Siren Chapter 3

Siren Foreword




Chapter 3 - One Day Later

The golden light of afternoon sun filtered in through the room's window, cool air coming in through there. Outside, the autumn trees continued in their sway as wind continued to blow, causing the decaying orange leaves to dance in the afternoon air.

Taeyang watched that scenery take place for awhile before turning his attention back inside the room. He sat at the edge of the bed, watching the person who he had shared his bed with from last night until now... He blushed. No, not like /that/.

A few minutes after Jiyong had fallen asleep, Yuri had come out to look for them since she felt Jessica can't stand on her feet anymore after drinking so much. Anyway, after she had come to discover what happened with much amusement, he'd guided a barely conscious Jiyong towards his cab, both holding the unconscious Jiyong and Jessica. They decided to just let Jiyong and Jessica spend the night here - and day too - since it would be too hard to get them to go on back to their apartment. So, they'd spent the night here - together - though they wouldn't really have any memory of it.

Taeyang sighed. No, most definitely not, they would have no memories of it at all. In fact, since he was still feeling a bit high even now and his head ached like hell, there were but little things he remembered from last night. The significant events were clear to him though like... He smirked. Jiyong drinking, dancing... And that long, breath-taking kiss they shared. Taeyang blushed, grinning stupidly. Anyway, there had been more. He'd been positive that Jiyong had said something important about himself like a revelation but he could barely remember it now. The emotions were more clear. The passion, the freedom... Last night had been intense.

He turned back to look at the sleeping boy, a warm smile playing on his lips. For quite a while now, he had been awake. Fixing the first meal for the day, he'd discovered Yuri just wake too and they'd had coffee together, sharing stories that had happened last night, talking about their loves one who are still sleeping soundly. It seems as they were huge progression on her relationship with Jessica. That was nice. He was happy for her. After that, he'd told his own story about the kiss at the edge of the harbour. She had screamed in shock, so happy for him even after he explained that a kiss didn't really mean that they now had a relationship or something. It could just be the vices' effect or something. No matter though... He was still happy for what had happened.

After 'breakfast', he'd showered, changed... but Jiyong was still asleep when he returned. He laughed softly. Well, he understood perfectly. The sleepy boy who was in his bed had every right to sleep. Taeyang snickered to himself for awhile then suddenly stopped, alerted that Jiyong seemed to now be waking.

Warm... Jiyong blinked up at the unfamiliar ceiling that greeted his wake. Where was he? What happened...? A sudden flash of last night came back to him and he blushed intensely, still feeling the ghost of a kiss on his lips. What happened... They'd gone on to Siren and had many many drinks and drugs. He'd gone on to... Damn. He had danced. And then there was Taeyang hitting on him - that much was clear to him now that he was lucid. People had known about an assumed relationship between Taeyang and himself and the gossip has now probably been spread to all high schools. And then there was the kiss... Jiyong blushed furiously, knowing there had been more, that he had said more and that they had done more... but he didn't remember now. Warily, he looked down at himself as if trying to confirm if he was still dressed then was relieved as he saw a black tank top covering his torso. With a sigh, he focused more clearly on the room... He looked from the ceiling to the side where the window was located. He noticed the room as belonging to Taeyang. His eyes widened, as he was suddenly feeling extremely uneasy. Taeyang!

"Finally..." Taeyang said in a dramatic tune. He snickered. "Sleeping beauty awakes."

Jiyong sat up immediately, unprepared to face Taeyang now after what they'd done last night. And a headache greeted him, pounding his skull like a jackhammer to an asphalt pavement. The room seemed to be spinning quite a bit. He closed his eyes briefly, waiting for the dizziness to stop before opening them slowly to meet the amused brown irises that belonged to his friend.

"Get up, sleepyhead. Let's go get some coffee, alright? And then, you can use the shower."

"What time is it?" Jiyong asked, trying to wonder why everything seemed so loud to him - as if that was enough to distract himself from blushing openly in front of Taeyang.

" 2:39 pm ." Taeyang just grinned. "Come on now, get up."

Jiyong sighed, stretching a bit before trying to get up. It was hard at first, almost a challenging feat but he managed to do so anyway as he immediately headed towards the bathroom. When he did so, he locked the door and went on towards the mirror, looking at himself there. Damn... He looked like hell. His hair flattened on one side, standing on the other. He looked horrible. Turning the tap on, he went on to wash his face, rinse his mouth with mouthwash and comb his hair thoroughly just to look at least presentable. After that, he went back to Taeyang's room to face the unforgivable grin of Taeyang's face. Though he was a little annoyed, he felt extremely embarrassed about last night, hoping that the times when he could not recall did not involve anything too mortifying. And right now, more than embarrassed, he felt an old uncertainty, a very familiar fear. It made him want to bolt out of this room and run very far away from Taeyang as possible, contradicting with another part of him that wanted very much to stay and never part from Taeyang. His insides were very contradictory and he wondered if he was still high or if he had just gone crazy.

"Come on." Taeyang urged, standing from the bed to open the door. "I made 'breakfast'."

Jiyong sighed to himself in silence and just followed the  boy. Going down to the kitchen, Taeyang served dry cereal and coffee to him. He refused first to eat anything but Taeyang chided him greatly for not wanting to eat. Eventually, he ate his meal as Taeyang watched him intently. The meal had been quiet and Taeyang hadn't said anything significant as he was hoping deep inside himself to finally get this over with so that he could run on home until he was far from who he feared. After the so-called 'breakfast', Taeyang had urged him to just have shower while he take care of the utensils he had used for the meal. Thankful, he had gone on to shower, borrowing yet again some clothes from his friend. After showering...

"Why don't you spend the night again?" Taeyang asked, not wanting Jiyong to go just like that. He actually wanted to speak about themselves, about what Jiyong thought about what he meant by the proposition he'd presented with the kiss last night. He watched as Jiyong towelled his hair, now wearing his navy blue shirt and an old pair of jeans. He wondered if Jiyong remembered the kiss actually since it was something even /he/ barely remembered.

"For what?" Jiyong could only ask, feigning his knowledge about actions done last night.

"I don't know." Taeyang shrugged. "I just want you here..."

"I... actually have homework due tomorrow." Jiyong said, first making it an excuse then realizing that indeed, it was the truth.

"Oh." Taeyang tried not to sound disappointed. He looked on at the younger boy. "So, I guess you've got to go now?"

"Yeah..." Jiyong shrugged. Done towelling his hair, he went on to put it to the hamper in Taeyang's room before gathering his things and placing them on a paper bag that Taeyang had provided. He stood up and walked on towards the door.

"Uhm, See you in YG" Taeyang said happily.

"Uh... Yeah..." Jiyong shrugged. He opened the door and went out. Before he closed it though, he bid farewell. "I'll see you soon... Uh, bye..."


After the door closed, Taeyang looked for a long time at it, wondering why Jiyong seemed so intent to leave. Maybe it was true about what Jiyong had said about his homework. That didn't justify going off so quickly though. It was still early afternoon. Taeyang smiled wistfully, as if wanting to follow Jiyong to his apartment, perhaps help him with whatever homework he was working on even if he didn't need help, and finally gaining some moments to speak about last night.

Shaking his head to himself, Taeyang just sighed, letting himself lean on back to his bed as he looked up at the ceiling of his room. The bed still smelled of Jiyong, the cherry shampoo and smoke and alcohol. He was thinking...

Tomorrow, at school and in YG surely the gossips would begin to haunt them. It's not like he cared though. The gossip would die down eventually. It wouldn't bother him so much.

Closing his eyes, he let sleep claim him.


Jiyong sighed, walking on back to his building at a quick pace. He had his arms around himself as he felt the cool air brush against his skin. He hadn't borrowed a jacket or at least a sweater from Taeyang so he felt more than a little cold. Thankfully, the far walk from Taeyang's home to his own increased his heart rate, thus increasing his temperature. Unfortunately, even despite that, it was still cold. Winter was just around the corner, after all.

Turning around a corner on a street, his apartment building came into view and he entered it hastily, going up immediately to his floor then to his apartment. Finally after he entered his familiar apartment did he relax quite a bit, knowing he was out of danger from whatever he felt fear from. Sighing, he leaned down to take his boots off before placing them in his closet. He went on in towards his living room, attempted to turn on the light and rolled his eyes as he remembered that it had exhausted itself just yesterday. He went on in to his room, to his bed until he seemed to melt into it as his thoughts seemed to aim to plunder his sanity from him.

Last night...

(The kiss. And everything that screamed clearly enough that Taeyang wanted me back.)

Despite that though, as he woke up earlier on, he felt a sudden fear deep within his heart, something which rooted from the early childhood of his life. He felt scared and he realized a few vital things that he hadn't stopped to realize before.

What did that kiss mean?

Jiyong sighed, shifting from his position so that he lay face down on the mattress. He didn't want to face the world. He was too scared, too confused. If Taeyang just wanted him, that would be fine. But he didn't want to risk anything. He didn't want to lose Taeyang. Now that he had realized about it, Taeyang had already wormed his way to his life and he couldn't imagine just losing him like that. Taeyang was his only friend...

And now... what was he going to do?

Jiyong frowned, closing his eyes tightly. For a few more moments, he decided, he'd just rest like this as the bed made him comfortable. And then he'd do his homework, prepare dinner and chat with 'SOL' to maybe ask advice from him. With that final thought, he dozed off, letting his body relax completely to the soft sheets and pillows underneath him.


Where was he? Jiyong typed on his keyboard absently but didn't press 'enter'. He was in that familiar chatroom where he had found his most recent 'friend' but the other wasn't there yet. Jiyong sighed, closing his eyes briefly, letting the music from his CD player soothe his still aching head and body. After a three hour nap, he'd woken up to a dark room where his digital clock read '6:30'. He had gotten up, still a bit groggy, fixing dinner for himself, eating then doing his homework. All that had taken three hours, which was a big change since he was actually quick about those things. It miffed him quite a bit but he did know what caused his loss of focus for tonight.

(The kiss...)

If he closed his eyes again, he could still feel it. Warm, pliant lips that knew their way. A french kiss that took both their breaths away. Absently, Jiyong reached with his fingers to touch his lips. Damn... Taeyang was a very good kisser. The act itself was unforgettable.

There was a sudden sound that distracted Jiyong from his thoughts and he looked on ahead to see that someone wanted to talk to him. He was almost glad for it since it would take his mind away from his worries for now. Later on, when SOL would turn up, he'd have to ask him for advice or something. SOL would surely know what to do; he was glad that he'd found him as a chat mate recently since he was the only other person that Jiyong could openly talk to about personal matters about himself. At that, he was also glad of the existence of technologies such as internet, chat and email since it served as a way for withdrawn people like himself to express themselves in an environment where they didn't have to embarrass themselves by being such awkward persons.

(Panda) hiya! asl

Upon finally giving attention to the person who wanted to chat with him personally, Jiyong looked surprised for awhile at the coincidence of Seungri finding him and choosing his nickname so as to chat suddenly. Jiyong wanted to /not/ chat but suddenly, he hesitated, knowing that this was an opportunity to wonder /and ask/ about his behaviour towards him.

(Panda) What are you, deaf?
(XX_Drg) This is a chatroom. I don't need to 'hear' you.
(Panda) Hn! Well, you gonna tell me your asl or not?
(XX_Drg) Alright... 17/M/Here
(Panda) Mine... 15/M/Here. Alright, you like kpop?
(XX_Drg) Straight to the point, eh? Yeah, I like it.
(Panda) Don't you think that the Seungri is the greatest?
(XX_Drg) Seungri, not my type I prefer  Jiyong .


(Panda) Whatever...
(XX_Drg) Anyway, I heard that Jiyong and Seungri are called Tom and Jerry. do you know why they fight?
(Panda) Jiyong is an arrogant, and I heard he insults him too much!
(XX_Drg) And he insult him too.
(Panda) ...
(XX_Drg) See.
(Panda) Hah! What do you know?
(XX_Drg) Everything.
(Panda) Damned arrogant fool.
(XX_Drg) Hey, I thought you were going to be civilized.
(Panda) Yeah, yeah... Anyway, what else do do I know about them? Uh, the fact that Seungri has this girl and he really really really really really really really really really -
(XX_Drg) Okay, made your point there...
(Panda) really really really really really really like her! And then she likes Jiyong. But he doesn't like her back. So, that's very unfair! He breaks her heart probably by ignoring her and she doesn't even see me.
(XX_Drg) seriously? ehh I didn't know about it Minzi?
(Panda) Er...
(XX_Drg) ohh but I saw her kissing Seungri in Siren. right?
(Panda) Well, Seungri was mad for awhile that Jiyong was ignoring Minzi but a few weeks ago, she finally noticed me.

(Panda) I mean Seungri*.. Me ---) Seungri

(XX_Drg)  (___(

(Panda) )___)

(Panda) Errr... Actually, Seungri doesn't have any reason!. It's just fun to keep this relationship like this in YG maybe? being Tom and Jerry is fun..don't you think? and I heard the 5 famous male artists in YG going to be debut with under the name of BigBang. so It would be a really fun couple in bigbang. ^_^
(XX_Drg) Ahh Yeah I heard YG will announce it. I still prefer GDYB as couples.

Jiyong froze for a sudden, did he unconsciously defend GDYB?... He smiled looking back on the screen.
(Panda) GDYB? you mean Jiyong and Taeyang. yeah I know they are hot together. I saw them kissing in Siren yesterday.

Jiyong froze for a second. so the other YG member did see them kissing. he felt so embarrassed. He doesn't know how on earth will he be able to face them tomorrow.

(XX_Drg) ...Uhm, what kiss?

(Panda) Haven't you heard the latest news? I didn't have to hear it, you know. I was there, seeing the shocking revelation. That happened in Siren last night.
(XX_Drg) What happened?
(Panda) We spotted Jiyong. Me, some of YG members were there too.
(Panda) Anyway, Taeyang had his arm around Jiyong's shoulders. Then I heard that Taeyang told them that they were together. I also saw some fight between Jiyong and me..

(Panda) I mean Seungri* (___(
(XX_Drg) *shrug* I think Seungri is just jealous.

(Panda) Eh?
(XX_Drg) Maybe he has feelings for Jiyong?
(Panda) What the hell are you talking about??? yes Jiyong is indeed hot and all but...
(XX_Drg) But?.
(Panda) Seungri got Minzi! and Taeyang got Jiyong!
(XX_Drg) So you're not against it?
(Panda) Heh, nah... I have lots of friends who are gay and all. and I'm very open minded...

(XX_Drg) you need to correct that again! (__(

(Panda) ..why do I always pretend to be the real Seungri hahahahah!! I ---) He*
(Panda) Oh. Well, whatever. Nice talking to you, man... I gotta go now.
(XX_Drg) Wow. Civilized.
(Panda) Shut up! K, bye...
*Panda logged off*

For a long time, it seemed, Jiyong just looked on blankly at the screen, amazed at the conversation he had had with Seungri. What the hell...? But anyway, he'd learned some things at least. That Seungri didn't actually 'hate' him but like him, found their 'relationship' as that of friendly rivalry at least. Jiyong shook his head in a sort of bewilderment, not really know what to react to Seungri's revelation. Anyway, he'd also learned that the gossip about Taeyang and himself was spreading like wildfire now especially with the aid of the net. He could just imagine the attention he would be getting tomorrow. Now though...

Where the hell was SOL? It was now 11:02 pm. Usually, SOL was online by 9:45 . He had been online since 9:28 and still he couldn't find his online friend. He wanted to talk to him about the details of what happened between himself and his 'soccer player'. He wanted to share his experiences, ask about the significance and ask for advice to follow on through. Maybe he'd tell him about his fears and SOL could have a solution for it. So now... Where the hell was SOL?

As if to appease his need to converse with the mysterious chatter, there was a sudden 'ding' and a window opened itself in front of his eyes. The other person inside the two way chat room was none other than SOL.

(SOL) Hi! You missed me, didn't you? ^_~
(XX_Drg) Yeah right..
(SOL) Hahaha... So what happened between you and Mr. Soccer?
(XX_Drg) Questions, already?
(SOL) What? You wanna know why I'm late?
(XX_Drg) Well, yeah...
(SOL) *wipes tears away dramatically* Didn't know you cared. This is so touching... *sniff*
(XX_Drg) *taps foot impatiently*
(SOL) Alright, alright! I was actually asleep. The night in Siren really drained me. I should be going to sleep right now but then I remembered you. ^_^ Now, do you feel so lucky?
(XX_Drg) Who's lucky? You? Of course, you are!
(SOL) *huff* You really are happy. I bet you and Soccer man got it on.
(XX_Drg) Eh... It was not like that...
(SOL) What happened?
(XX_Drg) He revealed that we share the same feelings... in some way, I guess.
(SOL) Hahaha!
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) That's reminiscent of the love story of Taeyang/Jiyong.
(XX_Drg) Eh? What do you mean?
(SOL) What? You mean you don't know? You were in Siren too, right?
(XX_Drg) Yeah... I don't know the whole story though.

Jiyong nearly grinned. It was definitely best to feign ignorance. Besides, he was interested in what SOL was going to say about himself and Taeyang.

(SOL) Well, they revealed that they were together. And they danced... I saw them. I was especially looking at Jiyong. Damn, he looked so good last night. He walked as if he was like one of those vampires in Anne Rice's novels. Like Lestat maybe? Or Marius?
(XX_Drg) You're into vampires?
(SOL) Yup!
(XX_Drg) Just like Taeyang...
(SOL) Eh? How'd you know?
(XX_Drg) Er... People like to find out about their crushes, right?
(SOL) You've got a point there. ^_~
(XX_Drg) Anyway...
(SOL) Yeah, Jiyong and Taeyang began to dance. They both moved with fluid grace especially Jiyong! I mean, it was obvious at first that he wasn't into dancing but when he moved, it was like he had always danced his whole life. The way his hips moved, the arching of his neck, his eyes closing, the way he looked only at Taeyang. Damn! Then Taeyang turning him around and touching his slim hips. Ahh! I'm going mad here!
(XX_Drg) *backs away* Mad man.
(SOL) I know! *laugh* But they looked so y together. *drool* I'm a big fan of them from now on...
(XX_Drg) *laugh*
(SOL) Hehe, and you know what? There's a new channel on this server. You know what it is?
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) # GDYB Fanclub

Jiyong stared at the monitor.

(XX_Drg) *blink*
(SOL) I know, I know... But there are apparently lots of fans around here. Most of them are high school students. I'm currently in that channel, looking at how humorous they're talking about the latest and hottest pairing around... *amused*
(XX_Drg) They have no life...
(SOL) And you do?
(XX_Drg) *smug* I have my soccer man.
(SOL) Heh, so what happened between you two again? He told you and how did you react?
(XX_Drg) Uhm, I don't remember...
(SOL) *laugh* That really reminds me of... er...
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) Heh, never mind.
(XX_Drg) Whatever...
(SOL) So, anyway, what happened this morning?
(XX_Drg) I think he forgot about it. I could barely remember it too.
(SOL) Hahaha! I wonder what he did to you last night.
(XX_Drg) ert! Get your mind out of the gutter!
(SOL) Heh, alright alright... So, what are you going to do now?
(XX_Drg) A new problem.
(SOL) Don't know how to carry on, huh?
(XX_Drg) Exactly.
(SOL) Well, you act natural. Drop hints here and there and maybe you'll get the opportunity to talk about 'what you did'. ^_~ Hehehe...
(XX_Drg) And then?
(SOL) You find out if what happened was real or not.
(XX_Drg) And then...
(SOL) !
(XX_Drg) ert!
(SOL) Don't say you don't want to. I'm sure your soccer man is very hot.
(XX_Drg) He is...
(SOL) Heh, so what's the problem?
(XX_Drg) I think... I'm afraid...
(SOL) Afraid? Afraid of what?
(XX_Drg) I don't know. It's like I just don't want him. I need... uhm... don't know how to explain.
(SOL) You love him. ^_^
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) How can you be oblivious to your own feelings? You're nervous since he's special to you. The thought of him is enough to affect you in the best/worst ways... am I right?

Jiyong couldn't believe his eyes. Was Taeyang like that? Was he special? Yes, of course, since they were almost like best friends. Did he affect him enough in any which way? That was....

(SOL) Hello? Hah, I bet you're realizing it yourself now. ^_^ I'm happy for you.
(XX_Drg) That's not the cause of my fears though. Loving him or not... I'm afraid.
(SOL) Huh? Why? You can tell me.
(XX_Drg) I guess I don't want to lose him. If he gets any closer... then suddenly leaves, it'll hurt like hell.
(SOL) *sigh*
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) You avoid contact of the first kind at all costs. Do you fear to feel other people? Being ignorant of others, you will never be betrayed or hurt, though you will never escape from feeling sadness. A person cannot erase sadness forever... Everyone is alone.
(XX_Drg) ...
(SOL) Anyway. Let's talk about something else. Hey, how about join # GDYB Fanclub? It's so fun! And you won't believe what I've found...
(XX_Drg) Huh? What? I'm about to join the channel...there's many fiction for them.
(XX_Drg) Really? There are fics on them now? Tell me about them...
(SOL) Heh, gladly. There's one fic where Jiyong is supposedly a son of a rich man.. One day, that man unknowingly steps on a rival gang because of some kind of scuffle between gangs. The rival gang then decides to take revenge on the rich Man by hurting his one and only relative - his son Jiyong. Uhm, a warning on this one. It involves major angst and even . After being damaged, Taeyang is the one to shelter Jiyong. They end up falling for each other...
(XX_Drg) ...

Jiyong stared in shock at that kind of story. It was obvious that he was the one involved in the . men taking advantage of him at a weak moment... He involuntarily shivered, not liking the idea one bit. But then the story was bittersweet since Taeyang would be there for him. Taeyang would love him. Taeyang would not care about his damage.

Jiyong sighed to himself, knowing that indeed that was just a fanfiction. Still though... He couldn't help but grin slightly. There were now fanfiction on Taeyang and himself? What the hell is up with the world? It interested him though... quite a bit. He'll probably use his more insomniatic nights to read some fics about them. That'd be 'fun'...

(SOL) Hey, you still there? Have you logged on to the chat room yet?
(XX_Drg) Yeah, hold on...

An amused glint in his eyes, Jiyong clicked on the said chat room that praised his supposed partnership with Taeyang. And what greeted him was something truly extraordinary. There were more than fifty chatting - perhaps even a hundred. There was constant chatter amongst the people there and Jiyong looked on at what the hell were they talking about now...

(Ji) *shriek*
(Yo) *louder shriek*
(Ng) *loudest shriek*

Yes, Jiyong recognized them. He rolled his eyes involuntarily.

(Al) Someone shut up the Jiyong Brigade...
(Mina) Heh, that would be futile. Just ignore them. ^_^
(Kei) So, anyway, that really happened? What else did you guys see? You know, after the dance?
(JiyongFan) They say that they were spotted drinking and smoking some joint...
(Mina) And after that, there were rumours that say that they were spotted outside, near the sea.
(Hojo) What'd they do there? O_O
(Al) Apparently, they kissed in a long, wet french kiss... Tongue and all. ^_^
( Yemen ) How do you know this?
(Bal) It's not a sure thing really... But there's one who claims she saw it personally. Don't know if we should believe her or not.
(Kei) *drool* Damn, they make such a cute couple.
(Ru) Yup!
(JiyongFan) And you know what I wish?
(Gongana) SO CUTE!
(Al) What's your wish?
(JiyongFan) Them going to be debuted in one group and having a photo session together. You know, pictures that hint that they're close enough to be a couple.
(Hojo) A homo theme, eh? *drool*
(XC) ohh yeah  I wish if Seunghyun and Daesung will be in the same band too!
(Kei) Oh yeah the four of them..also Seungri is cute too.
(Bal) cooooool YG are you listeing? we demand!
(Kei) Don't kill us with the suspense!
(SOL) I've got an interesting question for you guys...

Headache... It seemed to get more intense at the conversations that invaded his privacy. Jiyong glared at the screen. A part of him was darkly amused at how his relationship with Taeyang was being evaluated but another part was thoroughly annoyed that they have to pry just like that. He paused however when he saw the almost comforting name of SOL appear in the chat room. Curious, he looked on at what he had to say...

(Mina) We hear ya, SOL...
(SOL) What if Taeyang and Jiyong were here in this chat room right now?
(XC) That'd be impossible. They'd be together in a room right now.
(JiyongFan) ert!
(XC) Hehehe...
(Gongana) If they're here, I wish them all the best for their relationship. I hope they'd last for always.
(Ichi) If they're here, I'd like to ask them for a picture with both of them together. ^_~
(Hojo) Or their autographs.
( Yemen ) I'd like to see them kiss! But then that's not possible... LOL
(XC) What I'd really like to know is who's top and who's bottom!
(Mina) ROFL You're hopeless!
(JiyongFan) *shakes head*
(XC) It'd be interesting to know though.
(SOL) Uhm... *raises hand*
(Mina) Go ahead... LOL
(Mina) What about Jiyong?
(SOL) Taeyang TOP and Jiyong BOTTOM
(Kei) Hehehe... That's pretty obvious, I think.

(Kei) Look at Jiyong! He's so beautiful and graceful.
(SOL) Yup. And I think with regards to personality, he'd really be a bottom.
(Gongana) I get it... I think...
(Mina) Explain to us, oh great SOL!
(SOL) Heh, alright. Since Jiyong-chan is passive, silent, he is obviously a withdrawn person. People like that rarely do the initiative. Taeyang is outgoing and aggressive. Simple as that.
(Al) Whoa... Are you a psychology student or something?
(XX_Drg) I ask the same question. *laugh*
(SOL) Heh, XX_Drg, you know me well now, eh? *grin*
(Mina) Let's all give a round of applause to SOL!
(Wa) *clap**clap**clap*
(Kei) *cheers*
(SOL) Hey, stop, before it goes to my head. *smirk*
(Mina) But that was a brilliant deduction, oh great SOL. If I didn't know better, you are actually Taeyang!

Jiyong stopped. Taeyang as SOL? It couldn't be... But then...

Jiyong felt his heart getting faster at the possibility. If SOL was Taeyang, then he'd know everything about him now. Perhaps it was not the case. Perhaps it was...

(XX_Drg) You're Taeyang?
(SOL) Hey hey! *laugh* I told you that I was personally acquainted with Taeyang, right?
(Al) You're right. Besides, what would Taeyang be doing here?
(XC) He'd be in bed with Jiyong!
(Mina) Hopeless maniac...
(XC) *laugh*

Jiyong couldn't help but frown in disbelief at how vulgar some people could be. He was determined to ignore them, he knew, but it couldn't be helped that he be annoyed at how openly discuss his personal life. He was getting tired of this. Maybe he should just call it a night. After all, tomorrow, he'd face more of these. It would be a never-ending cycle for awhile...

People staring, whispering behind his back, laughing...

It didn't really matter. He didn't care about anyone's thoughts about him. And yet...


Jiyong switched back to the two way chat room he shared with SOL. Pausing for quite a bit as if thinking of something to say, he looked blankly at the computer screen. And then he sighed as he just typed his parting words.

(XX_Drg) Hey, I gotta go now...

It took a few seconds more of waiting before SOL finally noticed his message and responded.

(SOL) Huh? Leaving so soon?
(XX_Drg) Yeah... We do have school tomorrow, you know.
(SOL) Heh, or maybe you're just excited to see Soccer man.
(XX_Drg) Shut up. It's not like that.
(SOL) Hehehe...
(XX_Drg) Uhm, one last question...
(SOL) What? ^_^
(XX_Drg) You're not really Taeyang, are you?
(SOL) Uhm, why'd you ask?
(XX_Drg) Because...
(SOL) Hmm?
(XX_Drg) No, it's nothing...
(SOL) Huh? ...Oh...
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) I understand.
(XX_Drg) What?
(SOL) You have a big crush on Taeyang as I recall.
(XX_Drg) ...
(SOL) ^_^ If ever I am, what would you tell me?
(XX_Drg) I don't know.
(SOL) Well, let's keep that a mystery then. ^_^
(XX_Drg) ...I gotta go now.
(SOL) Alright. See you again tomorrow night, alright? I like you.
(XX_Drg) Uhm, yeah...
(SOL) Good night.
(XX_Drg) Uh, you too. Bye...
(SOL) Bye...
*XX_Drg logged off*

For a long time, Jiyong looked at the screen in silence after logging off. He wanted to know many things - his curiosity perked up to the maximum. New questions arose this day and he was confused as hell. Firstly, there was the matter with Taeyang. Next, it was all about SOL. Were they the same person? It made sense though... Taeyang and SOL had the same personality. He wasn't so sure as to confirm it though.

Jiyong sighed, fidgeting in his seat as he continued to stare at his laptop. Absently, he scrolled up the chat room he had shared with SOL. He read some of the lines silently. They were powerful words, something unexpected for a seventeen year old person. They analyzed him completely, as if he was just a simple problem taken from a textbook.

(You avoid contact of the first kind at all costs.)

Yes, that was something true. Ever since he was a child, he avoided others. Seeming to care for him but he didn't trust them enough to get close.

Jiyong stood from his seat, moving over to the window of his room. He drew the curtains aside so that the moonbeams could come inside his room. Sighing to himself, he leaned his forehead and body against the glass, just looking up at the silver moon.

It was not as perfectly round as last night. He remembered briefly that he had been looking up at it, glad of its presence. Then he remembered speaking how much he liked the moon, just because it was a constant light to his darkness. He didn't recall the rest of his words, just the fact that he had been somewhat emotional. He wished he didn't say anything too embarrassing.

Anyway, the moon looked beautiful tonight, just like it had always been. He almost smiled at the sight, letting a pale hand touch a part of the window where the moon met his vision.

A feeling of happiness...

He realized that Taeyang made him feel this. He wondered what Taeyang felt about him - why the older boy continuously hung around him. He knew he was not the most friendly person in the world - definitely far from perfect. Yet, Taeyang was always there, like an angel guarding a lowly mortal. It made him feel lucky - so very lucky. It was a feeling that he wished would last for always.

And it made him think that...

If Taeyang ever wanted a relationship then he'd eternally be grateful. He'd never had a relationship with anyone before. If Taeyang wanted him, he'd give himself. That would be a small amount of his gratitude. He'd give everything he could give.

And yet...


What did Taeyang really feel about him?

What did the kiss mean?

Jolted from the questions that pounded in his head, Jiyong closed his eyes, running a hand through his fine raven hair. He wanted to know. Even from earlier on in the day, after waking, he wanted to know. But, back then, he had suddenly lost his courage.

Sighing to himself, Jiyong finally turned back towards his room. There was a deep feeling in his heart right now. He wanted to see Taeyang, talk about last night... But it was late - 12:04 pm . What was he going to do? Wait until the next day? Wait until the sun was up again? Rolling his eyes to himself, he suddenly noticed his telephone. His eyes widened slightly.

He neared the phone slowly, heart suddenly beating faster. He could only wonder silently at why that was so. Why the thought of hearing Taeyang's voice made him nervous all of a sudden - his heart beating faster as if he was some love struck little girl. And then he remembered what SOL told him earlier on when he shared his fear...

(You love him.)

A small twitch in his lips as he thought about that...

(Do I really? Just like that, I realize this thing, even if so much had happened to make it grow into this?)

And yet...

Jiyong closed his eyes momentarily, trying to even his breathing. After a few more moments, he opened them again and stared at the phone's handle. He moved to pick it up but a sudden sound broke through the silence.

The phone was ringing.


Taeyang looked up at the ceiling of his room, done chatting for the night. After 'XX_Drg' had logged off, he oddly didn't want to chat anymore. He had only been interested to speak with that one person. Though true that the younger chatter wasn't the most interesting person to talk to in the world, there was something about him... Something amusing, interesting... Or just the simple fact that he reminded him of Jiyong.

His eyes widened a bit, thinking suddenly of that. What if XX_Drg was actually...? Blinking his eyes in the dark room, he sat up suddenly, looking sideways to his unbarred window. A small smile touched his lips as he looked on up at the sky, noticing the moon and the black heavens.

If XX_Drg was Jiyong then it would explain a lot. The thought made him smile. It also made him curious and longing. He wished Jiyong wouldn't have gone on home so quickly earlier on. He wished Jiyong would have stayed the night - here in his room, in his bed... Both of them laying side by side. No words would have been needed. And if Jiyong would allow it, he would have wanted to hold on to him closely, feel the warmth of their bodies so near each other. He wouldn't have wanted to let go...

Thinking about it though... Perhaps Jiyong was just like XX_Drg. Maybe he had fears about having a relationship. Perhaps...

Wait a minute!

Taeyang's eyes widened as he recalled words his mystery chatmate had told him before...


(Nah, there's just no one to come out to. If there's someone, it'll be the whole school. That's not an option.)

(I... live alone. No parents, no family, no friends.)

(You remind me of someone I know.)

(I've been with him for quite awhile. I never really looked at him as a friend until recently.)

(I feel like I know you.)

(Have you ever been attracted... to your closest friend?)

(Uh, yeah... Just today, he was half- and I was near him. I... I...)

(That's not the cause of my fears though. Loving him or not... I'm afraid.)

(I guess I don't want to lose him. If he gets any closer... then suddenly leaves, it'll hurt like hell.)

(Uhm, one last question...)

(You're not really Taeyang, are you?)

Those words! Shocked, Taeyang stared wide-eyed at nothing in particular, suddenly realizing something. He felt something shatter in his seemingly realized world. That something was amiss - something that had suddenly been revealed as a reality instead of a bogus perception. There was something new, something he had not expected at all...

Moving his head sideward towards his side table, he looked at the telephone. He wanted to speak to Jiyong but it seemed so late. But then, if what he thought was real... really was true... Then... then...

He picked up the phone and dialled a memorized number... It rang for awhile...

Finally, the phone was picked up. There was silence for awhile for Taeyang didn't really know what to say to the younger boy. What was he going to tell him? Would he ask him about his assumptions? Should they speak about last night? About the kiss? About what they felt?

He didn't know what to say and the seconds ticked on in silence...

Suddenly though...


The voice was soft, silent - what was expected of Jiyong in any situation. Taeyang smiled despite himself, as he felt endearment for the younger boy at that very instant.

"Wow, you know me just like that?" he teased, not being able to resist. There was silence for awhile before Jiyong answered.

"...You're the only one who calls me..."

Taeyang felt sad at that fact. He felt lucky that he had become Jiyong's friend but he couldn't help but feel that Jiyong deserved so much more...

"Why... why did you call?"

Was their uncertainty in his voice?

"Uhm, I just wanted to talk to you..." Taeyang spoke, shrugging as if Jiyong saw him. "And anyway, you're still awake? That's bad for you, isn't it?"

"You're still awake too..."

Taeyang chuckled, knowing that Jiyong did have a point in that. There was silence for awhile at the other end and again, Taeyang smiled with endearment. "So, what are you doing?"

"Nothing..." Jiyong answered softly. "What are you doing?"

"Same... Anyway, tomorrow, We don't have a long practice, do we?"

"No... Uhm, anyway, Can we cancel the training session?"

"Huh? Why?"

Jiyong seemed hesitant. "Uhm, I think there would be gossipers in YG for awhile"

"That's okay! And you do have a point. Even if they don't really bother me all that much, it's best to have our privacy, right?"


"Uhm, you sound tired... You better go to bed soon..." Taeyang didn't want to stop speaking but if Jiyong felt tired then...

"No, wait..."

"Huh? What?"

"I want to see you tomorrow...I mean not in YG"

Taeyang's eyes widened. "That doesn't sound like you at all..."

"I... I know..."

Jiyong seemed nervous? Taeyang grinned. "Well, I'd like to see you too..."

"Would you like to go here after school? In my apartment?"

"Huh? Sure!"

"I'll cook for you... What do you want?"

"Anything!" Taeyang declared in joy. Jiyong was /very/ friendly tonight. "Anything at all... Why invite me anyway?"

"There's something we should talk about... Important..."

"Yeah, I guess we do, don't we?" Taeyang smiled, thinking about that fact. Jiyong's words tonight seemed so unlike him... It made Taeyang amused a bit at how oddly the younger boy was acting... yet also, he felt a bit nervous. What exactly do they have to talk about? Will it be for good or for bad? Inside himself, he believed fully in something positive and yet, fear could never really be avoided in any situation...

"Taeyang..." Jiyong spoke his name so softly, almost unheard.

"What is it, Jiyong?"

"I... hope I didn't disturb you..." Jiyong spoke, not even realizing that it was Taeyang who called him.

"Nah... I was thinking of you actually..." Taeyang smiled softly, imagining how Jiyong looked like right now. Undoubtedly, Jiyong was standing stiffly beside the telephone while he was laying down in relaxation on his bed.

"Uh... why?" Perhaps Jiyong was blushing. The thought made Taeyang grin in satisfaction, wanting to see the other's expression.

"That's a secret." He chuckled lightly. "So, I imagine that you're standing stiffly by the phone, unable to relax..." There was silence on the other side and he knew he was right. "Tell me... were you thinking of me?"

That seemed to lighten the other's mood.

"No, I was thinking of Seungri!"

"Hah, my dear, I'm jealous!"

"Shut up! I was only joking, Why would I be thinking of him?"

Taeyang shook his head. "True..You can't sleep, can't you? You want me to tell you a bed time story?"

"Huh?" Jiyong seemed surprised.

"Alright, I'll tell you one. Now, go on and lie down on your bed. Are you lying down now?"

"This is pointless..."

"But are you lying on your bed?"

"Yeah, whatever..."

"Alright!" Taeyang grinned. "Once upon a time..."

"Good night, Taeyang, I think I'll go to bed now."

"Uh, Jiyong, you're already in bed." Taeyang laughed, unable to prevent himself from doing so. He heard a faint chuckle in response and his heart warmed even more. "So, it's late, you should probably be getting some rest soon, alright? I'll go to your place after school."

"Alright..." Jiyong spoke, almost a whisper in his tone. "Good night, Taeyang..."

Taeyang could only smile in contentment. "You too, Jiyong..."

The phone was silent for awhile, indicating that Jiyong hadn't placed his phone's handle down. Regretting the lost opportunity, Taeyang just shook his head, closed his eyes before placing his own phone's handle down. When he opened his eyes again, he looked on up at his room's ceiling, a stupid smile on his face. Well, he felt better somewhat. Jiyong had been speaking in a very odd manner. That meant that Jiyong did recall the kiss. And that also meant that maybe Jiyong felt something between them. He could only wonder what they were to speak about tomorrow. Was it going to be another evolution in their relationship? He hoped so...

Shifting to the side, he watched his phone quietly, remembering the quiet voice he had just spoken to. He sighed before looking on to his computer nearby. There had been no real heavy hints that indicated that Jiyong was XX_Drg during the phone call. The thought of Jiyong and XX_Drg being the same was nagging him greatly. It made him want to test if XX_Drg was still online or if he had just been mistaken about his assumptions...

Eagerly, he got up and went on towards his computer, quickly logging on again. He heard the swift dialling and the indication that he had logged on. Immediately, he went on to the Siren's chatroom and looked for that familiar handle...

XX_Drg... was there...

He clicked on that name.

(SOL) Hey! What are you still doing online?
(XX_Drg) Nothing... I couldn't sleep...
(SOL) You too?
(XX_Drg) And you too?
(SOL) Yeah, I'm thinking right now of... a lot of things...
(XX_Drg) Love life?
(SOL) Yeah...
(XX_Drg) Me too...
(SOL) We're the same, huh? It makes me think of things, you know.
(XX_Drg) What sort of things?
(SOL) Too many to mention. ^_~
(XX_Drg) Me too...
(SOL) We're the same in so many ways, no?
(XX_Drg) I guess...
(SOL) So, we're talking again...
(XX_Drg) Yeah... And I have something to ask of you...
(SOL) You're gonna ask me how we seem to be so comfortable around each other? Like we're friends in real life...
(XX_Drg) I... wanted to meet you...

Taeyang looked wide-eyed at the screen. So, his chatmate finally wanted to meet him? Was it something that was preliminary to something dangerous? Or was XX_Drg really someone he knew personally? Now, he wasn't so sure...

(SOL) You mean...
(XX_Drg) Tomorrow, at night, in Siren... If you want to...
(SOL) ...
(XX_Drg) It's okay if you don't want to...
(SOL) No! I mean, yes! I mean, sure, why not? ^_^
(XX_Drg) Aren't you busy tomorrow?

If this was Jiyong then... He would know of their intended meeting tomorrow. But if not...

(SOL) What time do you want to meet anyway?
(XX_Drg) About 9 pm perhaps in the bar in Siren? After dinner maybe...
(SOL) Why the sudden thing anyway? By the way, the time is fine...
(XX_Drg) I don't know... I was just suddenly curious...
(SOL) I'm curious about you too. ^_^ But then I thought you saw me as a ert...
(XX_Drg) I haven't changed my mind about that.
(SOL) Hah! You love to joke tonight, don't you?
(XX_Drg) ...
(SOL) Why? Do I still remind you of someone you know?
(XX_Drg) ...
(SOL) Okay, okay... Let's talk of something else... Hmm, what do you want to do tomorrow when we meet? ? Drugs? Alcohol? Cigarettes? Hey, you could bring your soccer man along while I bring some friends along... Let's have an !
(XX_Drg) errr I gotta go now before you me!
(SOL) I'll be gentle *puppy eye* ^_^
(XX_Drg) ehhh? anyways, C U Tomorrow~
(SOL) Yeah nighty! ^_^...
*XX_Drg logged off*

Taeyang looked on weirdly at the screen, trying to figure out why this night was so full of surprises. Was he to meet this certain XX_Drg in Siren tomorrow? What will be his benefits? He knew he couldn't wait to meet him but something held him back. Perhaps deep inside himself, he had a hope that his chatmate was a certain person familiar to him. If not though... It would still be okay, right? Taeyang looked on at the ceiling in silence, as if trying to analyze it.


A meeting with two people he hoped would be one and the same. He was already excited to see Jiyong. They would have a pleasant afternoon together. The thought was warming his heart greatly for it was Jiyong himself who invited him to his home. Jiyong would then cook dinner for him and they would talk. What would they talk about? What should he say? At first, perhaps, he'd ask him simple questions about their night in Siren. Like, for example, if he recalled things they've done, or what he felt about having a relationship with anyone... His ual preference and all those queries that lead to opening up about themselves. That would be a brilliant strategy, wouldn't it?

Anyway, after that... He'd have to go on and meet this intriguing XX_Drg. What should he wear? Maybe he should change his usual appearance into something surprising. Surely, whoever this XX_Drg was would have a heart attack upon meeting him. Since the younger chatter had said that he had a crush on the one and only Taeyang...

Taeyang grinned mischievously, shifting to his side and closing his eyes. Tomorrow then...



After talking... He hadn't gotten over that one quite yet. Speaking with his friend on this late night and hearing enough hints from both himself and Taeyang... The thought was exciting him yet also provoking something undefined. He didn't know what it was. Standing up again after that phone call, he rushed towards his computer to want to check on SOL, as if to confirm something. That was when his bounds were broken as SOL suddenly spoke to him. Too curious, too perplexed, perhaps the time had come to meet the mystery chatter. He knew he didn't have to really show himself tomorrow. All he wanted was to see who SOL was. Consequently, that would be after that dinner he suddenly promised Taeyang. That would be more intriguing.

His heart beating quickly as he closed the chat program, he didn't know what to do now, too caught up in things which he normally didn't do. He acted way too spontaneous tonight but even the thought of that didn't bother him so much. All he wanted to do was wait until tomorrow came. He wanted to prepare the best dinner ever and he also wanted to go on to Siren to meet his online friend. He was too excited, too hyper to go to sleep.

Sighing softly, Jiyong looked on at the web browser in front of his eyes. The site that was open was a search site and in his curiosity, he suddenly typed something in the text box.

'Gay '... It was a totally random thought in his mind. The words made him blush as he suddenly realized that tomorrow may just be an opportunity... Trying to bar his mind from any dirty image, he looked on at the sites listed for the keywords 'gay '...

A significant amount of sites were listed and he scanned through them. Choosing one informational site, he entered that one...

The site was well-made and information about how to actually engage in homoual was present. Blushing furiously at what the hell he was doing, Jiyong read on for the rest of the night, despite the qualms of his ethics and morality. Really, he didn't care... 

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Chapter 6: *dramatically wipes eyes* omg. This was so sweet! I LOVED it.
Mii-yoh #2
Chapter 6: Huhuu awsome~ I stopped reading GDYB fics recently but this has that something that I had to finish it :D keke :D
Chapter 6: I love this!!! This is so beautiful ^o^ thanks for sharing & waiting your another gdyb story kkk~ fighting!! ^o^
kewanalynne #4
Chapter 6: great fic, and a great ending, you did a really good job author-nim in writing this from beginning to end. :D
lize89 #5
Chapter 6: I love this fic, great Job!!!
Hatsumomo #6
Chapter 6: This was one of the most enjoyable stories i have read, thank you very much for your hard work! Not only the detailed way you describe setting and characters but also how incredibly authentic your story sounds despite it being a fanfic is something i love about 'Siren' :) And every single update was worth the waiting, so dont be sorry please ^-^ ! You potrayed their relationship so beautifully.. Just wow. Thanks for this one, it was amazing!
moon_swan #7
Chapter 6: I thougt you wouldn't update this fic more and now am very happy! Thank you sooo much for fanfic! You are a very great ficwriter!
Chapter 6: <3 ooh my god <3 this was so beautiful and i have no words! This fic captured me from the beginning and everything was so awesome :D
Good job! <3 i love it!