Chapter 5

Breathing Fire

A/N: I am so sorry it's taken this long for me to update this. As some of you know I've been super busy with work and a potential job in Korea, but I've taken a much over due vacation and its given me time to clear my head and finally sit down and write. So I hope you guys enjoy!






Jiyong rolled over and the coolness of the empty space beside him sent a shiver down his spine. His hand reached out across the sheet and was still met with nothing. Despite being half asleep, the pain in his heart came over him full force and letting out a long sigh, he opened his eyes for the final confirmation.

Seunghyun was gone.

After last night it had solidified the feelings the warlock had for the still mysterious man that occupied his nights. But he hoped that since it was Seunghyun’s suggestion to take things away from the club last night, the man would at least stay for breakfast.


The Previous Night


A couple weeks had passed and there wasn’t a single whisper of the Vanators. Either the information that the men gave him was false or the Vanators were taking their time. And Jiyong was starting to get restless no matter which one it was. This not knowing what was going on in his part of town was grating on him. He had some of his guys, more than was probably needed, roaming the streets for any sign or bit of useful news, but so far nothing. And because of all this… waiting, his time with Seunghyun was starting to be affected.  


“You can come down anytime now…”

Jiyong was drowning in his own thoughts but those words pulled him back to the surface. He looked up into the eyes of the man he was dancing with and was greeted with a soft smile.

“Hmmm, what did you say?”

Seunghyun leaned down and whispered in the smaller man’s ear, “I said… You can come down anytime now.”

Jiyong pulled back and looked at him. “Come down from where?”

Seunghyun chuckled. “You were lost in the clouds… seemed to be thinking to hard about something. Are you starting to get bored of me?”

Panic filled Jiyong’s mind. “God no! I could never get bored of you. It’s just… I-“

Seunghyun leaned down and gently pressed his lips against the warlocks. “That’s all I need to know,” he said and pressed their lips together once more, bringing his hand up underneath Jiyong’s shirt.

This night in particular had started out in a rather strange way- Seunghyun had already downed a few drinks before they had found each other- and like always; he was very touchy when drunk.

When Jiyong first spotted him, Seunghyun was seated at the bar tossing back drinks like they were water. In all the nights of knowing him, he had never once drank as much as he was currently consuming. Before Seunghyun could drown himself anymore, Jiyong distracted him and pulled him to the dance floor. But as it turned out they both had other things on their minds, for Jiyong kept thinking about the Vanators while Seunghyun thought about…

“Why were you drinking so much at the bar earlier?” Jiyong questioned while Seunghyun’s mouth was preoccupied with his neck. When the man didn’t answer he pulled away and asked again.

“It’s nothing… don’t worry about it,” Seunghyun murmured, his voice getting lost in the music that filled the club.

“If its something that’s worrying you then I am going to worry about it. Seunghyun I don’t know if you’ve noticed but you… you mean a lot to me. I care about you.” He reached up and ran his fingers across Seunghyun forehead, brushing his bangs away from his eyes so he could see them better.  Behind the haze of alcohol Jiyong could see a brokenness buried deep inside of his eyes, something that he hadn’t noticed before.

Just when he was about to question the man further Seunghyun’s hand that was still underneath Jiyong’s shirt, gripped his hip and pulled him up against his larger form.

Jiyong’s breath hitched but it was soon captured in another kiss, silencing him. Seunghyun’s tongue drove past Jiyong’s lips and glided along the roof of his mouth making Jiyong’s knees tremble.

They had made out and have even taken things further over the countless nights that they’ve spent together, but nothing like this. Seunghyun was strong and used just the right amount of force to overtake Jiyong. And Jiyong wanted to be taken. He wanted to be consumed by this man that had stumbled into his life. He wanted to spend not just his nights with him, but days as well. He wanted Seunghyun to sweep him up and take him far away from everything that was happening. Seunghyun had become his distraction from the Vanators and his duties as Draak.

Ever since Seunghyun had come into his life he felt like he was actually living it for once. He had been surrounded by so much magic and demons that the simplicity of Seunghyun’s human nature was a welcomed change. Instead of caring what others want, or making other people happy, Jiyong satisfied himself and that included satisfying Seunghyun as well.

Seunghyun, more aggressive than any other night, continued his onslaught and devoured Jiyong. Grazing his teeth along his neck, Seunghyun bit down, on the salty skin and left fresh red marks, knowing that they would be purple by tomorrow.

Jiyong felt his muscles melt and he knew Seunghyun could hear the pleasure escaping his lips. His head was in a daze and when Seunghyun whispered, “Let’s get out of here.” Jiyong was all too willing to leave. He knew something was bothering the man, just like something was bothering him and it seemed like they were in need of a big distraction. So without a second thought, Jiyong pulled himself away from the Seunghyun and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the exit.

After a quick car ride, they stumbled into his apartment not wanting to wait any longer, and continued from where they had left off in the club. Jiyong let Seunghyun take charge, and despite his still very apparent drunken state, it was some of the best the young warlock had had in ages.

Seunghyun begged for the feel of fire on his skin and Jiyong was there to oblige. The way the man’s muscles danced at the contact mesmerized the warlock, while the pleas from Seunghyun for him to continue filled his ears. Their eagerness gave way to slicked bodies sliding against each other and soon enough Jiyong wasn’t the only source heat in that room.


Jiyong took his time crawling out of bed. His body protested with every slight movement of muscle and in the back of his mind he savored the feeling because all the hurt was associated with a night he would never forget. Looking around the room he saw the aftermath of his and Seunghyun’s eagerness. Furniture displaced, sheets hanging off the end of the bed, clothes thrown into every corner. But Jiyong noticed that all the clothes were his. Seunghyun must have really have gone, there was barley any trace of his presence left in the room.

Jiyong ran his hands over his face and ignored the pinch in his heart. A dozen questions and scenarios ran through his head about where and why Seunghyun had left, but he was still half asleep to think of them so he resolved to hop in the shower and become more coherent.


He was in the middle of his second cup of coffee when his phone rang, he sat and stared at it for several seconds, debating on whether or not he was ready to be responsible, but he knew that whoever was calling knew not to call this early unless it was an emergency or risk being part his barbeque dinner for that night.

“What do you want?” he grumbled to the person on the other end of the line when he picked up the phone.

“There’s was a spotting of the Vanators last night,” said the all too familiar voice of Morgath.

Jiyong perked up. “Where. What happened?”

“Seems like they hit a small nest of vampires a couple blocks from the club.”

“Any causalities?”

“All ‘cept a newborn who hid in a back room closet.”

“Bring them in, I want to find out everything that happened.”


Walking into his office he saw a small girl around the age of 18, sitting in the corner. She jumped when he entered and when she turned to face him he could tell how traumatic the events of last night were for her based on the amount of tear streaks that stained her face.

Tentatively, he approached her and tried to show her that she was now in a safe place and no one was going to hurt her.

“Hello sweetie,” he said as he knelt beside her.

She sniffled and wiped the excess snot from her nose while she whispered, “Hi…”

A tear fell from her eye and Jiyong reached up to stop it from rolling down her cheek. At first she flinched from his advancement but once she felt the warmth of his hand she leaned into the comforting feeling.

“You know you are safe now, right?” She nodded and looked at him with her deep crimson eyes and brought her own hand up to wipe away another tear. “What’s your name?”

She took a shallow breath. “Minzy…” she replied, speaking barely above a whisper.

“Minzy…” Jiyong repeated in a soft voice. “How old are you?”


Jiyong took one of her small hands in his. “No honey… how old are you?”

She scrunched her eyebrows together for a second and then realized what he was asking.

“Oh… umm… I was changed a couple months back by… by…” She couldn’t finish her sentence and broke down into tears. “He’s dead! They’re all dead!” She doubled over and her whole body shook with agony. “Every single one of my family… Gone!”

Jiyong rubbed her back and tried to console her. “Shhh Minzy… I know it’s hard… it’ll be ok.”

Her wailing drowned out most of his words but he could tell that she took comfort in the fact that someone was at least by her side.

“They just came out of no where…” she started. “And there weren’t that many of them, maybe 6 or 7 but… they just killed… everyone…”

Jiyong listened to every word she said as she slowly started telling him about the events of last night. Her family of 20 had just gotten in from a hunt and were winding down, ready to sleep for the day, when the group of Vanators busted in and started slaughtering everyone.

“It took everyone by surprise… I guess that’s how they over powered us so quickly. But one of the older members of the clan told me to run and hide, and that just what I did.” She took a deep breath. “I could hear everyone screaming… but the most unnerving part of the whole thing was… I heard at least a couple of the killers laughing. Laughing! While they murdered my family!”

“Did you hear anything else from them?” Jiyong asked, wanting to know if one of them slipped up and said something about the potential attack on Love Dust.

Minzy wiped her nose and more tears away and sat there for a minute, concentrating.

“I heard one of them say ‘Feels good to kill after all this waiting around’ and then another replied ‘ Yeah but if-‘ I don’t remember the name he said, ‘ finds out then it will be our heads that get chopped off’ and then ‘Oh whatever, we can just say that we ran into them on a scouting mission’. They said some other stuff that I can’t quite remember, sorry…”

Jiyong rubbed her back again. “Please try too. This is very important. If you can’t remember exactly what they said try and paraphrase it.”

Again she concentrated. “They said something about how it was taking too long to figure ‘it’ out. That everyone was getting restless.” Her eyes widened as she remembered something. “One of them said that the hunt for the dragon would be soon.” Minzy turned to look at Jiyong with a sudden hopeful expression. “Do dragons really exist?”

Jiyong huffed out a small laugh. “Oh sweetie… they are nothing like what you read in fairytales…”

They talked for a little bit longer, going over all the details that Minzy could remember and then Jiyong made a call to another clan leader in hopes of finding her a new family. After she left for her new home he called Morgath into his office and started make plans for security precautions based on the new information gathered from the attack last night.

What he took from Minzy’s retellings was that the group that hit her nest were a few young Vanators who were itching to kill something. This told him that they were in fact in town, but like Minzy over heard, they were waiting for something to happen. However he still didn’t have any clue of what they were waiting for and when they were going to attack.

The rest of the day pasted in a blur and it wasn’t until one of the other employees knocked on his door and told him that they were opening the doors to the club, did he realize he still hadn’t heard a word from Seunghyun since the previous night. He didn’t want to act like a love sick teenager and text or call him asking where he was or anything, so he decided that he would just wait patiently until he shows up tonight.

However it wasn’t until hours later that Jiyong saw Mack closing up the bar when he realized… Seunghyun was a no show for the entire night.




Also I've been getting some messages about whether or not I have twitter and in fact I do, so if you want to follow I'm @tabidreamer.



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On official hiatus until I finish In Focus


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vododoll #1
Chapter 5: pleeeeeeease updaaaaaaate i wanna know what will happened T_____T
Chapter 5: tres bien seunghyun is the bad guy
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 5: Don't tell me tht seunghyun is the leader of vanator...
sheherezade #4
Chapter 5: This is an amazing story. I hope you could find a time to continue this story. x)
choomtabiii #5
Chapter 5: Hi do you plan to continue this story?
mikadosm #6
Chapter 5: I don't know why but I have the feeling that Seunghyun is involved in this mess, too. If you can find the time to write, please do :)
omg i hope you update soon (if you have the time ofcouse) i love this story ^^ sounds cool and i only want to read more and more xD author-nim Hwaiting~~
Chapter 5: This so needs to be finished. It was just getting really good
maryfemme #9
Chapter 5: This is a one of a kind gtop fic. So original and fresh.
I love it from the 1st chapter. And i do hope you can continue the updates because it really intrigue my curiosity.
Nulpi_ #10
I miss this story!