
The Race for the Key


A man and a woman ran through the woods, the woman cradling a small infant in her arms. A small squeak escaped her lips as she could smell more fresh blood spilling from innocent souls that they had left behind in the city. The man himself threw a worried look over his shoulder, not for the woman, but for his kin that were left fighting with the woman’s kin. They both knew what was left behind them and they also knew that their love was forbidden until recently…

Vampires and Slayer once live in a world where it was ok to coexist with each other, abiding by their own laws that left everyone in piece. Then came the day of the Battle, where the two sides were at a deadly war.

“I don’t want our child to be part of this mess,” the worried mother said to the man she was following through what was left of the woods.

“I know honey, I don’t want her here either,” the man replied to his wife. “But your Mother and my Father aren’t giving us much of an option.”

The two pause as they heard a sound, one that was not of their own or the infant’s gentle breathing.

“We have to keep going!” the man hissed as he pushed his wife forward with him trailing behind. “Have you made sure she’s sedated?”

“I have. I made sure she was when I sent her to get treated,” she answered. “Are you sure you got the enchantment? I don’t want her to age before she gets a chance to open her eyes, it was a heavy sedation.”

“Yes, here give her to me while I do the enchantment. Just keep going up ahead until we get with that Imp,” he replied reaching out for the little girl.

“An Imp? Can you really trust a newborn child with an Imp?” she eyed the man as he took the child.

“It was the only option I had left! The other creatures will work together with the Imp to get her out of the country! I made sure that they will help,” he said quickly before he went into low murmurs of the enchantment.

The couple kept running forward with only the sound of the husband’s low whisper that can be heard. They needed the infant out. Only she could save their world, but only when she’s old enough to handle that type of power.

They came to a small clearly where three little creatures seemed to be waiting for their presence. Once the couple stepped out of the trees, the little creatures snapped their attention to them, beckoning them with their eyes telling them to hurry up.

As soon as the couple said goodbye to their precious daughter, she was into the hands of the Imps. Once they saw that everything was safe and on schedule they took off into the woods with their little feet, leaving the couple behind.

“There’s no point of going back,” the wife said to her husband. “They’re already here. I can smell them.”

“I know, I can sense them too,” he replied as he turned to look her in the eyes.

He saw her eye widen as he felt sharp fangs ripping through his neck. He let out a weak smile before his body limped and fell, expressing every ounce of love he had for her.

Mother will be pleased,” a blood covered Vampire voiced out. “I’ve killed another Slayer!”

Before the wife could register anything that just happen in front of her, she saw a stake go through the other Vampire chest, spurting the darkish liquid with much resemblance to blood from her body. It was her turn next, and she couldn’t escape. The Slayer swung his blade and struck her in the neck, taking her head off completely. He smiled as her head and body fell to the ground.

Father will be pleases,” he smirked as he lit the pile of bodies on fire. “Too bad I was a little late though.”


What happened in the woods was nothing near of what was happening in the city. Bodies of Slayer were strewn across the roads and sidewalks. There were burning fire pits where they tossed the pieces of Vampire bodies to burn. The never ending fight for power was all that clouded the minds of the inhabitants of the city, if you can call a burning blood bath a city. All was done in favor of the Mother of the Vampires and the Father of the Slayers.

The war was slowly coming to an end as the numbers of the two sides dwindled down. The war came to its final stop when the dead bodies of Mother and Father showed up in the city. No one knows how the two died, but assumed that they had killed each other. From that point on, the Vampires and Slayers hated each other and lived apart by dividing the city. Some would try to be brave and enter the other’s territory, but never returned, at least not alive.

As for the little girl, the world does not know of her existence, only the creatures that helped save her, for she is the key for the Truth that the Vampires and Slayers need to live in peace once again. But when will she wake up? That’s the real question.


So, I know it seems a bit long but all worth it for the future! This event takes place long ago in the past, due the the story being written in this present time. Just thought I should point that out.


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It's been like....forever! Got the 3rd chapter, but I will say that it will be kind of slow to update as often. Got some stuff going on...


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