I Don't Like You

Dancing Back to the Beginning ~HIATUS~

Normal Pov

"So you like Seunghyun."

Jiyoon was too shocked to turn around to see who it was. Younghee even felt bad for opening again. They slowly turned around and saw his smile.

Younghee smiled with relief after seeing it was SE7EN. "Ani oppa. I'm just saying they look good on stage. You know, as rappers." She looked over at Jiyoon and saw her standing still. "Right unnie?" 

"Uh...yeah! I don't like Seung Hyun oppa. That's crazy." Jiyoon tried to laugh off her nervousness.

SE7EN had his arms crossed. "Well, I agree too." He started laughing. "Maybe I'm just imagining things. I'll see you girls later." He waved goodbye and walked away to get ready for his stage.

The girls waved goodbye until he was out of their sight. Jiyoon turned to see Younghee. "Yah! Just stay quiet for now. My heart was beating so fast."

Trying to use her puppy eyes, Younghee replied, "Mianhae unnie."

"Just whisper in front of others," Jiyoon said. "Imagine if someone finds out I like someone from inside the YG family."


Preparation for the concert was in progress as all YG artists practiced their stage performances and collaborations with other YG artists. There were also special stages being prepared with 2NE1, Big Bang and Carpathia covering each others songs and learning the dances. The day of the concert came and everyone was getting ready in their dressing rooms.

2NE1 was the first to perform, so they were getting their ear pieces and microphones ready backstage. Finally, the concert started. The crowd was all hyped up as they sang along to 2NE1's songs. Carpathia was currently finishing putting final touches on their outfits. Backstage was hectic.

"2NE1 will finish in 9 minutes," a staff member notified the group.

"Thank you," Carpathia's manager responded. He looked around and saw the girls almost ready.

Hana set out a few snacks on top of the crowded table covered with makeup bags and accessories. "Everyone! My mom sent some snacks, so please enjoy."

"Snacks! I want some!" Ahra exclaimed walking over to the table.

Hana blocked the table. "Not now, we can eat some after the concert."

"Snacks!" a voice shouted. Taeyang, TOP, and Seungri ran towards the table and devoured the snacks.

"Oppa! You three are like little piggies," Hana said, seeing the three already finished eating.

"6 minutes," the staff member notified again. He spoke into his walkie talkie. "Carpathia is on standby, on their way backstage."

Mina and Younghee followed him backstage with Ahra right behind them. Hana and Jiyoon quickly drank a sip of water and headed out after saying goodbye to the guys. Seungri waved goodbye, keeping his eyes on Jiyoon. "Noona hwaiting!" Jiyoon tried to avoid eye contact by smiling back at Taeyang and TOP. 

The girls were backstage receiving their microphones as 2NE1 finished up their last song. The screams of fans could be heard backstage, waiting for the rest of the YG family to perform. Carpathia was going to enter the stage in a platform from under the stage that lifted them up. With the help of staff lighting the way with their flashlights, the girls crouched their way to the platform.

"Jiyoon-ah, are you mad at Seungri?" Hana asked as Jiyoon as the girls made their way. "You two didn't seem friendly like you always are."

"If only you knew," Jiyoon whispered. The screams kept getting louder as the girls reached the platform. "Nothing is wrong unnie."

2NE1 finally introduced them, waving their temporary goodbye's to the crowd. The girls crouched under the stage in different platforms for each of them. The video introduction on the LED display started playing, introducing each of the five members of Carpathia. Fans screamed louder after the video counted the seconds down for the girls to appear. The beginning of their song started pplaying as the platforms lifted the girls up onstage.

"Hello everyone!" Hana spoke in English as the girls walked off the platforms.

"We're back, better than ever!" Jiyoon spoke. 

"Let's get this party started!" Ahra spoke.

Mina started singing with the rest following her with the dance. This was going to be a long night.

*2 Hours Later*

The concert successfully finished, leaving all the artists tired from performing. Although they were tired, they weren't tired enough to go to the after party. To celebrate, sajangnim rented out a club close to the arena for everyone to enjoy.

Jiyoon's Pov

It was past midnight, but the whole YG family kept partying to celebrate a job well done. Everyone did a good job, from our covers of the other groups songs to having Mina and Younghee collaborate on PSY-sunbae's stage and Tablo's stage. I was especially satisfied with my stage with Seunghyun.

PSY and Tablo were DJ'ing whille I was talking to Gummy-unnie. The rest were either dancing or singing alone with the karaoke machine.

"I really want to thank you again for helping me with my singing." I bowed my head and smiled.

Gummy-unnie poured me a glass of soju. "I was really surprised when Hana gave me the tape to listen to. She said you sang really good."

Hana? She was the one who recorded my singing  while I was in the shower? "Hana-unnie was the one?" I took my shot of soju, letting the liquor burn down my throat.

"Yeah." Gummy threw her shot down in a few seconds.

I looked over at Hana-unnie dancing with Mina and Dara. I owed her big time, I can't believe I behaved like I did to her because of jealousy. 

"I have to go thank Hana-unnie." I got up and walked over to the dance floor to where Hana-unnie was. I suddenly felt someone grab my wrist. I turned and saw him, Seungri. Great. I guess now was the time for that talk.

"Dance with me noona!" he said, with a bottle of beer in his other hand.

I couldn't deal with this Seungri nonsense anymore. I grabbed his hand and led him out to the balcony. The cold fresh air greeted us, making my skin have goosebumps.

I turned to look at Seungri. He seemed half sober and half drunk. I hope he remembers this talk. 'Seungri,I-"

His face pushed close to mine's as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I stepped back and pushed his arm away. I had to say it quick. "Seungri, I don't like you!"

"What?" he asked. I saw the confusing look on his face.

"I...I know you like me, but I don't like you back." 

"So, you are dating Joon." His voice was calm, but in a mad tone. He took a sip of his beer.

"Joon?" I asked. "He's just a friend. I don't even meet up with him anymore."

"Your lying."

"I'm not. I like someone else." Did I really just say that?

Seungri must have lost it. He drank the remainder of his beer in oneshot and yelled, "Who!?"

If only he knew it was his hyung, he would have beaten him up right in the spot.

I tried to play out cool. "Just someone."

Normal Pov

Jiyoon tried to not show how scared she was in front of Seungri yelling while he was drinking. Luckily, they weren't alone as Hana walked out into the balcony.

"Hey guys. What are you two doing here in the cold?" she asked, walking over to Jiyoon.

"Nothing, just going back inside." Seungri walked past the girls inside the club.

Jiyoon and Hana looked at how drunk he was getting. Hana rested her elbows on the rail. "Spill everything. By the way things looked just now, it looks like someone just got rejected."

"Was it that obvious unnie?" Jiyoon asked.

Jiyoon quickly filled Hana in on what Seungri was up to and how he had confessed. Being the responsible leader she was, Hana kept a poker face. 

"Its good that you rejected him." She chuckled. "I actually heard he was a ladies man."

"Seungri?" Jiyoon asked. "Really?"

"Totally." Hana continues. "So tell me who you are crushing on."

"Crushing on?" Jiyoon asked. "No one. You told us no dating, remember?"

Hana turned to see Jiyoon. "Yah! I just heard you like someone a few seconds ago!"

"I was just saying that to get rid of Seungri."



A strong breeze blew, causing thew girls to be more cold. Hana quickly walked to the door. "Come on, its cold out here."

"I'll be there in a minute. Let me just get a few more seconds of fresh air."

"Alright."Hana ran inside and left the door halfway open.

Jiyoon looked down at the street filled with cars and people walking. "Why is the life of an idol complicated?" she asked herself. Afraid to let people understand her, she spoke aloud in English. "Why must I like Choi Seung Hyun oppa!?"


Annyeong everyone!

Here's another chapter as promised! Just like always, please comment and subscribe.

I would really like to hear feedback! :)


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Chapter 22: "BINGU OPPA"
OMG I just died XD
Chapter 20: OMG D: poor Jiyoon! Joon can be really stupid sometimes, I gotta admit that :P AND YESSHHH I AM :D I hope they really have a comeback this time...
Chapter 19: ERMAGERD Joon :O and Younghee I see what you did there...XD
Chapter 14: OKAY I thought he was dating Hana for a sec there O.O yay for Jiyoon! :D
Chapter 12: Yaaaay an update :3
Chapter 11: OMFG SEUNGRI CONFESSED I KNEW IT! :O but what is Ji Yoon gonna do now? O.O
Chapter 7: ERMAGERD Seungri... Panda...Y U SO DRUNK LOL XD
Omo and what will happen next? Or maybe he was just too wasted...But I think he does :3
Chapter 4: WOW, that was unexpected. The question about liking Big Bang just came up like WHOOP THERE IT IS
Chapter 3: Daebak, they're performing in Tokyo! And they decided to go to YG! :D