Please, Don't Cry In Front of My Grave

Please, Don't Cry In Front of My Grave


Kris was standing in front of the grave, looking down at it. His eyes were swollen, but now there were no tears anymore. He’d already cried his heart for a whole night, and now he didn’t know if there was a single tear left to cry.

In his hand, there was a letter, written on a pure white paper with a nice handwriting, something that Kris would treasure the most.

It was from Yixing, the love of his life.

Kris already had read it over and over again since last night, with tears rolling down his cheeks. He wished it was a dream, but it wasn’t.

And today, in front of the grave, he opened the letter, reading it again.


Dear, Kris


When you read this letter, maybe I’m not in this world anymore. I’m so sorry I can’t keep my promise to always be by your side, I’m so sorry.

But one thing you have to know, that I will always love you no matter what. Even the death can’t erase my love for you. I will always be with you, in your heart, and you will always be with me, in my heart. I love you with my whole heart, I won’t forget even a littlest thing of you.

I will miss you, Kris. I will miss our togetherness. I will miss the time when we cuddled on your room in a rainy day, the time when we shared a cup of hot chocolate, the time when you comforted me every time I had a nightmare. I will miss your big hand that held mine gently, its warmth, its softness. I will miss your arms that hugged me tightly. I will miss every part of you. I’m happy that I was able to meet you, the person I love the most. Being with you was the happiest part of my short life.

Kris, if you read this letter, I want you to know that I’m in a better place now. I will see you every day from up here, I will protect you.

And one more thing, Kris... It’s my last request for you, okay, so read this carefully.

Please, don’t cry in front of my grave. Don’t be sad, Kris. Remember I will always be with you. Remember that I will be there in every breath you take. I will be there in every wind that blows your hair. I will be there in every raindrop that fall on your skin. I will be there in the ray of light that wake you up every morning. I will be there in everything for you, no matter what happen. Don’t forget to smile for me, Kris. Every time you remember me, please, smile.

So, promise me not to cry in front of my grave, okay?

I love you, Kris, with a whole of my heart.






Kris felt tears started to fill his eyes again, but he held it. He took a really deep breath.

And he smiled. A soft smiled, just for his lovely Yixing.

As the wind blew his blonde hair, he looked up at the blue sky, still with his smile curling on his firm lips.

“You see this, Yixing?” he whispered softly. “See this smile? It means I will always love you.”

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Can I Translate this into Mandarin ? I really like it and if you don't want me to I won't, I just really like this story.
yoneee #2
Chapter 1: i very love your fic ♥
can i translate it into vietnamese, please?
i really really want ^^
Chapter 1: kray is not my bias but though this make me cried T.T
starry_diamonds #4
Chapter 1: oh my gosh!!!!T_T
Chapter 1: this is so sad :( i've lost someone important for me before and it's not easy to accept the reality that they're gone and they'll never come back for you. but it's important to let go and believe that they're in a better place :)
yuka_fx #6
omagod.. omagod... dear.... it's... suffocating! need more angst kray from you author ! i love it~
Chapter 1: the most beautiful part was when yixing wrote that he'll be in the every raindrop that fall on your skin

the pure imagery of it :<
Chapter 1: Omg
this is so beautiful T.T
Especially the last words Kris said omg
This is so touching
Chapter 1: omg...
i'm didn't cry but my heart hurt after read this fic..
it's so sad...

good fic author-ssi...thx for sharing this fic with us...^^