The forest

Unexpected King

“Why are we driving in the forest?” Asked Aron “well, you said you wanted to have some vacation, here you have some” said their manager happily “Where are we going?” asked JR “we are going to a bungalow park. We will stay there for a couple of days.” All the NU’EST members became really exited “whoaaa that’s really amazing” said Aron with a bright smile. “But don’t we have to go to the dorm first to pick up our stuff?” asked Ren “no, they are already there, we packed them for you” “I hope you also packed my favourite slippers” said Minhyun. The only one who didn’t look so exited was Baekho. He was just staring out of the window and he looked sometimes in the rear view mirror. “Are you still afraid Baekho?” Aron asked

At that moment the car started to make strange noises “this doesn’t sound good” said the manager in panic. And then the car stopped with riding on a small path trough the forest. “What is this!” Ren panicked

They got out of the car and they saw smoke coming from under the hood. “This is really bad” the manager said “I will call someone to pick us up” he took his phone and tried to call someone.  “I don’t have connection” he sighed.

Minhyun also tried it but also didn’t had connection, just like Baekho, JR, Aron and Ren. “And what do we now?” Ren panicked “please stay calm Ren” Jr putted his hand on his shoulder to calm him down. “We are quite lucky the bungalows aren’t really far away anymore, there are telephones” its 2 kilometres walking. You only have to follow this path” he pointed to a path which was strait trough a dark forest. “2 of us have to walk and the rest have to help to get the car off the road”  “I will stay here and help pushing the car” Baekho suggested. “I will walk” Ren suggested. “I will walk to” Aron and JR said at the same time. Aron narrowed his eyes to JR “you are stronger than me, so you better push that car” “I’m being stronger than you, I think you’re wrong, you are stronger Aron” JR replied.

“Come on what does it matter” Minhyun rolled his eyes. “We better hurry because its late and I don’t want to push a car in the dark” he continued. “ ok I will stay here” JR sighed knowing Minhyun was right and He didn’t want to make a fuss. He glared one more time at Aron and Ren when they walked away.


“Why did I ever wanted to walk” Ren complained, while they walked over the path which became darker and darker. “Because you didn’t want to push the car?” Aron suggested. Ren nodded “I’m scared Aron” Ren admitted. “ I will protect you, I promise” Aron said. And he holds Rens hand. Ren blushed because of that “Thank you Hyung”

they continued walking hand in hand, the threes where so close to each other that there almost came no light trough it. They heard the sound of owls and some birds. The only sound witch Ren and Aron made where the sound of their walking.


“The car is almost there” their manager shouted, “Go and push for your self!” JR complained “there must be someone in the car to bring it in the right direction” “Come on JR the car is almost there, you can be proud when the car is there” Minhyun said. “Less talk, more pushing” and they pushed really hard to get the car forward. They suddenly saw a coach coming toward them pulled by for white horses. The coach was decorated with gold and looked really expensive. The man who was riding it was dressed in black and had also some golden decoration on his shoulders.

The coach stopped in frond of them.  “Come in” said a voice from inside the coach. He sounded old and he had a voice creak. JR, Baekho and Minhyun looked puzzled at their manager. “You can trust me, I will bring you all to the bungalows” the voice said. “How about the car” Asked JR “That will be all right” the voice said “we will pull it for you” he added. They where still doubting “I guess it will be all right” Minhyun said. The rest nodded as they got in.

Inside the coach they saw a old but really short man like 2 and a half feed long, maybe 3, he was chubby and had pointy ears, his clothes where old but chick “hello, I’m Grundy” the little man said. But he didn’t seem to be really happy, he seemed to be a bit irritated instant “who are you ?” he asked…


“I feel dizzy” Aron suddenly broke the silence and he stopped with walking “Shall we take a small break?” Ren suggested” but Aron didn’t hear it, he fell on the ground unconscious “Aron, Aron!!” Ren shouted and he shook his shoulders “ he is just sleeping” Ren heard a low voice behind him. Ren wanted to turn around to see who it was, but he didn’t had the chance to do that because he got pulled away by a strong arm “Nooo...” he shouted loud…




Cliff hanger! But I promise I will update fast from now on! I had just a leak of inspiration for a view month but I forgot to put my story on hiatus :C

Anyways I hope you like it :3

( it will be all right with Ren and Aron)

( I guess…. O^O)


They are my biases QvQ


Oh and its weard that the name of a coach of a foodball coach and a coach who is pulled by horses is the same word xD


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I'm sorry I wont be doing chapter 6 this week :C maybe saterday but only when I'm lucky with Wifi in the train^^


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topbom4eva #1
Chapter 7: please keep updateing soon this is really amazing
Chapter 6: wait where is my bias Ren oppa T^T please update soon!!!
like it cuz ma babe is there JRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!