Chapter 1


So here comes the first chapter - the other one(s) will be coming up the next few days :)

Sorry that it's so short, the next one will definitely be longer!




„Sorry, you are just not my type.“ - „Sorry, I don't like looking up so high...“ - „Sorry, I just don't have time to date right now.“ - „I like you just as a friend.“ And so on and so on. Chanyeol knew them all, had heard them all at least once, if not more. He was so tired of it. He was ing 18 years old and wanted a boyfriend. Someone who he could spent his spare time with, who would listen to him and just would be there for him. Someone who he would fall desperately in love with and who would stay with him.


But no one wanted to be the one for him. He was just too tall, too thin, to derpy, too childish, too happy. All those things that made him him were bad. He got it. Chanyeol sighed, stirring in his Toffee Nut Latte, staring down in the whipped creme. It was almost christmas and he was still alone, even Kyungsoo had someone.


Speaking of the devil, his best friend and his lover walked in the shop, greeting the barista, ordering and then coming over to Chanyeol. „Hey Channie... what's wrong?“ Of course he had noticed right away. Kyungsoo was like a second mother to Chanyeol, even though he was way smaller than him. The tall guy looked at Kyungsoo and Jongin – or Kai, how he wanted to be called – and sighed once again.


„I am a bad person.“ He mumbled more than to himself than actually answering the question. Kyungsoo and Kai exchanged a weird glance, before looking at Chanyeol. “You are... a bad person?” his “mother” repeated and furrowed his eyebrows. “What makes you think that...?” Chanyeol sighed. “Easy, no one wants me. I am too tall, too skinny, too childish and too derpy. Just to name a few.”


Kyungsoo just stared at him. “Are you crazy?!” He exclaimed. “That is all that makes you you! Just because the others couldn't appreciate it doesn't mean that you are a bad person. You haven't met the right person yet.” Kyungsoo grabbed his hands and smiled at Chanyeol. “You are an amazing person, my tall, derpy, childish best friend. I would not want you any other way. Please don't change.” His glance told his worries about him. “Don't give up, okay? When you will find someone who loves you, then he will love you with every single side you got.”


Jongin smiled approvingly with his boyfriends words. “He is right, Chanyeol.” He said and nodded. “You are an amazing person.” Chanyeol gulped slightly. “Thank you...” he felt tears in his eyes. “I am sorry for being such a crybaby... I just can't take it anymore, this rejections.” Kyungsoo smiled at him. “Hey... it's alright. That's what friends are for, right? To support each other no matter what happens. And besides that... I might just have an idea to change your love problem.”








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Chapter 4: ooooohhh cute! <3
Sequel please!
Chapter 4: sequel please! ><
tsundere_zen #4
Chapter 3: And sequel pls!!!!!!!!
tsundere_zen #5
Chapter 3: Loved the story!!!!!!!!! I wish i could do my own ginger bread man too.... Thank you for a very beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 4: sequeeeeeeel please! authornim pleaaaaase!
tiarafishie #7
Chapter 4: omoo where is the sequel?! i want it soooo bad
ㅠ.ㅠ great job, author-nim^^
Chapter 4: Yes yes yes yes sequel pleaseee
Chapter 4: Sequel yes yes yes please!!
seequel!!! this is awesome