
Love is Sweet
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Hello dearest people!

It's been a while, huh? Well, Senior year can really take up a whole lot from a person...

But I haven't forgotten you guys and this story, of course :)

Since exams are over and Christmas break is just a day away...Here's a chapter :)


Burying her head back in the pillow, Hyun Hee let the frustration flow from her eyes.

The night left her feeling cold and betrayed.

She underestimated the long stay. What she thought would only last a couple of days to a week, would go on for two months.

Her job as the artistic director for the production of The Phantom of the Opera kept her mind off things most of the time, but as soon as the curtains fell and the lights were off, and as soon as she was alone in her car and it was time to go home, they all came back.

It was like that for the first few nights, but afterwards, indifference finally settled in. Though it wasn’t exactly acceptance, it was as close as she can get.

The fact that he did not call or text or e-mail at all didn’t weigh down as much on her anymore.

Being the artistic director got her acquainted with a lot of people. There were parties to attend, performances to watch and front row seats to fill. She shared all of these privileges with Hyomin and the other Super Junior boys when they were not too busy.

The actors she came to know provided healthy distractions. Numbers were exchanged and meals were shared, but she never got attached. It was Hyun Hee’s rule not to date a theatre guy. Relationships with them were like sideshows; not at all serious and never like the real thing.

All these things left hardly any time or space for Hyun Hee to think of her unnecessary worries, and for that, she was grateful.


On a day-off, Hyun Hee decided to surprise her neighbour.

Because the gala performance of Phantom was just a few nights away, Hyun Hee had been out of her home from 6 am to 9 pm to watch the rehearsals and check everything else; each time she went home,

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You guys are making me gush with all of your comment. :( I LOVE YOU ALL!


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loveyousweetie #1
Congrats for getting your fanfic featured as a random story!
besty307 #2
Chapter 1: Great writing. I like this story. Keep writing.
ito #3
markmywords #4
nocchidesu #5
Congratulations on the feature!
congrats <3
besty307 #7
I like this story.
congrats :)
lovelyme23 #10