Unknown Dangers of Investigation

A Study in Shinee

   Minho motioned for me to walk over to where he was standing at the window. I curiously walked over and poked my head out of the window and turned my head to look up towards the upper level of the building. A long rope dangled from the third floor windowpane. How did we not see this when we came to the building? I shook my head and ducked  back through the window frame into the room once more.

   " So the person got in here from that rope? But that doesn't explain how the culprit got into the building in the first place." I explained, thinking of possible answers. Minho seemed to think for a few moments before he spoke up.

   "Unless the culprit is still in the building. He could have snuck in here when Mi-Sook was distracted or away. Just to make sure, Mi-Sook have you rented the top floor to anyone?" Minho asked, turning to the old lady for an answer. Mi-Sook shook her head with wide eyes.

   "No, I haven't rented it out to anyone and I've never even seen anyone come in here. I haven't rented out these rooms for almost two or three years." Mi-Sook said worriedly. She smoothed back her gray hair as she leaned against the wall. Perhaps whoever is sneaking around in this building knows that Mi-Sook is too old and carefree to notice anything. It made me angry that someone would trespass this lady's home and take advantage of her old age to make themselves comfortable. Minho walked towards the door of the room.

   "So what are we doing standing around here? We should go examine the third floor. Perhaps the trespasser is still there." Minho said, almost sounding excited at the mystery at hand. I looked over at Mi-Sook. She looked really scared.

   "Ms. Mi-Sook, maybe you should go downstairs while Minho and I investigate. Is that alright?" I asked the old lady, concerned for her. She merely nodded with a distant look in her eyes. Before leaving the room she went over to the window and closed it shut and locked it. I smiled a bit at her but guided her out of the flat and down to the main floor. She slowly sat back down in her rocking chair and continued her knitting from when we arrived. Kibum came down the stairs and stood beside me. I forgot he was even here. I felt bad about forgetting my friend's presence. I smiled weakly at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

   "Don't worry, I'll stay down here and look after her Jonghyun. You go with Minho. If the person is still up there he may be dangerous." Kibum said as he sat down in a chair in front of Mi-Sook. I nodded my head.

   "Thank you for everything Kibum." I said gently as I started up the stairs.

   "You owe me though, hyung!" Kibum called up to me with a playful smirk. I laughed and looked back down at him, with his legs crossed and his finger pointed at me. he looked like a child.

   "Of course. I'll pay you back as soon as I can Kibummie." I said as I smiled and began up the stairs once more.



   Minho looked very impatient as he stood at the door of the room we were in earlier. When he saw me he let out a sigh and ruffled my hair.

   "It took you long enough. The culprit could have already escaped by now." Minho scolded me as he turned to walk up the second flight of stairs. I apologized but got no response. He must be the type that doesn't accept apologies easily. I frowned and followed after the tall man as he approached the door to the third floor. He stood there silently for a few moments. Now I'm the one getting impatient as I stand there with my arms crossed. Minho turned around and looked at me, motioning for me to keep quiet as he reached for the doorknob of the flat. He pressed his ear to the door for a second then slowly turned the knob. The door creaked open slightly, then Minho put all of his weight of the door and flung it open. I just realized, what if this intruder is dangerous and is still in this room? We don't have anything to protect ourselves with! 

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Umm.... where's THE famous Inspector Lestrade?? Amd update please!! I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan!! And a Shawol too.... and a die herd flamer!!!! You know what I mean? Thanks for making Minho as Sherlock!!! Muaah!!!!
Hey, I just found this story and I think is great, but I'm wondering if you're still gonna update more chapters??
I love Sherlock Holmes and mystery and SHINee, so you can imagine how much I like your fic :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you can keep it going, however that's for you to decide. But if you keep going I would read it to the end :D!!!
Qwenie #3
update soon
Hahahhahahah<br />
Just realized, Jonghyun?<br />
Wow....Minho's just gonna dive in like Sherlock Holmes and expect to - oh yeah, wait a minute.<br />
Nevermind.<br />
Hehe~ this fic is funny.
Thank you so much for your corrections Rini6189! I wouldn't have noticed them without your help!
That is low for the culprit to take advantage of an old woman who's oblivious to her surroundings. This is unusual for Jonghyun's character to be the calm, logical one while Minho is the more impulsive one here since he is the opposite in real life. Though, this suits his portrayal of the Watson character. Key can act childish at times despite his maturity. I'm anticipating what they'll be faced with next as they delve into the mystery. <br />
<br />
Ch. 5 mistakes: <br />
<br />
1. These are written as one word: downstairs; doorknob<br />
<br />
2. We don't having anything to protect ourselves with! <br />
Correction: have
xD That was a bit of an awkwardness there with the innkeeper misinterpreting them as a gay couple. Minho seemed unaffected and was playing it cool unlike Jonghyun. It's obvious that he's not taking it seriously. He has his own wacky sense of humor. This is the beginning of their mystery encounters. It's off to a good start with an interesting thrill. The roof is a good escape route for the culprit who doesn't want to leave traces of his tracks. I wonder what it is that Minho has spotted. <br />
<br />
It's understandable. School tends to be a busy time for students. I'm looking forward to seeing your interpretation of events in the story.
......was there someone on the roof?<br />
Omo~ thank you for finally updating!<br />
I find this really interesting to read!<br />
Please do update more! :D
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #9
I have read the original copy of sherlock holmes not less than 10 times, and i must say, you got every detail in it here =) Love this. Though I know how it will turn out, i will still subscribe haha.