Chapter 4

Breathing Fire

The man raised his hand and pointed at Jiyong. “Draak. They want to kill you.”


Jiyong smirked at his words. “As if they could. If you didn’t even know what I looked like, how are they?”

The man just fidgeted under the warlocks gaze, not knowing how to respond.

“Is there anything else you want to tell me, like a time frame on when they’re going to do the raid?”

“Oh umm… yes they said probably within the next month. They just did a cleansing in another city, but not without losses on their side, so they’re probably wanting to recover and train some new blood.”

Jiyong nodded. This was going to be a pain in the . Why couldn’t the Vanators mind their own damn business. He wasn’t hurting anyone, and over the past couple decade’s humans and non-human alike have been getting along better. Hell, the last war was 20 years ago, so why start the fighting again?

After talking over some more details about the Vanators, the man and his little entourage got up and were about to leave when all of a sudden he turned back to Jiyong.

“Just curious, are the rumors true about your magic?”

Jiyong glared at him, getting annoyed that the men weren’t walking out the door yet. “And what would be those rumors be?”

“That you aren’t just limited to one element, you are able to use all of them.”

Wind started swirling around them, the ground started to shake, and the air became electrified.

“If you take up more of my time, you’ll find out. Didn’t you know… curiosity killed the cat”

All the men paled and quickly left, as Jiyong smirked at their reaction. He sometimes loved showing off his powers, especially if it was to scare away people that pissed him off.

Now alone, Jiyong needed to think over this new information. He needed to secure his club more, that was a fact. But how was he going to do it without resorting back to ‘No humans’ policy? If he did that, people would start to be suspicious about what was going on, which might make him lose business. If he changed the back, then Seunghyun wouldn’t be able to come back either? Which he was never going to let happen. For as long as Seunghyun wanted to dance with him or make out with him or whatever kind of relationship they were starting to develop, he would gladly stay by his side.

As he thought more and more about it, he decided that instead of going back to the old policy, he would just amp up security. He came up with the idea about staging a fight between some his men, that way his patrons wouldn’t question why there would be more security over the next couple weeks.

He heard a knock at the door and rolled his eyes. “Come in.”

Morgath opened it and asked, “Sir is there anything you need?”

Jiyong laughed at his words, “Yeah how about finding me a spell to wipe out idiotic humans.” He mostly just said it as empty words, but he did have some truth behind them.

“Sir, I don’t believe there is one.”

Jiyong mumbled, “Trolls and their damn sense of humor.”

He turned around to face him. “Bring in two of your guys. I need to put something into works.”

Morgath nodded and shut the door.


The next night, Jiyong and Seunghyun found each other as normal and started dancing with a little more passion than previous night, both remembering what happened in the VIP room. Grabbing the smaller mans hips, Seunghyun melded their bodies together and wrapped his arms around Jiyong, swaying to the music. The warlock moved his arms and brought them around the larger mans neck, drawing their faces closer to each other and gave Seunghyun a small peck on the lips.

Smiling at the gesture, Seunghyun leaned over and asked, “Is it weird that I’ve thought about you nonstop since yesterday?”

“Nope. Because I’ve been doing the same,” Jiyong said as he kissed Seunghyun’s neck, tasting the salt on his skin from dancing.

Seunghyun squeezed him tighter feeling the warlock nibble at his neck and grinded their hips together as they continued to dance.

A loud bang came from the bar and Jiyong groaned into Seunghyun’s neck as he said, “Damn it, couldn’t they have waited a bit longer?”

Seunghyun leaned back and looked down at the man not understanding.

“I’ll explain later. Just go up to the same room we were in last night and I’ll be there in a minute.”

Seunghyun looked towards the bar and saw two men in a full knockdown, drag out fight, with a crowd starting to form, reminding him of how he first met the warlock. He went to go follow Jiyong, ignoring the man’s instructions to go upstairs. But the smaller man turned around knowing he was right behind him and had a dark look in his eye as he pointed to the stairwell. Knowing what the warlock was capable of, Seunghyun his heel and made his way to the room, not wanting to piss him off more than he already was.


Ten minutes later, the curtain was pulled back revealing Jiyong who carried two drinks into the room. Handing one to Seunghyun, he fell down onto the couch next to the man and let out an exasperated sigh.

“So what happened?”

Jiyong took a sip of his drink wanting the alcohol to numb his mind. “A couple guys were being idiotic. So I had to put up so extra security.”

Seunghyun set his glass on the table before them and turned his body towards the warlock. Jiyong had head thrown back against the couch, his eyes shut, as he started pinching the bridge of his nose with stress written all over his face.

“Why do you have to take care of everything?” Seunghyun asked.

A tiny smile spread across Jiyong’s face as he kept his eyes closed. “Because it’s my job.”

“Yeah but you don’t own the place do you? I mean with the fight from when we first met and this fight, shouldn’t you have like a head of security to take care of it?”

“That would be Morgath. But he’s not in a position to make decisions about the club, so I always have to take care of things.”

“So that’s why you had to leave last night, to take care of things?”

Jiyong lifted his head and took another sip of his drink, trying to have some liquid courage as he was about to flat out lie to the man he was starting to take great interest in. He wanted so much to just say it and tell this man everything about who he really was, but he had done that once, and he knew what his secret can do to others. So he bit he tongue and danced around the truth as much as he could.

“Last night some men came to talk to the real owner-“

“Draak, right?”

Jiyong darted his eyes to the side. “How did you know his name?”

“Morgath said it when he came to get you.”

“You remember that?”

“I have a good memory. He also said something about Vanators, but I have no idea if that word is even English.”

Jiyong rolled his eyes as he thought so much for avoiding the truth, cursing Seunghyun’s good memory. Tossing his head back, he downed the rest of his drink and turned to face Seunghyun.

 “It’s not. It’s Romanian for hunter. They’re a group of humans who think the world should be rid of people like me and certain patrons of this club. And the men came last night to warn Draak that a small group of them are in town…”

Jiyong watched as Seunghyun took in all this random information, it looked like his mind was going a mile a minute, but all he wanted right now was to stop talking shop and just enjoy the rest of the night.

“Look can we just forget about all this. Let’s just go back to where we left off out on the dance floor.”

He looked up to find Seunghyun staring at him with a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips.

“And what exactly were we doing? I might need a little refresher.”

Jiyong didn’t wait to be told twice. He leaned over, closing the space between them as they pressed their bodies against each other. With Seunghyun’s lips enveloping his, he felt more of an eagerness, a hunger, from the man.

Seunghyun used his larger size to dominate the younger man as he pushed the warlock down onto the couch, reversing their positions from the previous night. Jiyong let him take control, surrendering at the feel of Seunghyuns lips against his and the taste of alcohol on his tongue.

They lost themselves in each other, making Jiyong forget who he was and all of his responsibilities as Draak, the club, about the Vanators, and focus on how this man was quickly overtaking his body… and heart. 

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On official hiatus until I finish In Focus


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vododoll #1
Chapter 5: pleeeeeeease updaaaaaaate i wanna know what will happened T_____T
Chapter 5: tres bien seunghyun is the bad guy
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 5: Don't tell me tht seunghyun is the leader of vanator...
sheherezade #4
Chapter 5: This is an amazing story. I hope you could find a time to continue this story. x)
choomtabiii #5
Chapter 5: Hi do you plan to continue this story?
mikadosm #6
Chapter 5: I don't know why but I have the feeling that Seunghyun is involved in this mess, too. If you can find the time to write, please do :)
omg i hope you update soon (if you have the time ofcouse) i love this story ^^ sounds cool and i only want to read more and more xD author-nim Hwaiting~~
Chapter 5: This so needs to be finished. It was just getting really good
maryfemme #9
Chapter 5: This is a one of a kind gtop fic. So original and fresh.
I love it from the 1st chapter. And i do hope you can continue the updates because it really intrigue my curiosity.
Nulpi_ #10
I miss this story!