Chapter 2

The Race for the Key


Impossible. Impossible was the only word that flowed through Izzy’s mind at the end of her morning classes. Lee Taemin was just impossible! He doesn’t talk when she tries to get him to brainstorm, nor does he seem to acknowledge her presence. When Izzy got frustrated and decided to be quiet and do her own thing, only then he turned to look at her with a smirk on his face, clearly stating the obvious, shut up.

She could talk to the Professor about changing partners, but like always, the conversation would never go in her favour. He was a pretty easy going guy, but stubborn and could get pretty scary when he gets going.

Izzy sighed as she collected her things to leave class. There was only a small crowd left in class with Taemin and Izzy, and somehow she hoped that the crowd could swallow her up and take her out of the classroom. But sadly they weren’t even showing a sign of leaving, so she picked up her stuff and walked out without a care in the world. She dropped off all of her belongings in her locker that she didn’t need to kept such as her books and papers, but keeping her Laptop, Photography Camera, and sketching supplies in her backpack to catch those moments where the necessary items are needed. It was her usual, and her bag holds many other personal things. Izzy made her way to the connected lunchroom.

The school has a special layout where each department is connected to it. There’s the Photography & Visual Arts, Vocal & Dance, Drama, and Instrumental. So in total, four buildings connected to one huge structure where all the students can interact with each other. As soon as she opened to doors to the Cafeteria, she was greeted with a bunch of noise. It was the usual noise, not too loud and not too quiet all at the same time, so it is possible to hear the person next to you. Izzy went over to the table where Onew and Key were waiting for her, but as soon as they caught sight of her, their happy expression instantly switched to a worried look.

“What happened to you?” Key asked as soon as she sat down.

“Well you see, I got a new Photography assignment,” Izzy said as she poked her lunch that the boys bought for her. They always do and she pays them later. “And Professor Song picked our partners.”

“And?” Onew cocked his brow. Izzy took a breath before answering.

“I was paired with…Lee -,” she choked.

“We’re in Korea, there’s tons of Lee’s everywhere. This guy next to me is a Lee,” Key in a sarcastic tone referring to Onew.

“I know my name is Lee Jinki, I just prefer Onew,” Onew defended himself. “So who did you get paired with? Just spit it out!”

“T-Tae…” Izzy stuttered before Key gave her a good smack on the back. “…min. I was paired with Lee Taemin.”

The facial expressions on the two boys changed to anger, well in Key’s case, disgust. They both knew of the rivalry between Izzy and Taemin, but all at the same time, they just don’t like the guy.

“Why would Professor Song pair the two of you up? He should know better,” Key rambled on. “Is he messed in the head?”

“Of all guys in your class, it had to be him? I do not approve one bit!” Onew added.

“Guys! Calm down,” Izzy shushed them before they created a scene. “I would just like to eat in piece and relax to forget everything that happened this morning.”

“Even face planting in the parking lot?” Onew joked.

“Even that!” Izzy laughed. “I don’t ever want to remember that and neither should you!”

Soon the trio quieted down and ate their lunch. Usually all of them would engage in a conversation consisting of random things, but only today Onew and Key were doing all the talking while Izzy was busy racking her mind.

‘Just how am I supposed to do this assignment if he doesn’t talk?’ she thought to herself. ‘Especially when he just simply ignores me as well. We cannot work together if this continues.’

“YAH!” Izzy shouted when she felt instant pain on the side of her head.

“Finally we got her back to earth,” Key stated as he put his weapon down, the spoon he was eating with.

“You didn’t have to hit me that hard…” she pouted rubbing her head.

“Aigoo, my poor little baby,” Onew cooed while rubbing her head too. “Key say sorry.”

“Aww, I’m sorry baby girl, there was no other way. You wouldn’t respond to any of us,” Key said.

Izzy gave them a look. “Seriously, when was I the baby!?!”

“Uhh, since the beginning of time? Duh!” Key replied. “You’re younger than us!”

“And you fit the roll better since you are naturally cute, rather than having to force it out like other girls,” Onew reasoned.

“I don’t like you guys,” Izzy stated.

“Yeah, but you love us!” the boys said in unison.

“Actually, that’s debatable,” Izzy wittily replied as the bell of the end of the lunch period rang.

The boys looked worried as she flashed her signature smirk.



Izzy just couldn’t wait for the end of the day. She made sure she paid attention to what was being taught, but at the same time trying to ignore the ice block sitting beside her. She quickly glanced up at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds as it ticked away. Heaving a sigh, she reverting her attention to back Professor Song as he went on about who knows what. He usually rambles about some pretty random things once he gets going, it’s a wonder how the students even grasps what he’s teaching.

Finally the bell rang and all of the students left in a flash. As soon as Izzy left her class, she went to her locker and grabbed all her stuff while pondering in her mind just how would she get to the Café on time. She’d usually just walk there seeing as it was in fact not that far from the Arts School, but due to the snowed covered sidewalk she’d have to find an alternative.

She shuddered from the sudden exchange of heat to a chill breeze as she went through the doors. Taking a huge breath, Izzy decided to begin trudging through the snow. As soon as she turned in the direction of the Café, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye.

“Just get in!” Key called from the passenger side window. Turns out the boys were pretty fast at finding her in the crowd of students. Izzy smiled as she slipped into the backseat of Onew’s car.

“You really think I would just let you walk there?” Onew questioned her as he started driving again. He took a quick peek at her in his rear view mirror.

“Well I was in the heat of the moment and forgot that you got your car back,” Izzy replied with a silly grin. “My bad…”

Satisfied with her answer, not forgetting to shoot a glare, Onew turned up the radio and three started to get into a good mood. Well the boys were singing along, while Izzy laughed at their little antics.

Not a moment too soon, the little shopping district, quite popular for the Arts students, came into view. All it was, was a whole entire street covered with a bunch of stores and restaurants that were usually vacated with the Arts students as well as other students from neighbouring schools and people of the town. But today you didn’t really see much people along the sidewalks because of the snow removal team that blocked off the sidewalks to do their job. Onew began to slow down as he got closer to Izzy’s destination.

“I really don’t want to go in there, I mean I always have to cover shifts,” Izzy pouted as Onew stopped in front of the Café.

“But it’s not like you have any other choice. Besides, think of all the money you’re making,” Key tried to reason. Izzy just looked at him with sad eyes. This went on for a couple of seconds.

“Fine…I’ll go,” Izzy breathed as she got out of the car. “Also there should be something in the fridge in my suite. Enjoy.”

She waved at the boys, who in turn waved too and drove away. Izzy turned and faced the entrance of the place of her employment, heaved a sigh, and opened the doors, making a beeline for the Employees Commons.

Warm Wishes, was its name. It wasn’t too small of a café, but it wasn’t too large of a café as well. It was more of something in the middle that would usually be heavily populated. Not to mention having two floors. The Café did not only serve its warm or cool drinks, but also had a menu of very delicious meals and treats to go with them.

Izzy emerged from the Employees Commons having changed into her uniform and made her way over to the counter to retrieve her waitress apron. Once ready, she quickly scanned her surroundings, seeing as how much extra customers were here due to the weather conditions.

“Well, it’s going to be a long day…” Izzy sighed as she made her way over to a group of students who had just entered the café. She greeted them with a sincere smile and led them over to her section. Thankfully she would only have to work on the ground floor today as extra help was called in and were arriving.



“Yes! This is my last order!” Izzy cheered to herself. The Chef shot her a look of amusement as she picked up one of her orders. She then shot off to the Barista bar to get her table’s drinks.

The crowd size had not depleted. Instead as soon as a group of people walked out, another group entered to fill the space. At least all of hers were gone, and this last table made sure to ask for the bill beforehand, to get paying out of the way.

“Here’s your order,” Izzy said happily as she laid out the plates and cups in front of her customers. They were some students she had recognized from school. “Just give me a moment to grab your bill.”

After returning and receiving the payment, Izzy was gone. She disappeared into the Employees Commons once again. Upon entry she was met with a snort.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Izzy?” came a masculine voice.

“I’ll be back to deal with you,” Izzy said while disappearing behind another door. The Employees Commons had a main room were the staff can gather on breaks and interact with each other, as well as having separate doors within for the male and female change rooms at opposite ends.

She came back out all dressed and ready to go home. She would have to bus her way there. Keeping to her words, Izzy dealt with her crew member.

“Kyuhyun, why do you even act like you never saw me at all today? We had the same shift,” Izzy pointed out to her annoying crew member. He started to laugh at her accusing tone.

Cho Kyuhyun is a Barista at the Café. So of course they’ve seen each other multiples times today. He also goes to the Arts School majoring in the Vocals Department, though the two don’t really associate themselves with each other there. They mostly interact here. They really do get along with each other, though they consider their friendship complicated.

“Well you could’ve at least said hi to me. All you did was grab the drinks I prepared through hard work and sweat,” Kyuhyun said as he went into a dramatic mode.

“I swear you should’ve been in drama. I can see you as a Drama King rather than a singer,” Izzy joked as they walked out of the Commons together.

“Hey! Do not doubt my singing abilities,” he defended. “I got a really good voice that no one else can have.”

It is true though. Kyuhyun really has a great voice as well as a singing ability. Sometimes the customers ask him for request on his shift. In fact this is one of the ways Warm Wishes gained its fame. Having hired students of the Arts School, each one displayed their skills while working and this gathered much attention. It really markets well, as well as a way to give back to the loyal and new customers.

“I can if I want to, and you can’t say anything about it,” Izzy teased as they left the Cafe. She then held her tongue, knowing that she just give Kyuhyun an open opportunity.

“Well, it’s like me doubting your photography and arts skills,” he smirked. “And saying that you’re like an amateur.” By then the two arrived at a bus stop.

“Yah!” Izzy shouted as she attempted to smack Kyuhyun. Instead he caught her arm in mid-swing and held it in place.

“Really? Of all the things to do, you try to hit me? You know it never works, right?” Kyuhyun scoffed in a playful manner.

“Well it’s worth a shot. One of these days I will smack you and you can’t do anything about it,” she challenged.

Just as Kyuhyun was about to say his comeback, a faint sound was heard. Soon it came again, but closer. The duo turned to face the source that had interrupted their daily banter. He came jogging up to them

“Hyung!” a male called out to Kyuhyun as he neared. “I was hoping to catch you before you head home.”

“Minho ah. You shouldn’t be out, it’s late,” Kyuhyun quickly scolded. “So why do you want to see me?”

Minho began talking about his day and asked Kyuhyun about his, just having a friendly conversation. But most of all, he completely ignored Izzy’s presence. When Izzy noticed that she was pushed out, automatically her expression darkened. She just turned her attention to the road and looked for the bus.

Choi Minho was one Kyuhyun’s housemate, along with a bunch of other males. Yes some of them attend the Arts School, and some go to the neighbouring schools. Despite going to different schools, they all lived happily under one roof. Minho in this case attends the Sports oriented school not too far from the shopping district. Even though he knows that Kyuhyun and Izzy are friends, he just doesn’t acknowledge her in any way. He just doesn’t like her, and Izzy doesn’t even know what she did to him. This entire situation was put into place the second Kyuhyun had introduced the two on one of their shifts at the Café.

Izzy realized that the two were now speaking in hushed tones and standing closer together. From the corner of her eye, she could see how intense and the importance of the conversation was. Soon they became quiet and looked in her direction. Izzy just paid attention to the street hoping they didn’t think she was eavesdropping.

“You have to hurry hyung,” Minho said as he started to walk off in the direction he came from. “I’m not waiting that long.”

“Uh yeah…” Kyuhyun answered back in a distracted state before turning to Izzy. He stared at her for a while until he figured out what he wanted to say to her.

“I’m just going to go with Minho,” he finally said, but in a hurry. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He dashed off after Minho leaving Izzy stunned in her spot.

He’s acting pretty strange…and I know him long enough to read his actions and emotions. Kyuhyun, whatever it is, I hope it doesn’t affect you,’ Izzy thought as she stared worriedly into the night where the two males disappeared. ‘And I do hope you’ll be fine.’

The bus arrived and Izzy got on, still having Kyuhyun in the back of her mind, worrying as she pared her fare and took a seat. She doesn’t have anything against Minho, but she just has this weird feeling the two weren’t going straight home that night.

So I know it's been a while. But yes I had finals and exams to do, but this week I'm kind of free...I'm pretty sure that I have last minutes plans before the new semester starts. Hopefuly after this update, I can get another one in this week. If not, try again later. Just to be up-front about it, I am not an author that updates regularaly, but strives to do it. If anything, I will try not to let this story become stranded without continuing chapters.

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It's been like....forever! Got the 3rd chapter, but I will say that it will be kind of slow to update as often. Got some stuff going on...


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