
I'm Not A Monster!












Yongguk's POV


"Yoo Youngjae! What's this?" I pointed the profit file.

He looked nervous and slowly walks to me "W-what's wrong hyung?"

"Yoo Young Jae!" I knocked his head. "You did a splendid job!" I laughed.

He reliefed "Hyung~ You scared me to death~ Don't you know you're scary when you're angry?"

I laughed "Really? Hahaha. The cafe profit getting increase."

"Jeongmal hyung?" Zelo appeared.

Jongup also appeared "Let's celebrate it tonight!"

"What's up?" Himchan stood next to me.

"We're going to clebrate tonight!" the two maknaes jumping excitedly.

Daehyun blinked "Celebrate?"

"Just a small celebration~" I nodded.






"Noona!" Zelo smile become wider after he saw Byeol entered.

Daehyun flashed to her "Are you running?"

She looks exhausted. She panted very hard and massaging her head.

All of us rushed to her except Himchan. He just stands on the cashier with his arms folded.

"What's wrong with you?" Jongup patted her shoulder.

Youngjae touch her forehead "Gosh, it's hot! You're sick!"

"Byeol, you look pale, perhaps you need a rest?" I lift her up and put her on the couch at my office.

She chuckled "I can't even answer a single question. All of you asked me so fast."

"Noona, you shouldn't go to work if you sick~" Zelo whined.

"No~ I'll get worse if I stayed at home," she nodded.

Youngjae sit next to her "But why were you rushing?"


She sighed "Someone or something followed me." "But when I turned, no one was there," she continued.

"It must've been your imagination," Jongup patted her shoulder,

"I also thought that, that's why I'm running to work," she smiled.

"Here's your medicine," Deahyun appeared in front of me and gave her the medicine.

I told her "You should rest."

Everyone shook their heads and slowly get out from my office.

I smiled "Everyone seemed really worried on you."

She smiled and lay on the couch "I'm really thankful."

"They're like dongsaengs to me," she lifted up the blanket that I gave her.






Byeol's [YOU] POV


Thanks to Daehyun's medicine, I felt much better. I think my temperature went normal.

I slowly open my eyes and turn my head and smile.

Yongguk was on his table concentrating on his work.

"Byeol, you're awake?" he put down his pen.

I sit down and hug the blanket "Nope, I'm still in my dream."

He laughed "Feeling better?"

I nodded and stood up "Thanks for letting me sleep for a while."

"Sure," he smiled.

"I should be working now," I bowed to him and went outside.






"Noona!" Zelo jumped to me.

Daehyun shook his head "Gosh~ this kid~"

"Hello Zelo~" I smiled to him.

Zelo pouted "You're okay noona?"

I look to Daehyun "Thanks to Daehyun, I'm okay."

"Your medicine really worked fast," I nodded in amazed.

"Really?" he blinked. "I thought it won't work on you," he scratched his head.

"No~ It does work on me. See? I'm all okay now," I smile widely.

Daehyun blinked "But-"

"If you really are okay, let's help me on designing the cake again noona!" Zelo pulled my hand and grabbed me to the kitchen.



-Shadows End-




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junghafie #1
Chapter 14: hihi jae u meanie dont bully my uppipuppy like that xD
widyauzu #2
Chapter 37: hyaaa nice story>< finally happy ending ^^ i just can read it now bcs i have much free time these day lol
widyauzu #3
Chapter 20: hyaaaaaaaaa><
Chapter 8: Hahaha~ Love at the First Bite is really a RomCom Author-nim~ (^-^)
Chapter 6: Her "mom" knew something but didn't want to tell? Okay~
Chapter 3: Himchan called Yongguk, "hyung?" Okay, never mind. I know that click on subscribe isn't hard but I'm reader who has a lot of considerations before subscribing. Yeah, kinda~
Chapter 1: The chapter is short -,- How old the maid is? After 20 years she hasn't married yet? Finally I found vampire tag with B. A. P~ I'm wondering why aren't there a lot of B. A. P and vampire?
Chapter 37: hahahaa; wth. they keep objecting the wedding. lol xDD
Baekna #9
Chapter 37: i thought they really object the wedding..LOL
Chapter 37: Woah nice story I really looved it ^^