Unexpected experience

Visually Sweet

"So what you're saying is, that you'd date me because you don't want to see me hanging out with Kyungsoo more often now?" Jongin said with a raised brow as I nodded, though he soon laughed as he pinched my cheek with his fingertips and released it immediately after I moved away from him. 

"I, Oh Sehun, is very serious." I said with a nod before getting ushered out of Jongin's house without a single reply. Not even at school for the day. It's not like I said anything wrong. "Or have I?" I whispered to myself unconsciously and soon looked around the class leaving for the day as I rushed out to find the other and barged right into his place. It took me a few long moments to see Kyungsoo and Jongin sitting in his room, the two had seemed to be in some sort of chat, or talk when I walked in.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to leave." Kyungsoo said as he saw me stare at him, and it wasn't even the type that anyone would've found nice. He headed out of the room as did Jongin as they were saying their goodbye's for the day Kyungsoo had discreetly whispered something to the other. When Jongin finally decided to look back at me he had just said a short 'Hi,' and left me there as he was walking back to his room.

"Yah, you're going to let me just stand here like that?" I shouted at him and sat myself down on the floor next to his table and spread my arms over it and stared at him for a few seconds before he started talking.

"We aren't dating, and if you're serious about what you said, then we're doing it." He said as he looked at me, and I soon had lightly gulped down on the saliva that had formed at the back of my mouth out of habit whenever I saw how serious Jongin could get. He had rather scary yet emotionless eyes whenever he was like that, I was rather used to it but if anyone else who saw would have been completely spooked, or seduced. It wasn't hard for Jongin to have girls chase after him so easily. 

"Well, I uh." I slightly mumbled as I couldn't really believe he would say it when I was quite sure he would've flat out laughed at my face again. Well who knew he would ask me after I offered. I'm just glad that Kyungsoo is out of the picture, for the most part. Trying to steal someone's childhood friend is not anything I'm going to give up to easily, especially when the person is barely taller than I am.

"Okay, I like that." I finally said after the things I've been thinking of and sat up straight before pointing to the spot across the table from me. He sat down at the spot without speaking a single word and stared at me as I did the same to him.

"So we're dating now?" Jongin asked rather curiously and rested his chin on his palm as he was leaning against his arm.

"Yup, so that means I'm the the seme." I snickered as I leaned up onto the table, my elbows on it as I moved in closer to Jongin, our faces facing each other.

"What do you mean? You're the uke." He said in response before laughing at me, I had been at a loss of words as he said I was the uke. 

"No, no. The uke is a bottom. Why would I bottom?" I said replied quickly and soon got up to get closer to him and pinched his arm.

"Play with your s, and if you get aroused you're the uke." He nodded as I soon turned red because of how awkward it seemed to hear him say such things to me, especially if he wanted me to do it in front of him. I soon had slid one hand under my shirt and pinched my slightly.

"I'm not aroused, it actually feels itchy." I said as I glared at him before grinning at him as I didn't feel anything and soon had meant that Jongin was going to be the uke. Though I was caught off gaurd as I felt someone else's pair of hands and fingers touching my s, feeling rather weird I had tried to push the older off of me and landed on the floor instead. 

"See, if you weren't aroused you wouldn't be the uke." He said and motioned down at my pants and I have no clue how it happened within the last couple of minutes, but there was surely a growing inside of my pants. I tried to turn over to hide that fact and let out an annoyed groan as he was still playing with my s. 

"Fine, now stop touching me." I said as an unwilling moan escaped the back of my throat, and past my lips as I tried to hold it back as best as I could and found myself trying to catch my breath as Jongin was already sliding his hand into my pants and slapped it away as I got up to compose myself as Jongin was slightly smirking at me. 

"Yah," He said to me as he moved closer and pressed a kiss onto my lips, a slight blush crossing over the top of my cheeks and leaned against the table to hide from the way Jongin was looking at me. I didn't want to be the uke, but for now I guess I would have to deal with it.



Short update, I just finished my exam week 8D! So that means longer updated until the next exam, which is like a month away. /dies

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I'll update this story asap T_T


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muchLove #1
Chapter 4: New Reader
Your fic sounds interesting.
bokuhebi #2
Sehunnie please you are uke xD hahah i really like the story
Chapter 4: Let me love you for writing this story,
The world needs more sekai!
And Sehun, stapht denying that you aren't the uke
I'll be creeping around for the next update!
Hope you do well in your exams!
Chapter 4: lolololololol this is cuteeeeee
Ohkimsora #5
Chapter 4: forever uke sehunnie~
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 4: Kekeke~
we all know that you're the uke, sehunny xD
Chapter 4: uke sehun, please^^
Chapter 4: Uke sehunnnnnnnn yaaayyy
Chapter 4: Sehun, please accept your fate to be uke. Although Sehun as seme is gonna be hot. :p