Vietnam: Date #1

Dancing Back to the Beginning ~HIATUS~

Normal Pov

The scandal with Joon on the news luckily only affected Joon with the press not leaving him non-stop. He was the only face that was captured in the photo, so Jiyoon was safe. Even though he kept texting her asking her for forgiveness, she obviously couldn't forgive him that easily. 

March quickly finished and April was about to finish, leaving just a few days left for the month. Various KPOP artists were invited to perform at the Asian Music Festival in Vietnam, including Big Bang, 2NE1 and Carpathia. For the festival, all the artists practiced hard to put on a good show for their fans and a day before the festival, made their way to the airport to catch their flights to Vietnam.

Fans must have known about the departure date since they all gathered by the airport entrance to send off the idols; there were hundreds of fans screaming their idols names while holding up signs to support them.  A lot of idols received gifts and took them through security and inside the airplane. Flight 543 to Vietnam to Seoul was going to be the idol plane, as a lot of idols were taking that flight to Vietnam.

Because YG had a contract with the airline, the YG family easily got first pick in first class over the other idols. Carpathia sat in the first two rows, with Jiyoon having a seat by herself since Younghee was still mad at her, Hana sitting next to Younghee and Ahra and Mina sitting next to each other. The girls had already taken their seat and waited for the other passengers to arrive.

More idols started to arrive, such as MissA, B2ST, Infinite, SHINee, and Secret. They greeted their sunbaes and bowed as they passed by to their seats. 2NE1 walked in right after as they greeted Carpathia. They sat on the right side of the plane, leaving the middle aisle empty, which was suppose to be where Big Bang was sitting. KARA walked in after as Gyuri squealed with excitement after seeing Jiyoon.

"Jiyoon-ah!" she squealed, hugging her best friend.

"Gyuri! You made it!" Jiyoon replied.

Gyuri noticed her group members were hurrying to go to their seats. "I'll talk to you later!" She waved bye and left.

Jiyoon turned to her right and noticed the five seats were empty. She looked at the time in her phone. The door was going to close any minute since there were only 2 minutes left. "I guess they're not going to make it," she mumbled to herself. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, the doors are closing now," the flight attendent spoke over the microphone. "Please shut off all cell phones or electrical devices."

Jiyoon looked at her phone, hoping to get a message from Seunghyun (It is TOP but I decided to call him Seunghyun and Seungri is just Seungri lol). Hesitating, she just turned off her phone and shoved it inside her backpack.

"Wait!" a man called out. The fight attendant pushed the door opened and saw five men running towards her. Finally stepping inside the plane, they catched their breath. 

"Thank you," Taeyang said. "Sorry we're late."

The five walked towards their seats, greeting 2NE1 and Carpathia sitting by them.

"Annyeong Jiyong!" Hana exclaimed, waving hello.

"Annyeong noona!" Jiyong cheerfully answered, with a smile. He looked over to Dara. "Annyeong noona!"

Taeyang and Seungri bowed and waved hello as they sat in their seats. Daesung, on the other hand, was happy to see Jiyoon and hugged her with excitement until he was told to go to his seat. He saw there was an empty seat next to Jiyoon, "Can't I just sit next to Jiyoon?"

Jiyoon smiled at Seunghyun as he pulled Desung away to his seat. "Ani Daesung, go to the seat that says on your ticket." He looked back and winked at her, causing her to blush. She looked to her side and noticed Seungri was sitting in the middle aisle next to her. The only thing seperating them was the walkthrough and the empty seat next to Jiyoon. She politely bowed and smiled before looking away. Seungri bowed, but made no expression.

The seatbelt sign light went on, indicating everyone to put on their seatbelt. Everyone quickly put on their seatbelt and waited for the airplane to take off. Seunghyun was having problems with his seatbelt.

"Hyung, is there something wrong with your seatbelt?" Daesung as, seeing Seunghyun struggle.

Seunghyun tried to push the two metal belts together, "They just don't fit."

Daesung reached over and tried to help, but the belts were not fitting inside each other. Seunghyun quickly pressed the help button above him. The flight attendant quickly walked over and noticed the seatbelt was broken. "I apologize, but I'm going to have to move you to another seat. Please gather your belongings and follow me."

"Oh well," Seunghyun mumbled as he grabbed his bag and followed the flight attendant. Others were looking at him with a confused face.

The flight attendant stopped at the nearest vacant seat. "Here you are sir. Once again, I apologize."

The flight attendant helped Seunghyun put his bag in the overhead bin. She stepped aside, revealing his seat partner.

Seunghyun smiled at the sight of Jiyoon looking out the window. "Thank you."

He took his seat and put on his seatbelt. Jiyoon noticed someone next to her, "Daesung-ah, go back to your-" She saw Seunghyun smiling. "Oppa!" she exclaimed with happiness, trying not to let anyone notice how happy she was. 

Seunghyun smiled and joked. "I made a request to come sit next to you. They gladly led me her."

"Gojimal," Jiyoon replied, lightly hitting his arm.

"Of course, I had to," Seunghyun whispered. "I had to take a seat next to my girlfriend. Especially when her birthday is in a few days."

"You remembered!"

"And I already have everything planned out for you, with everything starting to day up until your birthday."

Jiyoon smiled and put a thumbs up. "You're the best oppa." 

"You're so cute, I could kiss you right now in front of everyone." He pushed his face closer to hers.

Jiyoon blushed even more. "Oppa!"

*2 Hours Later*

The busy schedules took a toll on the idols as everyone crashed and took advantage of sleep time on the plane, except for a few who were watching a movie. Daesung quickly walked over to use the bathroom and on his way back to his seat, he saw Jiyoon's head resting on Seunghyun's shoulders and Seunghyun's head on top of Jiyoon.

"Wah, they look like a real couple," Daesung whispered and looked over at Seungri. Seungri was just sleeping with his head hanging. "Poor Seungri, I bet he wishes he could be Seunghyun-hyung right now."

After another hour of flying, the airplane finally reached its destination in Vietnam. The idols had to leave through the back entrance of the airport since a lot of fans were crowding the area and headed towards their hotels.

The YG family had been booked in the same hotel. So, they all headed there in the same bus. The managers first got out and walked inside the lobby to retrieve the room cards for everyone and then came back on the bus to tell everyone that everything was ready.

"Here are your cards," Carpathia's manager said as he handed them out. "Just settle in to your rooms and I guess you have a free day today."

In small groups, everyone made their way to their rooms. 2NE1 had the same floor as Carpathia while Big Bang was in the floor below.

Jiyoon's Pov

Vietnam was so beautiful, especially the buildings. I couldn't imagine what they would look like when it turns into night. For now, I was feeling kind of tired, so I freshened up and then unpacked some of my things. I thought about my flight with Seunghyun-oppa, he was so caring throughout the flight, especially when my ears popped. He quickly dug inside his pockets to get gum out and give it to me.

I jumped on top of the comfy bed and let my sleep sink in.

Ring Ring!

I quickly looked up, noticing I had slept face down and followed where the ringing was coming from. Oh right, it was still in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. A message from Seunghyun.

From: Seunghyun-oppa <3

Jiyoon-ah! Come down to the lobby!
We're going on a date~ ^^

On a date? I looked out the window, it was already night. I hurried up on getting ready with makeup and changing clothes and quickly went down to the lobby. I saw Seunghyun-oppa waiting by the water fountain. There was no one I knew, so I ran towards him and shouted, "Oppa!" He turned and caught me in his arms. I knew this was going to be an awesome night.

Just in case of being recognized, we both wore hats and I wore my glasses. I know, I actually wear contacts.

We walked out of the hotel and got in a taxi. "Where are we going, oppa?"

I could see Seunghyun-oppa was excited. "A secret. You'll love it."

The taxi left us at this busy street full of shops and restaurants. Seunghyun-oppa grabbed my hand and led us throughout the busy street. We finally reached a cute looking restaurant and walked inside to the second floor. An employee greeted us at the door and led us past other people eating towards the back and opened one of the various doors, revealing a private dining room. We walked in and sat down.

"Oppa! This restaurant is amazing!" I said. I looked at the window next to us and saw the night view of Vietnam.

"I just wanted to make my girlfriend happy," Seunghyun answered, smiling. 

We ordered our food and ate as we talked. Dessert came after, with us sharing one of their specialty cakes. I guess I was hungry since I finished my half and then looked up at Seunghyun looking at me. 

"Do I have anything in my face?" I asked, reaching for my napkin.

Seunghyun stood up and reached his hand across the table towards my face. He touched the side of my mouth, wiping whipped cream.

"Mianhe," I said. Seunghyun-oppa then tasted the whipped cream for himself. "Yummy."

He was his lips at the taste of the whipped cream. He never looked so hot like he did now. I don't know what overcame me, but I stood up and kissed him passionately.

"Jiyoon," Seunghyun mumbled, trying to catch his breath. "Your kisses drive me wild."

I guess we were talking things too seriously since our bodies were practically on top of the table. Wow, what a great day I was spending it here in Vietnam.


Double update! Yay!

This is kinda a filler chapter, I just wanted there to FINALLY be a date between TOP and Jiyoon.

I must warn you, there might be some later on, but since this is my first time writing , it might be newbie , so I apologize in advance.

Anyway, subbies and comments are very much appreciated! :D


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Chapter 22: "BINGU OPPA"
OMG I just died XD
Chapter 20: OMG D: poor Jiyoon! Joon can be really stupid sometimes, I gotta admit that :P AND YESSHHH I AM :D I hope they really have a comeback this time...
Chapter 19: ERMAGERD Joon :O and Younghee I see what you did there...XD
Chapter 14: OKAY I thought he was dating Hana for a sec there O.O yay for Jiyoon! :D
Chapter 12: Yaaaay an update :3
Chapter 11: OMFG SEUNGRI CONFESSED I KNEW IT! :O but what is Ji Yoon gonna do now? O.O
Chapter 7: ERMAGERD Seungri... Panda...Y U SO DRUNK LOL XD
Omo and what will happen next? Or maybe he was just too wasted...But I think he does :3
Chapter 4: WOW, that was unexpected. The question about liking Big Bang just came up like WHOOP THERE IT IS
Chapter 3: Daebak, they're performing in Tokyo! And they decided to go to YG! :D