Chapter 2


Here is the next Chapter :) I hope you enjoy it <3


“Are you ing serious?” Chanyeol blinked at Kyungsoo, who smiled brightly at him, nodding. “Of course!” He said and pushed the box into his arms. “You can choose what ingredients we put in.” Kyungsoo explained, pulling Chanyeol with him in the kitchen. “You see, if you make the dough, you have to be full hearted at it, otherwise it won't work.”


Chanyeol stared at his friend, not sure if he was crazy or a genius. Then he sighed and concluded that the worst thing that could happen was burning the dough. Slowly he looked at the box in his hands, where it read: “Bake yourself your dream guy! It's very easy, just make a dough the way you like it, chocolate or vanilla or whatever flavor you prefer, then let it sit outside for the night, along with a list of things you want him to be. You will be surprised the next day.” Which would be christmas, 25th of december.


Definitely crazy, Chanyeol thought, but couldn't help it, he started smiling. “Alright then.” He told Kyungsoo. “I guess it won't hurt. But you have to help me, alright?” Happily Kyungsoo nodded and started pulling out bowls, a mixer, flour, eggs, sugar, chocolate (because he knew that Chanyeol loves chocolate), baking powder, milk and so on. “So, now we've got everything we need.” He explained to the taller guy, before coming over to him, tossing an apron in his arms. “Put that on, in case you don't want to get flour all over you.” Kyungsoo advised and Chanyeol followed.


“No no!” Kyungsoo chuckled and took the mixer from Chanyeol, put the right level on. “Here. You have to move it around like this, see?” He said and showed him by moving the mixer in the dough. “Rather move it slowly and steady than fast and chaotic.” Kyungsoo smiled. With his help Chanyeol was able to create a dough that didn't look like puke. Actually it looked pretty good, he had to admit.


Chanyeol whined slightly, but followed his friends order and watched in awe as the dough went smoother and smoother while stirring in it. During that time Kyungsoo heated up the oven and buttered the baking tin. “And you really think that works?” Chanyeol asked when he was finished with mixing the dough. Kyungsoo smiled and shrugged. “I don't know, I haven't tried it yet, but I guess it won't hurt. Tomorrow is christmas, so maybe you will be lucky.”


Together they poured the dough into the baking tin before Chanyeol put it in the oven. “How long?” he asked Kyungsoo, who held the box in his hands. “60 minutes.” The younger nodded and sighed softly, while “the mother” smiled at him. “So, then I suggest you sit down and write on a sheet of paper what you want your dream guy to be like.” Kyungsoo bounced happily and Chanyeol couldn't help but wonder if their roles were reverted. Normally he used to be like this while his younger friend was more serious and calm.


But it wouldn't hurt, especially since he didn't have anything better to do. He already got the christmas presents for Kyungsoo and Jongin, who were the only family he got left since his parents ran away – but not with each other. Instead they both had new partners. It wasn't that Chanyeol was angry with them not wanting to be with each other anymore, but he was so incredibly hurt and disappointed that they cared so little about him that they just ran off, leaving him behind. Right after this happened, he started working so that he was able to live without financial issues. It had been a few years since that, but it still hurt him, especially on christmas.


Chanyeol grabbed himself a sheet of paper and started brainstorming. He could hear Kyungsoo working in the kitchen, cleaning the (small) mess he had created. “What I want him to be like.” He mumbled to himself. Then he had an idea and started scribbling.


  • loving

  • caring (but not too much)

  • cute

  • at least 10 centimeter smaller

  • loves to socialize

  • needs to like music

  • loves to go out (wether clubbing or just being outside)

  • needs to be unique in his way


Kyungsoo blinked and stared. “That is all?” He asked and Chanyeol bit his lip. “Uhmm... yeah?” He said and looked insecure. “Is it not enough?” Kyungsoo lifted his gaze and looked at Chanyeol. “What? Oh... of course! I mean, it's going to be your dream guy. I just thought you would put something like: “brown hair, blue eyes, small lips.” just for example. But if your are happy with what you wrote, than it's fine.” He looked at the window. “It's getting dark.” Kyungsoo sounded a little worried. “When you put the baking tin outside, don't forget to put the paper with it, alright?”


Chanyeol nodded and chuckled softly. He would be staying the night with him, it was already a tradition. Later Jongin would come over and tomorrow they would have breakfast before exchanging the presents. It had been this way since 3 years, right after Chanyeols parents took off. “Now we can decorate the tree!” Kyungsoo beamed and the taller let himself be infected with the happiness radiating from his friend, smiling the same brightness.


Later on he walked outside where Gingerbread man was placed to cool off. Chanyeol smiled softly and placed the list underneath, before taking a look at the baking tin. “It would be wonderful to have someone for me.” He sighed and touched the dark dough carefully. “That's all I want for christmas.” Chanyeol whispered before he walked back in the warm apartment.


- - - -


Chanyeol woke up very early, blinking confused. It was still very dark outside, barely sunrise. But he felt strange, as if there was something calling him. He got up and dressed himself, walked towards the front door, almost in trance. Chanyeol knew that Kyungsoo and Jongin were still asleep since Jongin only got here late last night and they had better things in mind than going to sleep right away.


Slowly Chanyeol unlocked the front door and opened it. The next few seconds were later a blur. He only remembered that he froze at the sight, eyes really wide. In front of him was a , shivering guy who tried to warm himself up a little. “P-p-please... let me in... I am so cold...” Chanyeol remembered screaming for Kyungsoo, the moment he saw the list in the strangers hand. That couldn't be true, right? That was crazy, that was just supposed to be a thing for fun... or was it not?


Kyungsoo and Jongin emerged of his bedroom, stumbling over to the front door. When they saw the man, their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, as the stranger tried to cover himself in embarrassment. “Get him inside!” Jongin exclaimed and Kyungsoo passed Chanyeol by, grabbed the stranger and pulled him into the apartment. Right away the one was dragged into Kyungsoo's bedroom, where he received some clothes, while Chanyeol stared at Jongin, who had closed the door. “That can't be the gingerbread man, right?” He asked him, but received only a shrug.


After a while waiting in the living room, Chanyeol watched Kyungsoo and the stranger return. Kyungsoo motioned Jongin to come with him, so that the two could be alone. He obeyed and the couple disappeared into the bedroom.


Chanyeol stared at the smaller. At least 10 centimeter smaller. He still held the paper in his hands. A few moments they stayed silent, before the stranger smiled shyly at him. “I am Baekhyun.” He said and took a step towards Chanyeol. “You wished for a boyfriend.” The taller felt a little dizzy. That was so much to take right now. “And... your wish came true. You created me yesterday.” Too much. Chanyeol fainted and fell on the floor. The last thing he heard was Baekhyuns worried yelling. “CHANYEOL?! What's wrong with you??? Please wake up! CHANYEOL!”











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Chapter 4: ooooohhh cute! <3
Sequel please!
Chapter 4: sequel please! ><
tsundere_zen #4
Chapter 3: And sequel pls!!!!!!!!
tsundere_zen #5
Chapter 3: Loved the story!!!!!!!!! I wish i could do my own ginger bread man too.... Thank you for a very beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 4: sequeeeeeeel please! authornim pleaaaaase!
tiarafishie #7
Chapter 4: omoo where is the sequel?! i want it soooo bad
ㅠ.ㅠ great job, author-nim^^
Chapter 4: Yes yes yes yes sequel pleaseee
Chapter 4: Sequel yes yes yes please!!
seequel!!! this is awesome