Thank you , for that one month of torture

Will you forgive me?

Oh no i suddenly had so much flowing through my head to write..........



Ricky's POV:

Why.. Just tell me why already... why did you keep doing this to me.... Didn't you promise that you won't repeat it again? Stop toying around with me, I know I may look strong in the outside but you always knew.. You knew I was weak on the inside, so please.. please stop....

Days passes in a blink of the eye, soon a month just went pass with the wind. It was the winter season right now already, I want you so badly right by my side. But it seems like that wouldn't happen since we're no longer together. I feel cold... so very cold.....

It was a cold Saturday night, Cap was sitting right beside Niel on the couch, hugging him while watching the television. & I saw you too.. Hovering around Chanhee hyung, putting your arms around his waist , hugging him so very tightly.. I took my glass of hot chocolate and sat right on the floor , beside the couch occupied by cap and niel hyung. I caught glimpse of you pecking on to Chanhee hyung's cheecks and you returning it to him too. My stomach felt cold , it hurts so much just seeing you kiss him right now, making out with him every night in his room. I can't do anything but cry myself to sleep all night long, wishing you'll come back. Just then, Changjo sat beside me after coming out of his room. "Hyung, are you alright? You don't look well" Changjo asked me with a worried expression. "Ne.. Just feeling a little cold right now.."I answered him weakly. He place his hands right beside my waist and pull me closer towards him. "Here, I think you're feel much warmer sitting beside me" Changjo said while smiling to me. "Thanks Changjo, I really appreciated your concern" I smiled back to him. It felt so warm.. My heart feel equally warm too. I just, I just wanna sleep forever and... and never wake back up... 


Third person's POV:

Ricky fell right asleep moments after cuddling with Changjo. Changjo sat still watching the television the whole time, letting his hyung, which is his best friend as well, sleep right on his shoulder. As the show on the television ended, Changjo told the rest of the members that he's bringing his hyung who's still sleeping next to him back to his room first. Changjo slowly carried Ricky up, making sure that he doesnt hurt him or wake him up in the process of shifting him back into his room. The rest of the members had their eyes on him as Changjo carried Ricky back into his room, including L.joe. Changjo slowly places Ricky back on his bed, putting the blankets over him. "Sleep well hyung" Changjo whispered beside Ricky before walking out. "Thanks, thanks for the memories" Ricky suddenly blurted out in his sleep. "What?" Changjo turned back and stared at his hyung, who was still sound asleep. "Hmm maybe I heard wrongly' Changjo thought to himself and went out of the room.

At around 2am in the morning , Ricky got up and felt his head hurt a lot. He was down with a bad headache and a slight fever from the cold. He got out of his bed, thinking when did he moved right back there while walking towards the kitchen. He walked past Chunji's room and look inside. He say Chanhee hyung sleepy soundly while hugging something. It was dark, but clear enough for him to see what he's hugging on. Ricky just walked right to the kitchen, eating his pills before heading back to his room. 

Why? My head hurts a lot, my heart hurts equally painful too... I'm..I'm so cold... Ricky thought to himself on his way back to his room and fainted right soon after reaching at the side of his bed, making him luckily collapsing on to his bed.

The morning sun had arrived and everyone had gotten up.. "Where's Ricky-yah?" Cap asked the rest of the members having breakfast. "Maybe he's still asleep. I'll go wake him up hyung" Changjo said and walk into his hyung room. "Hyung! Wake up! It's 10am already, come have you breakfast" Changjo said to Ricky. There was no respond or movement from Ricky after Changjo repeated for the second time as he decided to return back to the dining table. "Changhyun hyung still asleep, I think he was still tired." Changjo said to the rest. "I see, let him sleep longer then since we didn't had any schedule today" Cap answered the maknae. Ljoe face was in full of thoughts, feeling worried for his ex-lover but didnt dare to go check him out.

Soon it was already 2 in the afternoon and Ricky still isn't up yet. Changjo went back inside Ricky's room to wake him up. "Wake up hyung ! It's already 2pm , wake up you slept long enough!" Changjo said while shaking ricky's body. "Oh my , why is his shirt so wet? Hyung wake up! Are you alright???" Changjo started to panicked. Ricky finally slowly opened his eyes but still couldn't visualize who was standing beside him. "Huh, what happened?" Ricky asked weakly. "Hyung, are you alright? You don't look too good.. Are you sick?" Changjo asked Ricky while holding on to his hand. "I guess so, /cough , just let me rest longer, I'll be fine later on. I promised." "Okay, have a good rest hyung. If you need anything make sure to inform me straight away." Changjo said to Ricky before leaving his room. 


Ricky's POV:

I wanna die so badly.. I feel so much in pain... I should end it all today... Ricky got up slowly and walked out of his room weakly. He silently walk out, not seeing anyone at the living room and soon slowly making his way to the door and walked towards the lift without putting any shoes on. He pressed the highest level of the building and make his way to the rooftop. He slowly sat at the edge, feeling the cold breeze blowing at him. "I shall enjoy my last few moments sitting right here, enjoying the view" I thought to myself while gazing through the beautiful city lines.

An hour past and it was getting noisier at the ground floor. There was a crowd looking right up the sky, looking at ricky.

"I'm tired, it's time to end this right now....."


Okay, i shall do a double update again and end it the next chapter! Anticipate it! keke

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Chapter 5: I agree with jialingluv2pm ^^
I ship ChangRick <3
Chapter 5: I really like this story *^▁^* It will be great if u do a changrick story ><
LovingKitty #3
Chapter 5: Hahahah lol
Chapter 5: Waaaahh soo cuute ^^
Chapter 2: ...........and that is why chunjixljoe is called chunjoe and not lchun or something XP
Chapter 5: Ah,RickJoe is so romantic!
I Love them all!
Chapter 5: lol...rickjoe!!!ever!!
Thank you! I'll be back soon <3 xoxo
Chapter 5: Aw.. I'm glad they're together in the end ♥