
A Price to Pay

Dianna pov.

 Kwon and I have been getting closer and closer day by day we've had some good times these past few weeks like going to parties or rather it be staying up late on the phone talking about pointless things I've also learned that he's not exactly fluent in english it's just he gets caught up on his words when he's nervous,I've been invited over to his house again,the first time I met his parents and they took me in with open arms such friendly people but this time I get to meet his closest friends from back in Korea.I sit in the car with Kwon "im so nervous,what if they don't like me ? "

he chuckled "they'll love you,trust me i've said nothing but good things about you" Kwon held her hand entwining their fingers together-well that's a first ! Dianna thought,she blushed and took a deep breathe as they entered the house "guess they're in the other room"kwon said as he lead her to the guest room she took a deep breathe as he stood infront of her hiding her as he got everyone's attention.

"let's see her ! "I heard someone call out,gosh talk about the thirst,I smile warmly to everyone as introduce themselves guess they're not use to foreigners back in South Korea I blush at the compliments from one of his friends Seung-Hyun "oh she's beautiful,her skin is so tan " he says as his finger traces down her arms ."sorry,they're not used to seeing other races of people " confesses Kwon "no no,it's fine ! i'm actually enjoying the compliments " i show a genuine smile as i'm approached by his other friend Seungri "i hope you don't mind,but may I touch your hair ?" he asks starring at her sandy brown curls "sure go ahead !"i blush as he plays with a strand of my hair im actually used to it people always ask to touch my hair,my happiness is soon ruined by his rather rude friend that makes a stale statement "don't waste your time Seungri it's probably fake " by now Kwon has learned I have a very short temper but I can control it at times,I just keep my cool and try to smile maybe I took that the wrong way "no,it's all mine had long hair all my life "i smile to him giving him a you don't phase me type of look.I guess Kwon could sense the stiffness between me and him so he told him something in Korean and Mr.Rude gladly left.I proceeded talking with Seungri & T.O.P,weird nickname right huh ? They were actually pretty cool guys real down-to-earth, I went to the kitchen to go get me something to drink great rudeness is still in the house we make eye contact until he breaks it and turns off the t.v coming into the kitchen behind me I go to the fridge pulling out a bottle of water i hear him speak

"i'm sorry let's start over"

please-I just look at him then look back to my beverage twisting off the cap I notice him snatch it right before I can get the cap off all the way, im getting fed up "first you disrespect me then you take away my drink do you have a problem with me ?" I snap back at him .He just shows a mischievous smirk,I am not joking i'm dead serious dude ! "fiesty,i like that "he winks,first he talks about me then he flirts with me ?"so you like asians,girl I can turn you out,just our little secret" he whispered seductively."yeah,right,I don't even know you're name so yeaa-"i say trying to take my water and leave but he grabs my hand "youngbae,but taeyang to you or lover "he pecks my hand,i'll admit the boy does have game I chuckle at him "you wouldn't know what to do with this even if you had it,but i'll keep that in mind Mr.Taeyang " i wink and go back to the room with Kwon,I love to tease.

"what took so long ?" he asked concerned

"oh nothing,just couldn't decide what I wanted"

"youngbae didn't bother you did he ?"

"no,he stayed to himself on the couch"before Kwon could even respond T.O.P interrupted pulling me next to him to take a picture together,things got so awkward as Youngbae entered the room.I kept quiet till we we're all eating dinner Kwon's parents weren't around I had no idea where they were so it was just us but I felt safe I knew Kwon wouldn't do anything,he's not that type of guy but I can't speak for youngbae.As we sit on the floor watching t.v eating Seungri cracks a joke and everyone erupts into laughter except the troll other known as taeyang ! What's his deal as soon as I crack a joke all the guys laugh except him "that wasn't funny,you're girlfriend is very disrespectful " he says as he looks at Kwon.Kwon looks back at him and tells him to back off but he doesn't he speaks in Korean fast i can't make out everything but i do understand from one of me & Kwon's english to Korean study dates haha,but anyway "don't call me out my name !" i shout at Taeyang he looks to me shocked being i understood and Kwon shows a smile being I'm standing up for myself,Taeyang says something else to Kwon and the other boys look shocked and direct their eyes either to me or Kwon.Kwon looks at me "how could you ?" 

"what ?! how could I what ?"i look to taeyang and he just has a mischievous smile plastered on his face,

"you try to come on to my friend"

"woah woah Kwon he's lying ! I promise "i get angry as Taeyang says something else in korean to Kwon 

"that's why you were in the kitchen so long,you were trying to get with him,why ?! "

"shut the up right now ! " I screamed at Taeyang,"listen to me kwon,listen to me ! "uh-oh I could feel my temper rising the anger building inside nothing burns me more than being ignored trying to scream for help but no one listens they automatically take their brothers side over yours,flashbacks of my younger years pop back into my head that's it,i've lost it.I start throwing things and tossing things over I see him grinning "you think this is funny ? " im more than sure my accent is strong as ever now I come towards Taeyang full force i feel a tug at my waist by T.O.P he carries me out to the bathroom and locks the door he keeps his distance and sits on the tub as I splash water on my face i rise up looking myself in the mirror drying the water off "can you hand me my bag in the room?"the last thing i need to do is go back in there and see that bipolar freak i just can't believe Kwon would actually believe him over me.Top comes back handing me my bag and my keys "you sure you'll be okay ?" he didn't seem the least bit scared "yeah i'll be fine,hey-thanks" i say grabbing his arm gently 

"it's okay,I know how youngbae can be,I'll talk to kwon "I say walking her to her car door,wow Kwon sure can pick em i semi joke to myself "be careful " i say as she begins to pull off 

Youngbae pov

 "you shouldn't have even brought her here in the first place,look what she did ! " i throw my hands up in frustration know i'm going to have to help clean this up;call me devilish but this is all apart of my plan i've been doing this since our freshmen years Kwon get's a girl I make them hate him and I step in and make them forgive me and bam I've got a desperate girl down for whatever.It's nothing personal it's just ya know life I guess.I go into the living room settling on the couch watching t.v it's getting late anyway.I figure their done cleaning the room cause T.O.P comes in sitting at this chair next to the couch ."that was some dirty " i snicker "I don't know what you're talking about " he shrugs what's the difference between this girl and all the other girls back in Korea ?-Nothing,I'll tell you that the only thing different is she might have a little more to squeeze that's it."why can't you let Jiyong just have 1 girl to himself"i turn off the tv "because he's no better than I am,what he has I can have 2 times more "

"pathetic"Seungri walks in on the conversation stealing the words right out of top's mouth "and to think i was really about to take your side over hers"


Kwon pov.

I requested to be by myself i let my dr.dre head phones rest on my ears as I tune out the arguing in the living room,I close my eyes and watch the past few weeks before me I mentally beat myself up Every last girl and none of them are right all using me to get to youngbae ;crazy thoughts cloud my mind is it me ? Or is it him ? My heart shattered just at the thought I thought we were getting somewhere and then she takes me as a fool she acts as if my emotions are just a game and that my heart is just a pawn on a chess board.I grab onto my pillow imagining it was her small fragile frame oh how I wish I could take back this day .Oh how I wish we could have just stayed at her house all day watching movies maybe i would have still had her in my arms right now..Seungri busts through my room trying to tell me something but i'm screaming telling him to leave I specifically told him I want privacy 

"youngbae ! youngbae ! he's lien to you,he's misusing you!"he speaks in Korean.I dismiss his foolish attempt to persuade me,for what so I can bring her back just so she can flirt with him to ? She probably already hit on top ! My heart can't take anymore ache 

"please,just listen to me ! you're so stubborn ! "i Ignore his advice and try to recollect my train of thought and soon fall asleep.


Dianna pov

 I grab a basketball and head over to an empty court at the park starting to play ball,that's how i deal with everything,I should have just left after the first insult then things wouldn't have escalated,better yet I shouldn't have even let him get to me like that there's no way Kwon could still like me after seeing that.It's just youngbae is such a prick ! oh you best believe he is not getting of the hook that easy i will have my revenge that is if Kwon will forgive me..I shoot one last basket then call it a quits,I'm in for the night.




so it got pretty heated in this awkwarddddddd,oh boy Youngbae better watch out ! comment please ^.^ advice ? concerns ? like or hate ? who do you ship ? i would love to know ! (:

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adorkably_mardi #1
Chapter 4: ahhhhhhhh when are you going to update?!?!?! I'm so ready for this! lol
marmarrrk #2
Chapter 4: Upppppppdddddddaaaatttteee
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 4: Dang!!! youngbae is cray...
Chapter 4: Omggg please update this soon I wanna see what happens to ji and tae.. :C
Chapter 4: I thought Taeyang would like Di :c Why is he acting like this?!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 4: Gosh taeyang stop being such a bastard. I hope ji and di are okay <3
Lovin the story
Chapter 4: Loving your story I hope Leon finds out what youngbae doing update soon
Chapter 2: BTW I love the mcdonalds on international drive!! When I lived in FLorida i practically lived there! lol now i will continue reading =P
Chapter 2: Hehe, Jiyong && Dianna.
Just wondering when does Taeyang make an appearance :O
adorkably_mardi #10
Chapter 2: i heart this story already! good job! :)