Avoiding Kwon

A Price to Pay

I swear it's the same routine everyday,wake up,school then home I swear I want more. As I enter the halls of Richmond High im greeted with smiles,I guess you could say im fairly popular I really don't like to get into those type of things being it's my senior year.My thoughts are rudely interrupted by a familiar face a long time friend Stacey as we walk to class,we take our seats and she speaks out once more "have you seen the new kid yet ?" 

Dianna. "no ,why is he cute or something ? " I could really care less but i'd rather seem polite than rude.She responds "uh,I'll let you decide for yourself" she lets out a little laugh.The bell rings,"what's wrong he has bad acne or something ? " again Stacey. "no he's a chink " she blurts out giving 0 cares. "A what ? " I respond giving a little attitude hopefully she'll catch my drift,race was a touchy subject for me,I've always believed no matter what a person looks like you should be able to accept them.Stacey grabbed her eyes and began squinting them trying to mimic hooded eyes. "You're going to hell !" I let out a fake laugh trying to play it off,you see my school isn't exactly the united nations,it consists of 3 things blacks Latinos and wannabes.Only a handful of Asians attend Richmond but unfortunately fall into the wannabe category don't get me wrong I have no problem with someone that wants to embrace the American culture but sometimes,just sometimes it would be nice to meet someone that WON'T try to change how they walk or talk to fit in.Almost half way through class I hear the door creak open great the principle is coming to make an announcement but to my suprise it's the new student It doesn't take a genius to figure that out being I've never seen him before and trust me I know everyone In this school,I look him up and down I must admit he has style black skinny jeans rolled to look like capris above his combat boots and his socks show right at the trim of his shoes,he has a grey shirt and an denim vest with a black Givenchy beanie on,I never get a good look at his face but from the side he looks pretty cute. I shrug it off paying attention to my notes but then i hear my teacher rudely speak "you just gone stand there or take a seat ? " he looks to her confused,let me guess he's not fluent or either really slow,making it easy on him i pull out my phone and go to the google translate app I struggle to tell him to take a seat please in korean,I guess he understood me he gives me a warm smile then takes a seat behind me two rows over I put my phone up and continue taking notes.Thank god for phones..

*after class 

Dianna.As I began to exit I see him about to approach me,I continue to my locker letting him get lost in the crowd,call me mean but I can't use that type of attention now.My british literature teacher gave me detention great,just great,since I can't stay after school im forced to take it during Lunch being im also banned from 6th prd detention-LONG STORY..I grab a bag of white cheddar popcorn and a gatorade and head to the detention room.As Ii enter I notice the boy from earlier sitting at an table with a woman he seems to be struggling I notice the teacher over detention is sleep at her desk and his english coach is leaving so now it's just him with a book and me creeping in the door frame.Okay,I guess you can say Im starting to feel bad about earlier,poor guy can't even speak english.I take a seat across from him and begin to speak. "Umm hello" I smooth over my hair,wooah he's a total hottie

"hello " he speaks clearly and gives me a warm smile like earlier while he holds eye contact

"umm how are you today ? "i ask a little nervous,okay maybe I shouldn't have come over here.

he chuckles a little "fine,and you "

"im cool,ya know,im doing fine "i look off nervously

"oh okay" he looks down at his phone trying to ease the mood 

"so where are you from,I heard you're not from america ?"

"Seoul,let me guess you're from here  ?"

"umm no actually im from California but I moved to Florida my sophmore junior year.."

"oh,korean you know it ?"

"oh uh no,I just have this app on my phone"i chuckle a little bit

"yeah that would help"he shared a genuine laugh 

"so if you know english why were kind of caught up today in first ?"

"I didn't expect the people to be mean so "

"you mean so mean,eh not everyone is mean you gotta find the right crowd"

he gives me a yeah right type of look 

i chuckle abit "look i know how it is being new it can be a little tough,even though we just met i got ya back " I semi-joke he smiles then nods "so tell me,what's it like in south korea ? "we spend all class period joking,as the bell rings he asks me where gym is I walk him to the gym and take him to his coach luckily i found out we have history math and art together."okay so him with the shiny head is your coach the boys locker room is that way and yeah goodluck you're gonna need it "i joke but trust me,he's gonna need it.I see a group of boys pass by us and one of them speaks out "I see Dian has a thing for them yellow bones " i give him a death glare then speak out "aye,you got a problem with me ?" the guy shakes his head and laughs "i step closer to him "if you got a problem with my boy then you got a problem with me,alright ?" I know how to back people off of me,learned that an a very early age. The new boy gives me a smile then nods as i leave I notice some dudes coming up to him making friends with him.I head to art.


Kwon pov.I've been to america before with friends and family visiting new york but this is my first time in florida I must say I do love the water,and the girls maaaaaaaaan i smirk to myself as I change my shirt talking with some dudes in the locker room,some of the people are pretty ignorant but that's everywhere but i've also met some chill people .

Chris "so where you from ? "

wow,can't get asked that question enough today haha "im from seoul,it's a city in south korea "

Chris "oh cool cool,"

* art class

Dianna.I spot Kwon before I can call him over I spot him with this girl my insecurities kick in i think to myself who the heck is that ? and why is she with my man ? Well he's isn't exactly my guy yet,wait why am I tripping  aren't I Dianna McCoy ?alright then,pull yourself together you can have any dude at this school why are you tripping over one guy ?I began sketching a hand squeezing a heart that's how i feel right now,I have a tendancy to get attached to people easily but this is ridiculous of course he's going to find friends I just didn't expect it to be so soon though..



Welp this was my intro to the story,please bare with me haha leave comments and suggestions please ^.^ <3

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adorkably_mardi #1
Chapter 4: ahhhhhhhh when are you going to update?!?!?! I'm so ready for this! lol
marmarrrk #2
Chapter 4: Upppppppdddddddaaaatttteee
jessicalm145 #3
Chapter 4: Dang!!! youngbae is cray...
Chapter 4: Omggg please update this soon I wanna see what happens to ji and tae.. :C
Chapter 4: I thought Taeyang would like Di :c Why is he acting like this?!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 4: Gosh taeyang stop being such a bastard. I hope ji and di are okay <3
Lovin the story
Chapter 4: Loving your story I hope Leon finds out what youngbae doing update soon
Chapter 2: BTW I love the mcdonalds on international drive!! When I lived in FLorida i practically lived there! lol now i will continue reading =P
Chapter 2: Hehe, Jiyong && Dianna.
Just wondering when does Taeyang make an appearance :O
adorkably_mardi #10
Chapter 2: i heart this story already! good job! :)