



Thanks to the ones who commented on this :) I dedicate this fanfiction to you :)




When Chanyeol woke up he laid on the couch with a cold towel on his forehead. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, only to be greeted with a pair of worried chocolate brown eyes staring down at him. “OH, you are finally awake!” Baekhyun cheered and smiled brightly at the taller. “I was so worried, you suddenly fainted...” He explained and Chanyeol only stared at him. “You are really the gingerbread man?” he asked and Baekhyun nodded happily. “I am.” He said, touching Chanyeols cheek softly. “You wished for someone for christmas and since you went through so much heartache, your wish was granted.” Baekhyun explained and sat himself besides Chanyeol, who only looked at him. “That means... you are exactly what I wrote down?” “Of course. I am only made for you.” Baekhyun said and Chanyeol blinked a few times, still not sure if he could believe the smaller boy.


After he got over the shock Chanyeol slowly got up and together with Baekhyun he walked in the kitchen, where Jongin and Kyungsoo were just done with preparing the breakfast – or rather the brunch utilities. “Oh, there you are!” Kyungsoo smiled at them as Baekhyun leant against Chanyeols chest. The taller gasped but didn't hesitate to put his arms around the small body. Jongin feigned a gag, but smiled brightly. “Well since Chanyeol got his christmas present already, I guess he doesn't need ours anymore!” Chanyeols eyes went wide and he wanted to start complaining, but Baekhyun cut him off by pulling his head down and claiming his creators lips.


Kyungsoo and Jongin gaped at them kissing. Chanyeol couldn't fight Baekhyun, not that he wanted to. It felt better than he had thought, Baekhyuns lips against his own. It wasn't his first kiss, but the first that he enjoyed more than all the others before. Chanyeol moved his lips carefully, feeling Baekhyuns soft ones perfectly fitting against his own. As if they were made to be kissed by him.


After a few moments they pulled apart and stared at each other. “Wow...” Chanyeol breathed, Baekhyuns taste still on his lips. Baekhyun smiled innocently, his hands on the tallers cheeks. “You are a good kisser.” he whispered and Chanyeol couldn't help but smile back to him. “You too.” He said and leant his forehead against the others.


To be honest, the next few days were the best in Chanyeols life. Together with Baekhyun (and Kai and Kyungsoo of course too) he celebrated christmas, spending every last minute together. Their kisses made Chanyeol feel like the most desired man in the world and he didn't want this feeling to stop. Not now, not ever. On the 29th they laid together in Chanyeols bed, limbs entangled. “You know... I've never felt so wonderful before.” Chanyeol whispered into Baekhyuns ear, giving it a small peck. Baekhyun giggled softly, placing his head on his chest. “I am glad.... you are such a wonderful man, Chanyeol. I wish I could be with you forever.” he said, drawing random patterns on his creators stomach.


It took Chanyeol a few seconds to realize what Baekhyun said. Then his eyes widened and he made Baekhyun look at him. “What do you mean by that?” he asked and gulped slightly. “Will you... will you leave me?” Baekhyun sighed softly. “I have to leave when the new years starts, at midnight. I am a gingerbread man after all. Not a human. I was only made so that you wouldn't be alone over christmas.” Tears formed in Chanyeols eyes. “No...” He didn't want that. He needed Baekhyun with him. “Please don't go.... I … I need you....!” Baekhyun let out a sob, hugging Chanyeol, burying his face into his chest. “I am so sorry. I wish I could. I really want to. You are so important to me. But I will return into the dough I was made of the moment the clock will strike midnight...”


It felt horrible. Chanyeol felt like his heart breaking, worse than through all the rejections before. “I don't want you to leave.” He whispered and kissed Baekhyun all over his face, his neck and the rest of his body. “You are everything I need.” Baekhyun sighed softly, enjoying the wonderful small sensations from Chanyeols touches. “I feel the same.” He answered quietly. “Maybe... just maybe... if you believe in it... then we will meet again.”


They made the last 2 days together more than memorable. Chanyeol and Baekhyun went together to Lotte World, swimming, just for a walk and on dates. Not one minute they left each others sides, not even when they took showers – that they did together. Though they didn't do anything ual related, Chanyeol had never felt more loved. The very thought of Baekhyun leaving hurt him so much that he tried everything to push it away from him as long as he could.


Today was the 31th and both knew that Baekhyuns departure was only a few hours away. Both were seated on the couch, Baekhyun crouched against his chest, sitting on his lap. Kyungsoo and Jongin were busy preparing the fireworks they would launch later. Chanyeol had told them that Baekhyun would be leaving tonight and they were almost as sad as he himself was. Because of Jongin and Kyungsoo knowing that the other couple needed as much time together as possible, they didn't bother them at all.


Chanyeol held Baekhyun as tight as could against himself, tears in his eyes. “I love you.” He whispered and the boy on his lap shivered slightly at the weight of the words. “I love you too, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun sobbed slightly, burying his face in the tallers neck. “I love you so much that I can't bear the thought of leaving you.” Chanyeol sighed and played with Baekhyuns brown curls. “I know... I know.”


“You know... since I met you my life was complete.” Chanyeol had his arms wrapped around Baekhyuns slim body. The two young man stood outside of the apartment complex, looking at the sky, where already a few fireworks showed off. A glance at his cellphone showed Chanyeol that they had 2 minutes left. “I know, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun turned and kissed his lips affectionately. “Mine was complete too... and don't forget... if you believe... we will meet again.” Chanyeol returned the kiss, his cheek lovingly. “I will believe, promise.” He smiled and placed another kiss on Baekhyuns lips. “I love you... Goodbye... until I see you again.” Baekhyun whispered: “I love you too...” before the bell started striking midnight.


“Happy new year Chanyeol...” Baekhyuns voice was faint and Chanyeol was almost able to see him shrinking, back into the gingerbread man he used to be in the first place. A small sob escaped Chanyeols lips as he picked the cake up carefully. “Happy new year Baekhyun. Thank you... for everything.” Kyungsoo and Jongin stepped up to him, wrapping the tallest in their embrace. They didn't need words for knowing that Chanyeol needed their support now. “I am sure he will come back.” Kyungsoo said after a while. “I believe in that.” Chanyeol nodded, his head on Jongins shoulder. “I believe in it too.”




6 months later:


Chanyeol sighed softly as he walked through the corridors of the supermarket. Today was a wonderful, warm day and he wanted to get some stuff for the barbeque later. Jongin and Kyungsoo were at his home, doing the precooking, while he was shopping for some more meat. It had been half a year since Baekhyun left and he stilled missed him so much, even though they had been only together just a little over a week. “I wonder where you are right now.” He whispered as he discovered a few steaks that would be perfect. Chanyeol walked over to the stack, laying his hand on it to get it.


This very moment he felt another hand on the wrapped meat and he blinked a few times, following the arm until the body, before he lifted his gaze. Chanyeols eyes widened as he saw the face of the other who wanted the same meat. His throat went dry and he saw the other looking at him, a soft smile appearing on the plush lips of the other male. “You seem familiar. Do I know you?” First Chanyeol thought the other was being serious, but then he saw a mischievous spark in the chocolate brown eyes, something he hadn't seen for 6 months. Chanyeol smiled softly. “Park Chanyeol.” He said and held his hand towards the other, who returned the smile. “Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you, Chanyeol-sshi.” Yes. “Nice to meet you too, Baekhyun-sshi.”



It wasn't perfect. But it was a new beginning.




(Not) The End.






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Chapter 4: ooooohhh cute! <3
Sequel please!
Chapter 4: sequel please! ><
tsundere_zen #4
Chapter 3: And sequel pls!!!!!!!!
tsundere_zen #5
Chapter 3: Loved the story!!!!!!!!! I wish i could do my own ginger bread man too.... Thank you for a very beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 4: sequeeeeeeel please! authornim pleaaaaase!
tiarafishie #7
Chapter 4: omoo where is the sequel?! i want it soooo bad
ㅠ.ㅠ great job, author-nim^^
Chapter 4: Yes yes yes yes sequel pleaseee
Chapter 4: Sequel yes yes yes please!!
seequel!!! this is awesome