Chapter 3

Breathing Fire

Seunghyun sat on the couch with his shirt pulled up and just stared at the man before him in silence. He racked his brain for any sort of a reply to give the warlock, but as of this moment, with what just happened, he couldn’t form answer.

Jiyong watched as the he struggled internally and took it upon himself to try and ease Seunghyun.

“Here, let me take care of that real quick.” He leaned forward and brought his hand back up towards the red mark on Seunghyun’s stomach.

“Whoa whoa whoa. What are you doing?” Seunghyun said as he shuffled back, away from Jiyong.

Jiyong threw up both his hands trying to show Seunghyun that he didn’t want mean any harm.

“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you… again.” Wincing at his own words.

They sat there and stared at each other for a good minute, Jiyong pleading with his eyes for Seunghyun’s acceptance.

“Please? Just trust me…”

Finally Jiyong saw a barely there nod from Seunghyun and he slowly closed the gap between them as he placed his hand on the burn. He took a deep breath hoping that what was about to happen wouldn’t scare him any more than he already was.

Seunghyun felt the warmness of Jiyong’s hand once more. He looked down and saw that Jiyong was watching him, probably waiting for him run away, but he decided to trust him.

All of a sudden, the warmth that he felt was starting to become cold, and as he looked into Jiyong’s eyes, he saw that they were slowing changing to the color purple, like they did the first night he met him.

 He in his breath, not knowing if it was from Jiyong’s eyes or from the now freezing hand that was on his stomach. It took a lot of will power to pull his gaze from the warlock, but his curiosity got the best of him as he wanted to see what was happening to his stomach.

He gasped. All the air in his lungs left him as he saw that Jiyong’s hand was enveloped in light that looked like pale blue flames, their way across his burn.

Jiyong could feel Seunghyun’s muscles tighten from the shock when he looked at what he was doing.  

“I’m almost done. Don’t worry.”

“W-what are y-you doing t-to me…”

Jiyong didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled his hand away and Seunghyun saw that the burn was gone.

“Well I guess that answers my question…”

Seunghyun scrunched his eye brows together as he lowered his shirt to cover himself back up.

“What question?”

“How much do you know about warlocks? And what I just did, if you couldn’t already tell… I healed you.”

Seunghyun started unconsciously rubbing his stomach where Jiyong’s hand had just been. He turned to face away from the warlock as he tried to take everything that had happen tonight in. Jiyong tried to say something but Seunghyun brought his hand up to silence him.

“Give me a minute… please…”

Jiyong nodded.

After a while Seunghyun finally spoke, “Ok… so you’re a warlock, that much I gathered from the other night… I knew you guys can do magic and what not, but like you guessed I don’t know much. How… why did you burn me?”

Jiyong watched as Seunghyun confused face turned back towards him, but what he was thankful for most at this moment was the fact that he look interested and curious, instead of being angry with him. He internally gave a sigh of relief and started biting his lip in embarrassment.

“Well you see… umm…” He let out an awkward chuckle and decided it was better to just say and get it over with, like ripping a band aid off. “Ok well, warlock magic is fueled by the elements, you know, water, air, earth fire and sometimes when I get a little too carried away, my magic just… I don’t know comes out. You know... in the heat of the moment. And you probably can guess which element fuels my magic…”

Seunghyun took a moment as he let the information sink in. “But you just healed me. How does fire help with that?”

“My magic isn’t fire it’s self, its… umm how do I explain this… like the heat that’s generated from all the people downstairs, I can pull that from the air and its like energy for me. But I can do magic even without fire or heat, it just draws a lot of energy out me instead of the air.”

Jiyong could see that Seunghyun was nodding his head.

“Did I make any sense? I’ve never really had to explain this before… because you’re the first human that I’ve gotten close too.”

A small smile spread across Seunghyuns lips. He like hearing that he was a first for the warlock, its always nice to be a first.

“Yeah, I think I understand…”

If Seunghyun was about to say something else Jiyong didn’t hear. For all of a sudden the troll that they passed on the way into the VIP room pulled back the curtain with a very serious expression on.

“What the hell Morgath? Can’t you see I’m with someone?” Jiyong yelled.

“Sorry sir, it’s just that some men have come and they want to speak to-“ The troll looked at Seunghyun before he continued talking. “They want to speak with Draak.”

“What about?”

Again Morgath looked as Seunghyun. “They say it’s about … the Vanators.

“…” Jiyong muttered under his breath. He nodded and waved Morgath to leave, telling him he’d be there in a minute. He looked to Seunghyun who still had a confused expression, but now it was for an entirely different reason. Jiyong was really starting to find that face rather adorable, which made it even harder to say, “Sorry Seunghyun, I’m going to have to cut our night short.

“It’s ok I should be heading home anyway.”

Seunghyun started moving to get up off the couch when Jiyong put his hand on his thigh to stop him.

“Seunghyun... I’m sorry about what I did earlier. I hope you know I didn’t mean to hurt you… Will you come back tomorrow night?”

Seunghyun looked at the warlock, seeing a side of him he didn’t think was possible. Jiyong looked unsure of himself, which was so unlike him. He was this bold, vibrant, I-do-what-I-want type person that his sudden change in persona just made him laugh.

“Of course I’ll be back.” He leaned over and brushed his lips across Jiyongs. “Even though I was burned by it, our make session was hot… in both ways. Just promise you’ll try and keep in control next time, ok? I’d hate to see what I’d look like if we went further… or maybe not.” He teased Jiyong with the last comment and stood up ready to walk out.

Jiyong looked back up at him raising an eyebrow, back to his normal self.

 “Trust me, you would be begging me to touch you, fire or not,” he said as he got up and ran his fingers across Seunghyun’s jaw line,  letting just the smallest amount of heat flow through them, onto his skin.

“You better go.”

“Why? Tired of my presence already?”

“No. Because if you continue touching me like that, you wouldn’t be leaving for a very long time.”

“So he likes to play with fire after all…” Jiyong smirked and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek and as he did so he whispered, “See you tomorrow,” and walked out of the room leaving Seunghyun breathless.



Jiyong wanted so much to walk right back into that room and let Seunghyun do whatever he wanted to him, but he had to see these men. If it was something about the Vanators, he wanted to know everything. With Morgath behind him he walked down the hall and opened a door showing a small staircase that led to the office.

As he opened the office door, three men were already waiting. One of them stood up as soon as he saw Jiyong, looking him up and down.

“Where is Draak? We asked to speak with him, not some puny little assistant he might have.”

Jiyong already in a bad mood from having to end his night with Seunghyun early, did not take those words well. Before he knew it, his hand came up, and he was holding a small fire in the palm of his hand.

“You better watch what you say because as of right now, I’m not particularly in a forgiving mood. So sit down before I decided to use this,” he raised his hand that held the fire.

The man sneered, “Yeah and who do you think you are to tell me what to do?”

“You come in to this club demanding to see the most wanted warlock about the Vanators, and you don’t even recognize him when he walks into the room?”

The man in front of him paled as he realized the mistake he had made.

“I-I’m so sorry sir. I-I didn’t know. No one really knows what Draak- I mean you look like.”

“Yeah and I like to keep it that way if you don’t mind. Now sit. And tell me what the emergency is.”

Jiyong moved to sit in the large office chair that was behind his desk, waiting for the man to talk.

“Well you see… we just got word from one of the werewolf packs a couple cities over, that a special group of Vanators or hunters or whatever you call them, are planning to raid this part of town and take out every non-human they can, what they call a cleansing. And they say they’re going to start here, at Love Dust.”

Jiyong’s eye’s widened. “Why here?”

“Because their greatest threat is here…”

The man raised his hand and pointed at Jiyong. “Draak. They want to kill you.”


Shout out to Atenais for making the lovely banner! It's beautiful darling, thank you so much! :)


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On official hiatus until I finish In Focus


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vododoll #1
Chapter 5: pleeeeeeease updaaaaaaate i wanna know what will happened T_____T
Chapter 5: tres bien seunghyun is the bad guy
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 5: Don't tell me tht seunghyun is the leader of vanator...
sheherezade #4
Chapter 5: This is an amazing story. I hope you could find a time to continue this story. x)
choomtabiii #5
Chapter 5: Hi do you plan to continue this story?
mikadosm #6
Chapter 5: I don't know why but I have the feeling that Seunghyun is involved in this mess, too. If you can find the time to write, please do :)
omg i hope you update soon (if you have the time ofcouse) i love this story ^^ sounds cool and i only want to read more and more xD author-nim Hwaiting~~
Chapter 5: This so needs to be finished. It was just getting really good
maryfemme #9
Chapter 5: This is a one of a kind gtop fic. So original and fresh.
I love it from the 1st chapter. And i do hope you can continue the updates because it really intrigue my curiosity.
Nulpi_ #10
I miss this story!