
Unexpected King


“pffft what a performance”  JR Wiped his sweat off his had. “The fans screamed louder then normal” Aron said while he let himself fall on the large coutch in the backstage room of NU’EST “hee, leave some space for me” Baekho said and he sad on Aron’s legs, “ Baekho you’re quite Heavy for my legs” Aron tried to move his legs to kik him off “don’t take the whole couch then” Baekho stood up and Aron maked place for him.

Minhyun and Ren sad on the large chairs. Both also really sweaty “you did a really good job at the dancing Ren” Baekho complimented and Minhyun nodded because he thought the same. Ren blushed a bit. “Thanks, you sang really good today Beakho” Beakho smiled sweet. “We all did a good job”  JR noticed “that’s why the fans get louder and louder”  Aron said and he acted like he became deaf. “Good job boys” their manager suddenly said while clapping his hands. That maked Minhyun shocked. “sorry Minhyun” “ooh its alright” the manager nodded and he looked to every one in the room “I’m really proud of you all” every time when youre on stage you never fail in a single way” everyone smiled “the vocals where so strong and the rap so powerful. NU’EST is really famous now. Keep it up boys” “Yes we will” they all sait at the same time “we will even work harder in the future” JR added “Nice that is what I want to hear, But don’t work to hard.” He seemed to look especially at JR “you’re all still young and you need also to have fun” they all nodded “do we get a vacation someday” Aron asked hopeful “yes, I’m thinking about it” at that moment came the sound of orange caramel’s lipstick into the room “oh that’s my ringtone “Ren picked his phone and walked out of the room.

Ren putted his phone back into his pocked. his mother called she was curious about the performance and Ren talked a long time with her. When he wanted to walk back heard he a small  high pinched voice behind him “he is really beautiful”  Ren turned around to see who it was but there was no one. “Weird, I thought that I was here alone” he mutterd to himself and started to walk back again “sssshht, you’re so loud he heard us” A another more angry high pinched voice whispered. Ren shocked. He was really shure that he was alone. he turned around one more time but he saw nothing.


Everyone was in a deep sleep except of Ren he was fully awake even after this day. He couldn’t sleep because of the voices he heard. He must have heard it wrong. Maybe was he imaging thing because he was overworked. He sad up to drink some water downstairs. he tried to not wake up Baekho who was sleeping next to him.

When Ren came downstairs he saw something really weird. He saw a little woman who was a little bit larger than his thumb flying around with beautiful sparkling wings with a complicated pattern on it. “whooaaa” Ren shouted “ssshht” the little fairy flew to Ren “don’t be afraid” the high pinched but warm voice said to him. “what are u doing here?” Ren hardly believed his eyes and wondered if he was dreaming. “I come here to” at that momend heared they Beakho’s foodsteps from above the stairs and the little fairy flew away “wait” Ren shouted and he reached his hand. “what are you doing? And why are you shouting? Its 3 AM” Beakho asked and looked concerned. “I also don’t know what’s happening here” Baekho looked at ren like he was crazy. “first are you telling me about strange voiced and now this. Ren you’re really overworked” Ren nodded. He must have imagine the all of this. Before Ren followed Baekho to upstairs he looked one more time behind him and he saw the elf winking to him.


The next morning while breakfast was everyone looking at Ren. “youre all working on my nerves” he complained.  “ everyone started to look at something else “Why where you shouting at night?” Minhyun asked. Ren holded up his sholders, “you probably wont believe me.” “I don’t get that fast concerned but really Ren youre acting weird” Aron looked seriously witch shows Aron really means it. He is normally never that serious. “ there is nothing to be concerned about.” Ren rolled his eyes. The boys ate the rest of their breakfast in seilence. Everyone was still sleepy.

When Ren looked into a mirror he saw why everyone was staring at him. He had bags under his eyes and his face was pale.  “are you really allright?” JR asked he stood nexst to him and was also busy with his hair. Ren nodded “why do you keep asking” “maybe because you look terrible from how you look normal.” Ren wanted to become angry but then he realised that JR was right. “well I hope the makeup artist wil make me look better” “I also hope that, you have to look good for the fanmeet.” “Are you ready?” their manager shouted from downstairs. “the make up artist will change everything again” JR and Ren runned to downstairs. To the car who was waiting outsite. Their maniger looked at Ren from the font mirror, “had a rough night?” Ren rolled his eyes “just a bit tired, he Ren” Baekho poked Rens arm. Their manger nodded and he started driving….

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I'm sorry I wont be doing chapter 6 this week :C maybe saterday but only when I'm lucky with Wifi in the train^^


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topbom4eva #1
Chapter 7: please keep updateing soon this is really amazing
Chapter 6: wait where is my bias Ren oppa T^T please update soon!!!
like it cuz ma babe is there JRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!