I Don't Have Time!


"Are you awake?" My vision was still black. "Young master..." I felt a nudge against my shoulder. 


"Wh-Who..." My eyes fluttered open and I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth together as I tried to sit up.


"Take it easy, young master." A pair of hands grasps my shoulders and supported me.


"Where...where am I?" My voice was hoarse and my throat was extremely dry. 


"Here, drink this." I made out a woman with thick black hair and a kind smile. She held a cup to my lips and tipped it. Cool water filled my mouth and I swallowed, coughing a bit. "Young master." she smiled and put the cup down. "It's been a while since I've said this but my name is Lellin. However I'm known as Lee Haejin here."


"Where is here?" 




"Where?" I opened my eyes and stared her down. 




"Where?!" I stood up and looked around. 


"Earth, young master. I know who you are."


"Earth!?" I ran over to a window and looked down at a busy street.


"What are you doing here? I found you passed out in an alleyway. You're lucky someone of your kind found you."


"Earth?!" I moaned to myself. "I need to find her!"


"Find who?"


"Princess Illia!" I turned around.


"What?" the woman looked nervous.


"She was kidnapped! I followed the kidnapper through the portal...and it led me here! But he could be anywhere on Earth!" 


"Young master... when my husband closes the shop we'll all talk."


"I don't have time!"


"Young master Onew, please calm down! The Ariel King won't hurt her."


"I didn't want to believe it was him...but is is, isn't it?" 


"Most likely."


"Okay. May I ask, why are you and your husband here?" I finally calmed down a bit, sitting against the wall. 


"My husband is a diplomat for Lumia." I nodded and looked around. "You should think about having a life here, to blend in while you search for her highness. Junki and I can take you in as our son...send you to school, you can work at our shop."


"Would you really do that?" I stood and went over to the woman. 


"Anything to save my Princess." she smiled.

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starhedgehog11 #1
Update please I like this story and I want to hear more!
Chapter 1: Woah so interesting! Can't wait to read the next chapter