This Will Work Out Fine


"Young master Onew, ey?" the man nodded his head. "Gudlo of Lumia, sir." he bowed his head and I did the same. "Lee Junki here though." he laughed. "Alright, son. We'll need to give you a name to suit the setting, ey?" He pulled me towards him, slinging his arm around my shoulder.  "Lee Jinki." he nodded. "Was my grandfather's name. Suits you well, son."


"Th-thanks." I smiled. 


"You like meat?" he tightened his grip around me.




"Yeah. Beef, pork, poultry..."


"Uhm... I've never really had Earth food." I shrugged. 


"Yeobo, let's cook him up a Seoul feast tonight." my 'father' winked and finally released me. "So for schooling, is there anything you're strong at?"


"Fighting tactics." I responded sharply.


"Well there aren't any schools for that here. Anything else?"


"I enjoy music. Singing, piano, harp..."


"I know the perfect place, and there happens to be auditions tomorrow! How old are you, boy?"


"Fifteen, sir."


"This will work out fine."

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starhedgehog11 #1
Update please I like this story and I want to hear more!
Chapter 1: Woah so interesting! Can't wait to read the next chapter