Chapter 2

Back to 2012


-Kim So Eun-

March 2012


I dropped myself on a bench in a park near the train station. Then I tighten my jacket. Huhf ... This morning was colder than the previous morning. I opened my backpack and took an iPod and a diary from my bag in a hurry.


Garden, March 11, 2012

Huh! Kim Bum nuisance only. This morning he told me to wait in the park near the train station. Yeah ... He will 'use me' again today, I don’t know and I don’t care who another poor girl will make them jealous once again. But most importantly ... Doesn’t he know that this morning is very cold?


I closed the diary harshly. Then, I put on earphones and play music on my iPod to get rid of boredom. I play song of Shinee that’s easy to listen.


*Nareul mukkgo gadundamyeon sarangdo mukkin chae
Miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eobtneunde
Ja yurobge biweo nuh go barabwa
Ojik neoman chae ulge, neoman gadeuk chae ulge
Loverholic, Robotronic, Loverholi...........


Suddenly the song stopped, I felt someone take off my earphones harshly. I hastily facing backwards to see who the perpetrator who did this.

And all of this is the work of Kim Bum, he is currently seeing his innocent smile to me. A second later he threw himself on my side. "Huufh ... This morning was very cold," he muttered.

"Ya! Don’t you know that I’ve been waiting you so long! And suddenly you came and just took off my earphones! You are really ...., "I muttered.

He glanced at me. "I think your mother's nagging hormones have been transmitted to you," .

"Aisssh ...," I hissed. "So the point what’s my job this morning?" I asked.

"Great! This is what I like about you, you're always asking the point," he shouted.

"Quick tell me what's the point?" I grumbled impatiently.

"So, there are three girls who liked me but I did not like them at all. Today we have to make them broken heart, " he said casually.

"Today? Three girls at once? Ya! You're really do not have feelings, "I said.

"Shut up, just obey my will. I promise I'll buy you ddokbuki after that. "

And suddenly my eyes rounded with pleasure.


And here's what happened ...


The first girl.

The first girl is a beautiful girl who was majoring in dance faculty. She was tall, slim and beautiful. He has liked Kim Bum since three months ago. He often called Kim Bum and send sweet messages to him every night, but Kim Bum never responded at all.

Today I and him were in the campus cafeteria. A kind of useless to come here this morning because I had breakfast this morning and I got no class.

"Why do we have here? I've had breakfast, and this toast will make me fat," I protested.

"Shut up. I know she'll be here every morning because she knows that I always have breakfast here, "he said.

I hissed upset and eating toast with no taste. Shortly after that came a group of slim-bodied girl sitting across the table.

"Shh ... she's coming, "he whispered, while pointing them most beautiful girl among them vaguely.

And she came ... Was looking at him, smiling to Kimbum. Kimbum hastily took my hand, and then fed to the toast. "Jagiya... Delicious, isn’t?" he asked.

I smiled, then pinched her cheek tenderly. I've trained with it all. "Ne, yeobbo... this is very good."

I glanced at her vaguely, suddenly her face changed to upset.


Second girl.

The second girl is a cute girl who was majoring cooking faculty. I've met her a few times. I thought she was very cute and very suited for Kimbum. Moreover, she can cook, which men don’t like the girl who can cook.

This time I and Kim Bum waited her in Campus Park. He said that every ten o’clock she always gave him the dishes that she made.

"Her cooking is totally bad,” said Kimbum.

Not long after that, she came while bringing lunch box in her hand. She was smiled towards Kimbum.

"Oppa, today I cooked kmbap for you," she said as she handed him the lunch box.

Kimbum rejected. "I’m sorry, but today I've eaten."

She looked sad, "Oppa ...."

"Um ... Ji Eun-ssi ... I hope you don’t give me your food every day, because my girlfriend was already cook the most delicious meals for me every day," he said as he put his arm on my shoulder. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist. I smiled awkwardly at her.

She looked very sad and a second later he ran from me, and Kimbum. She seems crying a little bit. I felt sorry to her.


Third girl.

The third girl is very popular. All students on campus is definitely knows her. She is Yoon Shi Hye, seriosa singer that just debuted. Of course she was majoring in music faculty.

"This time we have to be careful with Shi Hye because she was very aggressive," said Kimbum.

Then we walked through the Shi Hye’s classroom, Kim Bum put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure in three seconds Shi Hye will come out and call me," he whispered as we passed Shi Hye’s class.

Okay, I'll prove it. One ... Two ... Three ...

"Kim Bum-ah!" She suddenly called.

Kim Bum smiled at me, showing that he guessed correctly. Then we turned towards Shi Hye, Kim Bum increasingly tighten her body to me.

Shi Hye's expression did not seem happy to see me. "Who is she? Why do you hug her? Is she your girlfriend?" she asked insistently.

Kim Bum very quickly nodded and he kissed me on the cheek. "Yes, she is my girlfriend."



Ddokbuki stand

I smiled happy to see ahjumma Ddokbuki pour the ddkobuki spicy over a bowl. It looks very good. I can not wait to eat it.

"Aah ... Massiseoyo, "I said, received the bowl of ddokbuki that given by ahjumma.

"So Eun-ah ....," called Kim Bum.

I glanced at him annoyed. "What else?"

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked.

On the way to ddokbuki stand, I was beating Kim Bum’s arm ceaselessly. I mad at him after he suddenly kissed my cheek in front of Shi Hye earlier. It's all out of the script.

"You kissed me suddenly and replace it with a bowl of this ddokbuki casually," I muttered.

"So Eun-ah ... Mianhae," he said regretfully. "Then I'll buy ddokbuki every day in order to replace since I've kissed your cheek," he said.

I hissed in disgust. "Aissh... Just forget it, as long as you promise me one thing."

"Promise what?"

"Promise me that you will not make girls like you broken heart," I said.

Kim Bum silenced for a moment. He was looks thoughtful. Was the promise I asked too much for him?

"Um," I muttered. "By the way, why do you always 'use me' to make them a broken heart?"

He looked at me straight on my eyes. "Because ..."


"Because I like you."    



* Shinee- Lucifer

To be continue.....

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hai guyssss chincha mianhae... i can't update this story for sooo long due to of my school life>< i was on writing now, if there's no obstacle i'll update tmrw!


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Chapter 9: waaaaaaaaa
camayxxx #2
Chapter 8: thanks for updating!!!
Finally an update^^ great chapter, thanks for updating i really love your writing plot^^ and please make one chapter about Junsso and then the Bumsso, hwating^^ and please do more Junsso story^^
Chapter 9: Thanks for updating.. So this story will come to an end already.. Please make another last chapter for the Junsso couple & last is the Bumsso couple.. Keep it up!! & ^.^
camayxxx #5
Chapter 8: yayaayy!!! how good junho is... i cried when junho asked permission to kim bum... daebak :) anticipating!!!
Chapter 8: Naw, this chapter was so gorgeous! Yay for the wedding! Chansung can go with Wonder Girls' Ye Eun to the wedding ;)
tasha_1102 #7
Chapter 7: aww!.. SO sweet !!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE.. <3
hey guys... i very apologize to you that i can't update the next chap tonight.. i've alot of homeworks to do... hufff:( :(
maybe tomorrow but i can't promise it to you...
pray for me and my wild homeworks T_T