The Start

A Price to Pay

Kwon.I just can't shake this girl,we met in gym I told her I was fine and that I knew where art was but she insisted on helping me but hey it's cool what can I say my 3rd day in America and the girls already love Kwon,I smile cockily.I remember Dianna from earlier said we had this class together I see her talking with some guy I would go sit with her but I guess she doesn't want to be bothered being she looked me dead in the eyes and looked away.The girl pulls me over to a table and introduces me to a group of her friends 3 guys and 4 girls we begin socializing.

Dianna.Im talking with a few of my friends and I see Stacey is late to class again,I chuckle then yell out "Stacey,come sit next to me"I give her a warm smile then she takes a seat next to me engaging in convo.I keep an eye out for Kwon,I would've invited him over but he seems busy with Kimmie so I stay with my friends and let him stay with his.I get up to find some brushes to finish an painting I started earlier in the week,as I head to the sink washing them off I notice a taller figure to my side bump me,it was Kwon. "Can't get enough of me huh ? " I chuckle at his sudden cockiness,well highschool has a way of doing that to all of us.

Dianna."last time I checked you followed ME to the sink "i wink playfully

Kwon."yeah,well get used to it you're going to be seeing alot of me this year"

Dianna."don't start something you can't finish Kwon" i chuckle leaning on the counter

Kwon.moves closer to her and whispers in her ear "don't let my looks fool you,girl I can turn you out "he reaches in the sink grabbing a few brushes

Dianna.blushes,I would love to see him try ! I go back to my seat,I'll admit he's kind of gotten me shaken.


Kwon.I sit in my chair daydreaming about her,at first I was a little skeptical but I can't get that smile out my mind,that caramel glowing skin and those captivating midnight brown smokey eyes,or maybe it was those bubble gum pink lips,my thoughts are interrupted by the bell.I leave out with a few friends I spot Dianna at her locker with a few friends I tell my dudes I'll catch them later and make my way to her locker as I approach her I get strange looks from her friends.I return the look and begin talking to her as I lean up against a near by locker "thanks for showing me around earlier "

Dianna."oh it's no problem,you're welcome"i smile grabbing a last book out my locker

Kwon."i think it's only right I show you around sometime too ? "

Dianna."im curious,just where ? Because I know this whole state like the back of my hand " I joke then close my locker

Kwon."i don't know,I could show you some sites or I could show you off to my parents,maybe when we're done I could even show you to my room " he winks

Dianna.I walk off,not because Im mad just because I wanna see if he'll follow you have to work for my attention ! i blush as he grabs my hand pulling back closer to him like in the music videos.

Kwon."come on,I was just playing don't be mad,look I think you're pretty and I wish to take you on a date"

Dianna.I chuckle a little at his honesty & his english "one condition,you gotta promise me something "

Kwon. "anything"

Dianna."don't let this school change you Kwon"

Kwon.he flashed his signature smile that won over all the girls back on Korea "should I pick you up at 8 or 9 ? " 

Dianna. "8" I begin to trail off heading to my car


Dianna.As I finish up my shower I notice my phone ring "hello ? Who is this ?"

"come on,don't tell me you forgot that quick "

i notice that voice "haha,i don't remember giving you my number "

"i got it from Chris"

"figures"i chuckle a little

"don't forget I got you tonight,get ready I'll be over in 20 "

"wait,how do you know where I live ?" i ask a little concerned

"oh,I also got that from Chris"

"ugggh" i sigh "im gonna have to talk to him about that"I hang up and begin to prepare quickly into the outfit below. 

*in the car

Kwon.looks her up and down "cute,just like you"he grins

Dianna."you're just a big flirt huh ?" 

Kwon."girl you have no idea "he winked as he drove off,the sun was starting to go down a bit,I let down the top and let the wind flow through our hair.

Dianna.i smile as I look out the window we were in the parking lot at the McDonalds on international drive.He parked the car then looked at me and smiled "dude,what are you waiting for ! let's do this ! "I take a hold of his hand pulling him to an arcade.He pays for tokens and asks me what I want to play we run the air hockey table we get really into the game his thinking face is so cute ! "just go ahead and pass it "i chuckle "you're gonna lose anyway"as i stick out my tongue he makes the goal,i frown "this game is rigged ! "i sit on a near by bench he comes and hugs me 

"aww is the big baby mad because she lost ?" his finger taps her nose lightly

"kwon don't try me !" I hate losing.

"hey hey im just trying to help " he holds up his hands in defense,I look to him and smile that's all I can do,I pull him towards the go carts outside


"I had alot of fun tonight Kwon,we should hang out more often"I smile towards him,he pulls me in for a hug i embrace him back

Kwon.I inhale the sweet smell of Japanese cherry blossom I look back into her eyes and smile she's so beautiful,I caress her soft skin with my index finger then move a piece of hair out her face.She looks to me with hopefulness look into the precious eyes I try,but I just can't I don't know but something is holding me back.I remove my hand from her face then scratch my arm "well,i did so "

"yeah,well I guess I'll see you tomorrow "I showed a broken smile

"see ya tomorrow " he smiled then headed to his car waving a last time before pulling off.


Dianna.I throw on a white tee shirt and my black boyshorts and my pink and black hello kitty slippers.I smile as I look to my phone 

" had much fun with you wish to do it more <3 ^.^ "

I reply then wash my face and pull my hair up into a bun lying in bed I turn on my television let's see what's on cake boss,adventure time, turtle man,hunting channel blah blah Romeo Must die..hmm I've always liked that movie I chuckle to myself perfect timing B.E.T xD .I sit back and recap the night I might just have to take a chance on Kwon,but what will my friends think ? I hear a little voice in my head I start to think maybe they're not your friends if they can't accept him..I shrug off the idea but I can't shake it what is it about him ? He probably doesn't even like me,he was probably just being nice..I pull up the covers getting situated continuing to watch my movie.

Kwon.I finish rinsing and stare at myself in the mirror for a moment smiling tonight was good,still got the charm.I walk to the kitchen only to meet my mom 

"so when can I meet her ? "

"ma,we're not official I just took her out as friends,I don't even think she likes me like that,you're rushing things ! "

"anygirl that goes out with a guy she just met has to like him "

"ma !"

"is she pretty ? tell me what is she like ? "

I scratch the back off my head grabbing a water bottle trying to figure out how to tell my mom "well,she's different,she has good personality and she's,she's beautiful,i've never seen anything like it before it's like the breath taking beauty you know ? "i take a sip,i notice my mom smile 

"seems like you really like her,I just hope she's the right one,and I can't wait to meet her " she leaves to the living room

Kwon.I head back to my room and turn on my stereo with my hands behind my head just thinking,I guess some things happen for a reason,maybe I came to america to meet my future wife,i laugh the thought off i've been watching way too many korean dramas.Yet a big piece of me regrets not kissing her,well it's not like I won't see her,it's just I may not get that chance again any time soon..I close my eyes drifting asleep clutching my pillow,tomorrow holds new opportunities



had to edit sorry didn't realize I pressed save when I wasn't done typing xD 


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adorkably_mardi #1
Chapter 4: ahhhhhhhh when are you going to update?!?!?! I'm so ready for this! lol
marmarrrk #2
Chapter 4: Upppppppdddddddaaaatttteee
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 4: Dang!!! youngbae is cray...
Chapter 4: Omggg please update this soon I wanna see what happens to ji and tae.. :C
Chapter 4: I thought Taeyang would like Di :c Why is he acting like this?!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 4: Gosh taeyang stop being such a bastard. I hope ji and di are okay <3
Lovin the story
Chapter 4: Loving your story I hope Leon finds out what youngbae doing update soon
Chapter 2: BTW I love the mcdonalds on international drive!! When I lived in FLorida i practically lived there! lol now i will continue reading =P
Chapter 2: Hehe, Jiyong && Dianna.
Just wondering when does Taeyang make an appearance :O
adorkably_mardi #10
Chapter 2: i heart this story already! good job! :)