
Unexpected Christmas


24th December, Christmas Eve and here I am making my way to my favorite ice cream shop.


Yes, I know it is cold and to add on the coldness, I’m spending my Christmas Eve all alone.


It is not that I don’t have any friends, I’m already a final year student in a university but I got no boyfriend unlike my two best friends plus roommates.

Since today is Christmas Eve, my 2 best friends since childhood, Donghae and Sungmin, they are spending it with their love ones-another half.


Donghae and his fiancé, Hyukjae, had been together since forever. They met during childhood, and when in high school, they became an item. Then about a year ago, in our first year in university, Hyukjae proposed to Donghae to be his wife and will get marry once university ended which will be end of this year-in few months time.


As for Sungmin, he met his boyfriend, Yesung, in a pet shop. Both of them are pet lovers and they met accidentally at a pet shop. Every weekend Sungmin will be bring me and Donghae to pet shop to just walk around. Unfortunately, that weekend, Donghae and I couldn’t accompany him since I had projects due on my Monday and I had hardly started while Donghae had a date with Hyukjae. Usually, Sungmin will just walked around the shop to see the pet but on that day, there is this particular bunny which just arrived and Sungmin fall for that bunny but he she never bring any money so she just kept staring and Yesung was there looking for turtle food. He fall for Sungmin at first sight and decided to buy the bunny for her. After much courting and found out they are schooling in the same school, they ended up being together and their relationship had been a year now. Today, I heard that Yesung will propose to Sungmin and if she said yes, they will marry after graduating just like the Hyukhae couple.


Finally I reached, and as expected, the ice cream shop is almost empty with only about2-3 couple seating down there eating ice cream. Sigh… I’m all alone.


I had never been in a relationship before and in school. My best friends and I are those types of girls that wear shirts and pants. No guys will for us, oh wait, no guys will for me. Donghae is a natural beauty even with plain shirts and pants, she looked outstanding but well Hyukjae got her. While Sungmin, she loves pink but she is not those girly that wear pink short hot pants or skirts. She is cute and a natural feminine. Here I am, short in height and looked so fragile. My face looked so young compare to my real age.


I walked over to the counter to order.


“Hi Ryeowook. It has been a long time since you came.”


I came almost every day until the shop staff recognizes me as their regular customer but since, it is winter I try not to come every day since it is cold, I don’t want to fall sick.


“Yes, Kyuhyun. Its winter, I don’t want to fall sick since this is my final year, I must be healthy.” I said and gave him my sweetest smile. I have been coming to this shop since university started and Kyuhyun had been working here since then too. We are of the same age and studying in the same school but hardly see each other around since we are taking different subjects.


“Yeah. Shall I get you the usual? And you are alone today? Where are Donghae and Sungmin?”


“Yup, I shall get the usual. Donghae out with her fiancé and Sungmin are out her boyfriend.”


Kyuhyun nodded and said, “Ahhh… spends the Christmas Eve with their love ones. You take a seat first and I will send you order shortly.”


I nodded and walked over to the end of the shop, away from all the customers.

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Chapter 3: oh my GODDD Wookie you'r so lucky
Nice work, tumbs up
pumpkinsomnia #2
Chapter 3: Woah that was so sweet, i'm dying of their cuteness.
Yep simple things can being worthy if we put love in there..
Im TOTALLY dying for this!!! ><
AMAZING WORK Author-ssi!
Chapter 2: Awww...Sweet and sad at the same time ><
Chapter 1: Awww...This is sad... )':