Chapter 3

The Race for the Key

“Yah!” a running male called out to the younger. “Minho, you’ve got to stop doing that. Look at the little mess we left there, she’s pretty smart and will be worrying now.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Minho quickly said pushing away his hyung’s words. He still didn’t understand why Kyuhyun likes to be around her.

Minho motioned to Kyuhyun to follow him to a secluded alley, not too far from the shopping district. The two came to a stop in the middle of it while hearing faint noises of scratching. Upon coming to the source of the strange noise, Kyuhyun instantly turned his head towards Minho.

“What did you do?” he asked in a low dark tone.

“Well, I was taking care of his friend over there,” Minho pointed to the direction of an unconscious male slumped against the wall. “But then he came running in trying to be a hero, and I thought that you might want him, so I bounded him with some old rags.”

Kyuhyun slowly shrugged his bag off his back, letting fall to the ground with a soft thud. “Minho you know that you should be more careful.”

“I know hyung,” Minho answered as he watched Kyuhyun crouch down to the level of the tied up male.

With both his arms and legs bounded together and gagged, the boy tried to move away from Kyuhyun only to result him falling over. Kyuhyun grabbed one of the bonds and put the boy into a sitting position again, watching as his eyes widened with recognition.

“You know,” Kyuhyun smirked within the shadows of the alley. “The beauty of this is that they will never remember a thing.” With a dark laugh, Kyuhyun went closer to the boy.

The only sounds that were heard were the sounds of the boy’s gagged screams.



Izzy woke up the next morning, with worry still fixed on her face. She remembered how Kyuhyun took off in the opposite direction with Minho, but she knew something was wrong with the entire situation itself. It was late, why was Minho wandering around? Most of all, why didn’t Kyuhyun, as a hyung, force him to catch the bus home together?

Another thing she remembered, which would answer her new oncoming question, just how did she end up in bed? She had called Onew over after she got home and had a shower. Wanting a distraction, the two had a movie night. But apparently it was short lived because not a moment too soon, Izzy fell asleep on the couch. Obviously, Onew had carried and tucked her into bed before leaving.

Izzy got up and started to get ready for school, yet Kyuhyun kept buzzing around in her mind the whole time. Finally she had it, and called him as she ate breakfast. On the third ring he answered.

“And what do I owe the honour of you calling me in the morning?” came his snarky voice over the phone. Izzy bit down on her lower lip to keep herself from smiling in relief.

“Nothing really,” she answered. “And good morning to you too,” she deadpanned as she realized he hadn’t even greeted her. All she got in return was his laugh.

“Kyuhyun, that’s not nice! You’re supposed to say ‘good morning’ as well,” she scolded as she joined in on laughing, but it only lasted momentarily until she cleared , clearly wanting to get down to business. “Listen, I called about last night. I’m just-”

“Worried,” Kyuhyun had finished for her. “There’s nothing for you to be worried about. Minho and I got home safely. Aren’t I talking to you now? Do I sound like something’s wrong with me?”

“Well…no,” she replied. “I was just concerned, that’s all.”

“Aww, little Izzy is concerned for my wellbeing, isn’t that sweet?” he cooed through the phone, earning a laugh from Izzy. He knew he played his cards right, because now he was expecting another scolding.

“Cho Kyuhyun! Don’t speak to me as if I were a toddler! You fully well know what I’m capable of doing,” she said an octave higher than her normal tone.

“Oh, I’m so scared,” Kyuhyun said with his sarcasm laced voice. “I’m shaking in my boots. Either way you can’t do anything to me.”

“You. I don’t know how I put up with you,” Izzy said with ease, knowing that her worries were gone. “I’ll see you at the Café later today?”

“Yes sir!” Kyuhyun piped knowing he was going to be yelled at again. “Bye!” he shouted hanging up quickly before Izzy had the chance to respond. All she could do was stare down at her phone in disbelief when she heard the click of the line going dead.


Izzy just sat there in class and kept cursing to herself. Her morning had a good start, but why did one of her various Professors, namely Professor Song, seem to ruin it. Now he had instructed that he would give the class a work period to work with their partners to plan out what they wanted to do. But not only that, that wasn’t just all. Now he changed the format of the assignment to be a collage.

‘Great, now it’s not just one picture, but SEVERAL!’ Izzy shouted in her mind. Right now she was thinking of ways to possibly murder her Professor.

After a few more instructions and restrictions were put out, the Professor sat at his desk and left the class alone. For the most part, this was a period for him to catch up on his marking.

Izzy turned to face her partner, only to jump back slightly because Taemin’s cold stare was already on her. She collected herself before he saw a vulnerable side to her.

“So,” she started trying to stand her ground under his gaze. “What do you think we should do? For instance, a main theme to the collage.”

“Well, I was thinking of something more along the line of images that best represent us. Since we obviously don’t mix well as partners, at least we can show that contrast within the collage,” Taemin replied as he stared at Izzy intensely as if to make her give in. All she could do was nod because she liked the idea, but was rather speechless about the way he treated her.



Izzy was currently inside her apartment accompanied by Onew at the moment. Mostly because he felt that the girl’s mood was off today. He walked out of the kitchen with two cups of hot chocolate and taking a seat beside Izzy who just stared at her camera.

“So…what’s gotten into you?” he asked calmly, but never got a reply. With a sigh he held out one of the cups in her line of vision.

“S-sorry! We’re you saying something?” Izzy asked as she jumped back in surprise. She took the cup Onew handed to her and took a sip.

“What’s up with you?” Onew reworded.

“It’s…Taemin,” she said quietly as her gaze fell back on her camera.

Onew mistook her sentence and became enraged in an instant. He settled his cup down first though, remembering the last time how he spilled his drink and how Izzy reacted to it.

“What did that bastard do to you?” he almost shouted.

Izzy turned to look at Onew because of his tone and saw flames in his eyes. Alarmed, she too put her drink down and jumped in her couch to calm him down.

“It’s nothing that you’re probably thinking of Onew. Trust me, it’s nothing like that,” she stated very carefully. Once she saw that he at least was calming down, she continued. “It’s just that, today I actually spoke to him. Prof Song told us that we’re doing a collage now, and so I asked him what sort of theme to go on. He suggested, which I agreed to, to make a collage based on our contrast. But the weird thing is…is the way he stared at me. It was as though…he wanted me to be submissive or something. It was so too intense that I felt the room get colder or something because it gave me shivers.”

Onew gave Izzy’s camera a skeptical glance, just so she doesn’t see it, and looked back at her with a soften gaze. He saw how frustrated she was with her brows knitting together. At least she’s not scared, or he hoped.

“He’s probably just ually frustrated,” Key said out of nowhere, announcing his arrival. “He’s a guy, and well guys do get like that. So don’t worry too much unless he advances on you. But we all know the sort of damage you could do, so it wouldn’t be his lucky day.”

“Key!” Izzy exclaimed while making some room for him on the couch. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh you know, I was just around the area and thought that I should stop by to say hi,” Key replied before shooting a secret look to Onew. “And you know what they say, at night the streets become dangerous. So I decided to stay at Onew’s for the night.”

Onew was stuck between the look he just got and Key inviting himself to sleep in his apartment. So he settled for the latter to make it a normal situation.

“Who even invited you to sleep in my apartment?” Onew asked in bewilderment.

“Umm…I just did so HA!” Key retorted.

The trio laughed at the sudden antic and decided to catch up on their shows.



“How many casualties?” a voiced asked.

“Just two, well the two that I found anyways,” a deeper voice replied. “Such a waste of bodies. In any case these people basically threw themselves away willingly.”

The two beings we in a dimly lit alley where two bloodied and very dead bodies laid. That was an understatement. The alley was a huge mess from the two mangled bodies, too far to distinguish who or what gender they were. The placed stank of salt and rust.

“You know it’s our duty to protect them though,” the first said.

“I know, I know. I’m only stating the obvious,” the second said smoothly. “And continuing with the obvious, this scene was only visited by one. Just one.”

“Well, it must of been starving considering the mess it left behind.”

The two males heaved a heavy sigh, for they were sorry of the humans that were unrecognizable but also for themselves. They had to clean the mess that was left behind.

“But there’s one thing I don’t really get…” the deep voiced said. “Why so close to a housing district?”

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It's been like....forever! Got the 3rd chapter, but I will say that it will be kind of slow to update as often. Got some stuff going on...


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