
Academy Of War

When I woke up that morning, I heard Donghae breathing softly beside me. Huh. So he had decided to sleep in my bed last night. I had woken up various times, and mistaken him for a dream. I didn't realize the implications of that until now.

It's not like it was unusual for him to visit me during the night, so I really shouldn't make a big deal. Right? I shoved off my covers and raised my arms, stretching like a cat and arching my back. I must have yawned too loudly, for Donghae stirred beside me.

". . . Not a fishie. . " He mumbled, emphasizing the F in Fishie, and I held my stomach, laughing silently. My face turned beet red as I held in my laughter. The Fishie was my secret nickname for my adorable room mate, and he wasn't so fond of it, but I only called him by that particular name on rare occasions. Occasions in which we were alone.

Time to get ready! I unconsciously changed the direction my thoughts were heading in. Ahh, but how to move without waking Donghae? I glanced at my clock, and decided, what the hell, I had half an hour longer. I could go without a shower today, if it was for Donghae. My room mate had done the same for me on various occasions, so I owed it to him.

For the first time, I noticed how Donghae was positioned. Or was, before I moved. It seemed like his head had been right next to mine, and his arm was wrapped around my stomach like a body pillow. I had to hold in my laughter once again as I brought the blanket back above our heads.

Hiding us from prying eyes.


ARGHHHH. . . Was my first thought upon waking up. I had slept too long. I just knew it. And today, first period was with Leeteuk! He would kill me! As I shot up, my hands covered my face in horror.

"Umph!" I heard a noise from beside me, sounding muffled, and I felt something slide off my stomach a moment afterwards. Ah. Right, I didn't wake Donghae up, did I? Did that mean he was still here? I was more aware of my bare chest than I had been the first time I woke up. How had I gotten this way?

Slowly, a shape began to form out of the patterned blankets, closely resembling some sort of animal. It stayed laying down, and slowly crawled out of the blankets. I saw Donghae's head pop out from the far end of the blankets, near the head board. His eyes were scrunched up, and his hair was messy. He was so adorable, I just had to laugh.

He glared in my general direction, the sun preventing him from finding his target. I laughed harder.

"Oi!" He called groggily. "Chu laughin bout me?" I saw his arm poke out, and I couldn't resist. I suddenly grabbed the remaining covers and pulled them off, revealing Donghae's bare chest.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed, curling into a ball from the shock of the cold.

"Up. Teukie's gonna be mad." I said, knowing the effect this would have. It was a simple enough statement, but it had always made Donghae angry that I was on good enough terms with Leeteuk that I had nicknamed him. And that was how Fishie had come up. . . But anger was what I needed right now. I had to get Donghae up and out to class. Since we had first period together, I wouldn't have to face that gentle, yet terrifying, teacher alone.

Just then, I noticed that Donghae had fallen back asleep. I sighed, and went to get a bucket of cold water.


"H-How coul-d you?!" Donghae and I walked to our doom together, and Donghae was shivering, despite being fully clothed. I noted that Donghae's hair was significantly wetter than mine. Heh. I smirked, then burst out laughing. Luckily, there were no people in the hallways, since class was in session. We were walking in an outside corridor, and the wind was icy. I almost felt sorry for Donghae. Almost.

This was one of the reasons Donghae hated his nickname as the Fishie. I felt the need to frequently remind him. Particularly in the mornings when he was being stubborn. Besides, I couldn't just leave him.

The march was agonizingly slow and painful, for we were both imagining what Leeteuk would do to us. I thought a one on one match with the man would be significantly humiliating, while Donghae thought a week long ban would suffice. We both knew we would be punished, and were doing our best to accept it.

We had left the building behind by now, and were making our way to the Training Shelter. It wasn't so much of a shelter, and more of an open rain-blocking space. It was a very large, very shiny, rain roof. I thought that described it well. Donghae disagreed.

"It's like a dojo with grass!" He exclaimed happily, now dried off from the wind. The Training Shelter was, in fact, a grass area with a large, silver colored roof overhanging the main area. And it was huge. I didn't know what they had intended for the place, but I very much doubted it was for training purposes. It had many layers, some holding ranged weapons, the others holding more traditional weapons. Many students who couldn't handle swords drifted towards the ranged weapons during their mandatory three years. These were the students who would work in intelligence later, a job that appealed to neither Donghae or I.

Not that we didn't respect those who went down that path. Everyone at this Academy was the very best at what they did, and would become leaders later in life. So, just to be safe, it was a good thing to be nice to everyone. Or at least polite.

I heard Donghae cry happily as the Training Shelter came into sight. I waited patiently for my eyes to adjust, for Donghae had always had better eyes than I, and was greeted by a painful, yet joyful sight.

No Leeteuk.


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PoingPoing #1
i'm wait for next update!! and i hope it will be a long chapter. :)
krystaliu #2
o: sounds interesting so far!<br />
i like how mysterious it is.<br />
still waiting to see how the pairings factor into the story~ ^^
StewForTwo #3
Did you write on the poster with russian letters? But anyway it sounds reallu interesting^^
jongkey4evr #4
ahhh~! sounds so interesting, cant wait to read it!=]