
I'm Not A Monster!












"Byeol ah~ Are you having your day off again today~?" Your mom knocked your bedroom door.

"It's late Byeol~"

You slowly opened your eyes and rubbed it.

You touch your forehead 'Why am I feeling hot again?'

You sit and massage your forehead "Gosh~ I can't be sick today~"

You slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Byeol!" Your mom touches your cheeks. "You're pale!"

You smiled “Really mom?”

“Ya! You should stay home for today~” your mom pushed you too your bed.

"I'm going to get ready for work," you slowly answered.

"Nonono! You can't get to work in condition like this~!" she pointed you.

"I'll be okay~ Besides, they'll give me rest if I get worst," you patted her.

"If you don't feel well, ask them to send you home nae~?" she touched your forehead.

"Nae mom~" You hugged her.

“Don’t make me so worry,” she rubbed your head.


You slowly walked to the café and keep on rubbing your forehead. On your way there, you suddenly bumped into a person and fall.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" she helped you stood up.

Your eyes get blurry from the sunlight "Nae, I'm okay~"

"You look familiar~" you blinked.

She smiled “I’m really sorry Byeol ah~”

“N-nae, nae~ I’m the one who didn’t saw you earlier,” you bowed.

When you stand straight, the ajumma’s gone.

'Who is that ajjuma?' You blinked.

'That's strange~' you massage your forehead again.

Slowly you walked back to the cafe.


Yong Guk's POV


"195...196...197...198...199..." "....200!" He stopped.

"Jong Up, what are you doing?" I crossed my arms.

He immediately stood up and smiled widely "I'm doing my push-ups."

"This is a cafe Jong Up, not a gym," I shook my head.

He pointed Zelo "but look at that Hyung, Zelo is lifting up the dumbbell too~"

"All of you guys are getting insane," I nodded.

"DONE!" Zelo put down the dumbbell.

Jong Up rushed to him excitedly "Did your number increased this time?"

"Yeah, I lift it 300 times!" he jumped.

"Phew~!" Dae Hyun and Young Jae wipe off their sweat.

I blinked "What happened to you guys?"

"We want to have this!" Zelo pointed Jong Up's body.

Jong Up pushed Zelo's hand away "Yaish!"

“Look at me, I’m having muscles~” Daehyun showing off his muscles.

Youngjae pushed him “I look even cooler than you~”

“You wish,” Daehyun laughed.


Another worker rushed to me "Boss!"

"Byeol's outside!" she continued.

I raised my left eye "So? Let her in."

"She's..." "Fainted!"

All of us widened our eyes "WHAT?!"


Author's POV


"Byeol! Byeol!" Yong Guk shook you but you're no longer awake.

All of the workers went out to see you.

"All of you get back to work!" Yong Guk pointed them.

"Hyung, I want to send her too~" Zelo whined.

Yong Guk carried you "Do what you like!"

The six of them rushed to the hospital.

"We took care of her from here, please wait outside," the doctor stop Yong Guk from entering the emergency room.

"Hope she's okay," Yong Guk rubbed his hands.

Him Chan patted him "She'll be okay, besides, she's Jang Hae Byeol~"

Yong Guk smiled at his answer.

After half an hour of waiting, the doctor finally went out.

"How's Byeol?" Yong Guk and Zelo stood up to the doctor.

Dae Hyun pushed both of them "She's allright right?"

"Is something wrong with her?" Young Jae added.

Him Chan rolled his eyes and shook his head "Guys, the doctor will only answer the question from her family."

"Yes. Thank you," the doctor cleared his throat. "Is there anyone of you is her family?"

"Him!" the others pushed Yong Guk.

The doctor put down his glasses "You're his...?"

"Husband!" Jong Up shouted.

"MWO?!" Yong Guk turned his head around.

"Okay, your wife have anemia," he explained.

Yong Guk blinked "Ane what?"

"She loss many blood in her body," the doctor nodded.

'Gosh, this must be because of me...'


-Guilty End-




That's it for now. I'll be back! >w<

Anw, hope you'll like it~

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junghafie #1
Chapter 14: hihi jae u meanie dont bully my uppipuppy like that xD
widyauzu #2
Chapter 37: hyaaa nice story>< finally happy ending ^^ i just can read it now bcs i have much free time these day lol
widyauzu #3
Chapter 20: hyaaaaaaaaa><
Chapter 8: Hahaha~ Love at the First Bite is really a RomCom Author-nim~ (^-^)
Chapter 6: Her "mom" knew something but didn't want to tell? Okay~
Chapter 3: Himchan called Yongguk, "hyung?" Okay, never mind. I know that click on subscribe isn't hard but I'm reader who has a lot of considerations before subscribing. Yeah, kinda~
Chapter 1: The chapter is short -,- How old the maid is? After 20 years she hasn't married yet? Finally I found vampire tag with B. A. P~ I'm wondering why aren't there a lot of B. A. P and vampire?
Chapter 37: hahahaa; wth. they keep objecting the wedding. lol xDD
Baekna #9
Chapter 37: i thought they really object the wedding..LOL
Chapter 37: Woah nice story I really looved it ^^