction. “I’m sorry…. My name is Niel….. Sorry about that….my voice cracks when I am nervous….” He just awkwardly waved.

The three boys sat and started to get to know each other.

“Passengers of flight 187 to Seoul, South Korea, please board the plane as this plane will take off inn 30 minutes.”  The intercom announced.

“Oh that’s our flight! Let’s go~” Niel said as he walked to the check in. Niel winked at the flight attendant which made her face flush red. C.A.P and L.Joe shook their heads and boarded the plane. As the three took their seats they buckled up and as soon as Niel and L.Joe turned their heads towards each other they saw C.A.P fast asleep. Niel giggled a little and L.Joe was left confused.

“Wasn’t he just awake?” L.Joe whispered to Niel.

“Hyung can sleep anywhere, so don’t worry.” Niel winked. L.Joe, still in his awkward mode, gave him an awkward smile. L.Joe put his earphones on again and too fell asleep.


~~ Few hours later~~

“L.Joe! Hyung! Hyung! L.Joe Hyung!” Niel whispered into L.Joe’s ears.

“Changhyun-ya! Shut up….”L.Joe mumbled a little.

“Who’s Changhyun?” Niel questioned. L.Joe opened his eyes to find a wild Niel staring at him. He was startled and he jumped out of his seat and by mistake hit C.A.P in the head. Hoping that C.A.P wouldn’t wake up he stared at him with wide eyes. Luckily C.A.P was a heavy sleeper.

“Omo….ya! What is it!?” L.Joe slapped Niel’s arm as he scolded him.

“Ow! Stop it! I just wanted to say…want to pull a prank on C.A.P?” Niel asked mischievously. L.Joe shook his head and tried to fall asleep again.

“If you don’t I will bug you about this so called ‘Changhyun’ person.” Niel smirked. L.Joe surprised he just gave in to Niel’s request.  Niel pulled out a marker and a few make up things. Niel mischievously smiled and crouched on the seat next to C.A.P and started drawing a uni-brow, a mustache and moles on C.A.Ps face. Niel chuckled at his master piece and L.Joe just stared at him blankly.

“Mwoh?! Aren’t you going to help me?” Niel asked as he continued his masterpiece.

“I’m helping in a way…. I didn’t stop you so that means I helped you in pulling a prank on him.” L.Joe said and fell asleep again.


~~another few hours later~~

“YA! L.JOE! WHO DID THIS!?” C.A.P yelled as he came back from the washroom. Niel signaled L.Joe to not tell it was him, but L.Joe looked back at C.A.P.

“It was Niel.” L.Joe said and looked back at the window.

“YA! NIEL! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!?” C.A.P scolded him. Niel flinched as he was reading to get the beating of his life.

“Excuse me passengers but we are about to land so can you please buckle up and stay seated thank you.” The intercom announced.

“AYE AYE CAPTIN!” Niel said in relief and sat in his seat immediately. L.Joe smiled and buckled his seat belt. *Changhyun-ah… I come*


~~ On land~~

The three boys got off the plane and picked up their stuff.

“Well it was nice meeting you L.Joe. Oh yeah! Where are you heading to? “C.A.P said.

“I’m heading to Red Sea high school.” L.Joe replied.

“HEY! We are going there too! You want a ride?” Niel offered.

“Oh…sure why not.” L.Joe smiled. The three boys got into C.A.P’s car. C.A.P plugged his iPod into the little dock that was installed into his car. He played a few Eminem songs as they drove to the high school. C.A.P bursted into a few freestyle raps and L.Joe joined in. C.A.P pulled the car up to a huge building and parked it in one of the parking spots.

{{ this is how the school, and the dorms and all that school stuff looks like~~~ teehee its so cool...back to the story}}

“And here is Red high school~” C.A.P introduced. Niel ad L.Joe got out of the car and entered the school. L.Joe was quite fascinated by the building. Niel and C.A.P went ahead and entered their rooms

“Wow….i wish we had these types of buildings in America” L.Joe said in awe as he retrieved his key from the staff.

"You are in the TOP dorm sector." The lady said. 

“Oh excuse me. I just want to let you know that your room-mate won’t be coming until a few more weeks into this year” the lady noted.   L.Joe nodded and walked through the hallways. As he approached his room, C.A.P and Niel got out of their room and saw L.Joe.

“YA! YOU’RE OUR NEIGHBOR! YEAH!!!!!”  Niel cheered. L.Joe just smiled and entered his room. L.Joe dropped all his stuff, ran straight to one of the beds and jumped face first onto it.

“Ricky I can’t wait to find you~” he said to himself. 



YAY! SECOND CHAPTER IS OUT~~~~ ok imma release more this month. and hopefully every month too. MAKE SURE YOU READ MY OTHER FANFICS TOO! 




just kidding. love the story though~

Keep Shipping RICKJOE and stay as my readers please ;v;

love you guys~ and thanks for reading~

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Chapter 6: aw cuute ^^ ricky dont hate ljoe please? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 7: please update???
Chapter 6: Indigestion XD Hahaha!!
Chapter 6: AWWW SO CUTE >_<
Chapter 6: aw aw aw awwwww RickJoe is so sweet. So lovely T^T
Chapter 5: Ricky is so cold ;(
Chapter 5: god RickJoe is so cute :D Update soon