Chapter 1

The Race for the Key



A groan was heard from under the blankets as a hand instinctively reached out to search for the source of the noise. As soon as it came into contact of the alarm clock, the ringing had stopped and finally the body rose.

She whimpered as the blanket fell off her body and the cool air within her bedroom replaced the warm heat that once covered her body. In a sleepy state, she examined her room to figure out why it was chilly all of a sudden. A sudden draft from the windows caught her attention and she went closer to it, drawing the curtains up with a smile on her face.

The first snow fall of the season.

Soon the smile disappeared as she realized that the roads sidewalks hadn’t been cleared yet and she would be late for school. Panicking, she ran to the washroom to begin her day.

“I hate living alone,” she grumbled as she finished her shower. “I get no help around here.”

Rushing out, she threw on some warm and comfortable clothes suitable for the weather and suitable to be seen in public before heading to the kitchen to pop some bread in the toaster and turning on some water for tea. After doing so, she went back to her room to attack the mess on her head.

“Well that’s what you get for wanting to pursue your dreams,” she stated to her reflection. “That’s what you get Izzy Reed, wanting to go and study in a foreign country.”

Izzy tied her hair into a pony tail and letting her bangs fall wherever as she put her earmuffs and scarf on. She grabbed her bag, thanking herself for packing the night before, and went back to the kitchen after grabbing some extra things along the way. Not forgetting to turn up the heat.

After eating her quick breakfast, she grabbed her jacket and out the door she went for the oncoming commute. But today luck seemed to be on her side, she ran into her neighbour who lived right across the hallway.

“Morning Izzy,” he greeted with a bright smile.

“Onew!” she replied happily. “Morning to you too. Did you see the snow?”

Onew laughed at her bubbly personality, after all how is he supposed to react to his snow loving best friend. They met the very year Izzy had moved to South Korea and into the building, which happened to be his first year as well. The two got along pretty well, sometimes cooking for the other when the other one has late classes in the evening.

“I did,” he said to her as he locked his door. “At least the roads will be cleaned on the main route to school.”

“I know, commute would be difficult for a while though…” she said with a sad expression as they both walked to the elevator.

“Not really,” Onew stated as they stepped on.

Izzy shot him a look to indicate he’s an idiot. How in the world would getting to school not be hard in the amount of snow! And to be on time.

It was Onew’s turn to give her a look, a look of satisfaction. He then dug into his pockets and pulled out his keys, his car keys to be exact.

“Are you serious!?” Izzy exclaimed.

“Of course! I got it back last night from the shop!” he replied. The elevator came to a stop and the two stepped off. “I’m just happy that we don’t need to freeze our butts trying to get to school now.”

“Well let’s get going! We still gotta clean the snow off your car!” Izzy said as she ran out the door. Unfortunately, the snow was deeper than she expected near his car. One of her feet got stuck and she fell forward.

This earned her a laugh from Onew.



“And then this girl face plants into the snow before reaching my car!” Onew said as he and his friend, Key erupted the car with laughter.

Key, or Kibum, was one of Onew’s friends that used to visit him a lot before their first year of school stared. Izzy just happened to run into him one day on one of his visits to Onew. Onew introduced the two, but it took some time before Key finally warmed up to her. But really, all it took was for her to cook dinner that same night, and he fell in love with her cooking.

Key lived in a house along the way. They saw him trudging through the snow to a bus stop, so Onew pulled up told him to get in.

“That was not done on purpose,” Izzy said as she punched Onew in the arm. “It just happened as I was rushing to clean your car for you, free of charge!”

“But you still fell,” Onew pointed out for the last time. Izzy just shot him a look that Key caught.

“Izzy, just what are we going to do with you?” Key questioned. “You’re an Art Major like us, attending your second year in Art School like us for your post graduate, yet you’re so disorientated. How do you even pass your classes?”

“I am not that disorientated. And yes I do pass all of my classes with my awesome photograph and visual arts skills,” she retorted. “Just because I fell, it doesn’t automatically make me a failure.”

The trio arrived in the school’s parking lot and began to unload themselves from Onew’s car.

Izzy’s phone vibrated informing her that she got a text. Soon a frown appeared on her face as she read its contents.

“Crap, I have to work today at the Café. That idiot called in sick, again,” she said angrily. “You’re lucky I left a clean uniform in my locker!”

“Look on the bright side,” Onew started. “At least you get the chance to make more money!”

“And can cook us up another meal sometime soon,” Key piped in.

“What are you talking about, it’s your turn to cook me a meal!” Izzy said as they broke off when the bell rang. “I guess I’ll see you guys at lunch then.”

“Like always!” they called after her before heading off to the Vocal and Dance department where they majored in.



The Visual Arts and Photography department was like heaven for Izzy. It’s what she enjoyed doing, not to mention being one of the top majors there. She just had the passion for Art, which made her want to further her studies in South Korea, rather than Canada. It was a bit hard for her parents to finally let her go, but once they did, they supported her all the way.

Izzy took her regular seat near the window after visiting her locker to discard the items she didn’t need to carry with her, waiting just like all of the other students for the Professor to arrive. Once he had, he laid out the bomb that ruined Izzy’s morning.

“Today I will be assigning the Photography assignment. This is to be done in pairs, pairs of my choice,” the Professor announced. All the students held their breaths, knowing his choice meant trouble.

He pulled out his list and began to read the names of the students. Some were fortunate to be paired with someone else within their friend circle, and some pairs that were put together just makes you want to think how in the world were they compatible. Izzy seemed to fall in this bunch.

“…Izzy Reed and Lee Taemin…” the Professor continued after a much needed breathe.

Izzy’s world froze as she took in the name of her partner. Lee Taemin. Lee. Taemin. She stared wide-eyed at the Professor, without him taking note of her actions as he was still reading the list. Some of her friends threw her apologetic looks, knowing that the two were the rivals of the class.

Soon she felt an extra pair of eyes on her, ones that seemed to drill right through her. Izzy scanned the room and saw it was her unfortunate partner, Taemin. Once they locked gazes, Taemin looked away as if he were brushing her off his shoulder.

There wasn’t much to Taemin. He was quiet, very skilled at what he does, and fights with Izzy for the position of the top student, which is why they are referred as the rivals. He’s pretty good looking, not to mention an eye candy for the girls in the department, but he’s just too cold, even to be around. Somehow, like magic, Izzy and Taemin were enemies.

Just what possessed the Professor to pair the two of them together for this assignment? They never worked together, nor do they get along with each other.

“This is what you get Izzy Reed,” she said gritted through her teeth as she made her way over to him for the seating arrangement for the assignment. He made no signs of even budging from his seat.

“This is what you get when you want to pursue your dreams.”


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It's been like....forever! Got the 3rd chapter, but I will say that it will be kind of slow to update as often. Got some stuff going on...


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